But the next moment, the few people who were originally arrogant immediately left without looking back, like mice seeing a cat.

Behind Zhao Xiaonian, there were several strong men in black suits.

"Boss Zhao, I'm sorry to scare you."

Every bar has some security personnel, and this group of strong men in black suits are the security of the Seven Colors Bar. Just looking at the muscles of several people who are about to burst their suits, you know that this person is not a fancy man.

When Zhao Xiaonian entered the bar, the security guards had already discovered him, the second boss. Especially after witnessing Zhao Xiaonian's last time in the bar, he overturned several bodyguards of Han Mingze alone, they were impressed by their second boss.

So, their eyes were constantly on Zhao Xiaonian, paying attention to his safety.

Although they knew that Zhao Xiaonian's fighting power was basically only enough to beat others. But after all, it was an opportunity to please the boss, and the security guards were still thinking about showing their faces in front of the boss.

"It's okay, go and get busy."

Zhao Xiaonian waved his hand and sent away the men in suits. Then he looked at the woman who was still leaning on his arms and smiled, "Beauty, although I don't mind holding you like this, can you get up now?"

The woman blushed and smiled at Zhao Xiaonian, "Thank you for your help. My name is Lin Yuanxiang, what's your name, handsome guy?"

However, the next moment, the system voice that came to Zhao Xiaonian's ears made him look at the woman carefully.

[Found a counterattack target]

[Target: Xiaolin Yuanxiang]

[Height: 165]

[Age: 25]

[Appearance: 85]

[Body: 94]

[Purity: 81]

[Favorability: -100]

Listening to the system's prompts, Zhao Xiaonian couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Looking at the shy smile of Lin Yuanxiang in front of him looking at him, he thought she had a good impression of him.


This was the first time Zhao Xiaonian met a woman who he didn't like. No, it wasn't just dislike, it was full of hostility and hatred.

She was full of hostility towards him, but she could still smile, and she didn't mean what she was thinking. Zhao Xiaonian really thought it would be a waste of talent for this woman not to become an actress.

And the purity of 81 was reduced by 19 points, which means that 19 people had intimate communication with her?

What surprised Zhao Xiaonian the most was that the woman's name was fake. Hearing the name given by the system, this woman should be a Japanese. But it should be said that this Kobayashi Haraka speaks Chinese very well, with a clear accent and no accent at all.

It is estimated that even the scene of chatting up just now should have been directed and performed by herself, and her purpose should be to get close to him.

A Japanese woman, full of hostility towards him, but showing goodwill to him, made Zhao Xiaonian very interested.

"It's very impolite to keep looking at a beautiful woman like this."

When Xiaolin Yuanxiang saw that Zhao Xiaonian didn't respond to her, but just stared at her with a pair of eyes, she spoke. However, there was no blame in her tone, but it sounded like a joke between friends.

Zhao Xiaonian also retracted his thoughts and smiled, "Who made Miss Lin so beautiful that I was stunned."

"Well, as an apology, I'll buy Miss Lin a drink. Bartender, it's time for this lady to have a cup of Long Island Green Tea."

The bartender was a person who witnessed the whole thing with his own eyes. He admired his boss for being able to pick up beautiful women like this.

However, after hearing that Zhao Xiaonian wanted to order "Long Island Green Tea", a strange expression flashed across his face.

"Handsome guy, you haven't told me yet, what's your name?"

Lin Yuanxiang looked at Zhao Xiaonian, tilted her head, and gently stroked her hair with her delicate fingers, the action was very seductive.

"Zhao Xiaonian."

Zhao Xiaonian didn't mean to hide it. Besides, the other party must know me because he can approach me. There is no need to give a fake name at this time.

The bartender placed a cocktail in front of Lin Yuanxiang, which was exactly the same as the one she ordered just now.

Looking at the cocktail, Lin Yuanxiang looked at Zhao Xiaonian with a dazed look and said, "Thank you for the wine. But do you know what the code word for Changdao Green Tea is?"

Is there a code word for drinking?

Zhao Xiaonian shook his head and said he didn't know. He ordered this glass of wine purely because Lin Yuanxiang ordered this just now.

At this time, the bartender finally had a chance to interrupt.

"Mr. Zhao, the code word for Changdao Green Tea is 'I need a killer', which also means losing one's virginity, so it is also called virginity-losing wine. It tastes and looks like black tea, and tastes sour and sweet, but the degree isThe number reached 40. People with poor alcohol tolerance may be drunk unconscious after one glass. "

Zhao Xiaonian was stunned.

He understood why the man who just approached him said "I am the killer".

Then, his face became a little unnatural.

A man ordered a glass of virginity-losing wine for a woman, which is very interesting.

"Sorry, I don't know these. I'll change another glass for you."

Lin Yuanxiang looked at Zhao Xiaonian's appearance and laughed, "It's okay, I'm just teasing you, I like this kind of wine."

Then he looked at Zhao Xiaonian with a seductive look in his eyes and said, "Besides, aren't you still here? I think you won't let me lose my virginity, right?"

Well, you guessed right, I really won't let you lose your virginity.

Because I'm afraid it's not clean.

Zhao Xiaonian complained in his heart, but his face showed an expression of lust, "Don't worry, I won't let other men lose their virginity. "

Lin Yuanxiang gave Zhao Xiaonian a coquettish roll of the eyes.

At the bar, a man and a woman were chatting happily, and they seemed to be quite compatible. From time to time, Lin Yuanxiang could be heard chuckling.

Lin Yuanxiang was acting, and Zhao Xiaonian was also acting.

After finishing a cup of Long Island Green Tea, Zhao Xiaonian said to the bartender: "Another cup."

Lin Yuanxiang held down the glass, smiled and shook her head at Zhao Xiaonian, "No, let's stop here today. I don't want to really lose my virginity tonight."

"I'm leaving, let's meet again if we're destined to."

With that, Lin Yuanxiang stood up and prepared to leave.

"Ms. Lin, let's add each other as friends and leave a phone number." Zhao Xiaonian stopped Lin Yuanxiang and took out his mobile phone.

Lin Yuanxiang stroked her long hair and smiled, "I'm very happy tonight. Next time, if we meet again, we'll add each other again. "

After saying that, Lin Yuanxiang left.

Lin Yuanxiang's behavior was beyond Zhao Xiaonian's expectation.

She approached him deliberately and flirted with him, but she could stop in time at the critical moment and didn't even leave her phone number.

It can only be said that this Lin Yuanxiang is very skilled and has a good grasp of men's psychology.

Men will not cherish women who come to them. But the closer you get to her but can't get her, the more annoying it is.

Zhao Xiaonian would naturally not chase her and force her. Because if nothing unexpected happens, he believes that he should see Lin Yuanxiang again.

And the fact proved that Zhao Xiaonian was not wrong.

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