Zhao Xiaonian seemed to be interested and asked, "Oh, what did they say?"

"They said, I'm just a vase you hired for money."

There was a coquettish complaint in Kobayashi Hara's tone.

Zhao Xiaonian laughed and joked, "Why? Isn't it good to be a vase? I like vases like you. And many people want to be vases but don't have the chance."

As he said that, Zhao Xiaonian grabbed Kobayashi Hara's hand.

Not to mention, this woman's hands are really tender, weak and boneless.

Kobayashi Hara narrowed her eyes slightly, gently broke free from Zhao Xiaonian's hands, turned Zhao Xiaonian's chair, and continued to give Zhao Xiaonian a shoulder relaxation massage, "Mr. Zhao, let me massage your legs."

Without waiting for Zhao Xiaonian's reply, Kobayashi Hara began to knead Zhao Xiaonian's thighs with both hands.

Zhao Xiaonian raised his eyebrows, but did not make any movements.

I have to say that Kobayashi Haruka's massage technique is really good. "Haruka, have you studied massage before? Your technique is very professional."

Kobayashi Haruka nodded, "Yes, Mr. Zhao. I was free before, so I went to study for a while. Is it comfortable? Is the strength enough?"

"Very good."

Zhao Xiaonian enjoyed Kobayashi Haruka's massage, smiled, and opened his mobile phone. He glanced at Kobayashi Haruka and transferred 100,000 to Kobayashi Haruka

"Mr. Zhao, what are you doing?" Kobayashi Haruka looked at Zhao Xiaonian in surprise.

"Yuan Xiang, since you are my secretary, you are also my person. I don't have many advantages, but I will never treat you unfairly to my own people."

Kobayashi Yuan Xiang showed a happy expression and walked quickly to Zhao Xiaonian's side, "Boss Zhao, is it true? That's really great."

"Actually, when you rescued me in the bar that day, I fell in love with you. You don't know how happy I was when I saw that the general manager of Jinnian was you."

Zhao Xiaonian's mouth twitched slightly, thinking that this woman was really not sincere, such an obvious lie came out of her mouth. But she said, "Really? Am I that charming?"

"Yes, you are the bravest hero I have ever seen."

Kobayashi Yuan Xiang also clasped her hands in front of her chest, with a look of admiration on her face.

If it weren't for the negative favorability prompted by the system, Zhao Xiaonian almost believed it.

Sure enough, when women lie, men really have nothing to do.

Zhao Xiaonian touched Kobayashi Yuanxiang's head with satisfaction and said, "Good, you are worthy of being my secretary. By the way, didn't you just say you had nothing to do? Now I'll give you a task."

Kobayashi Yuanxiang immediately became energetic and asked with an expectant expression: "Mr. Zhao, please tell me if you have anything to do."

"I plan to sell Bohai, you know this. After all, Jiaying has feelings for Bohai, and it's not appropriate for her to handle this matter. I'll give this matter to you, you take charge and see if there is anyone who wants to take over Bohai."

Kobayashi Yuanxiang immediately put on a secretary's posture and nodded, "Okay, Mr. Zhao."


At this time, Zhao Xiaonian's mobile phone rang. It was Ye Lingshan calling.

Zhao Xiaonian did not avoid Kobayashi Yuanxiang and picked up the phone.

"Hello, Lingshan."

"Xiao Nian, Hao Yue left this morning. She just took a plane out of Pengcheng. I personally sent her through security."

Zhao Xiaonian tapped the table lightly and said helplessly, "Just leave. After all, our relationship with Longsheng is different now. Hao Yue is still Xu Yaner's person. If she stays there, she will be exposed to more business secrets, which is not appropriate. I don't want too many people to know about this, at least before I succeed."

"Xiao Nian, what happened? Why did it become like this overnight? I asked Hao Yue, but Hao Yue didn't tell me."

"Don't ask so many questions. Just remember one thing, you have to do everything in Pengcheng yourself, and you can't let anyone do it. Then Here is the bargaining chip for our Jinnian to turn things around. "

Ye Lingshan hesitated for a while and said, "I will. But after Hao Yue left, I am the only one here. It's okay now, but I am afraid that after a while, I will be stretched to the limit, and I will be unable to handle everything by myself. "

"I will take a look here. Once there is someone I trust, I will send him to assist you immediately. "

"Okay, then remember to send someone over as soon as possible. "

At this time, Ye Lingshan seemed to have thought of something, and then said, "By the way, there was a problem in the laboratory yesterday. All the steps were correct, but the final parameters were wrong. I couldn't understand it, so they wanted you to see what was wrong. "

Zhao Xiaonian was shocked and said anxiously, "Then you should quickly send their dataPlease send it to me so I can see what is wrong. Also, if you encounter this kind of thing in the future, you must tell me immediately and don’t waste time. "

"Okay, the lab sorted it out yesterday, so I will send those things to your email now. ”

Not long after hanging up the phone, Zhao Xiaonian opened his mailbox and received an email from Ye Lingshan. When he clicked it, he found a detailed process and parameter table.

Zhao Xiaonian printed all of them out through the printer, and Kobayashi Haraka walked to the printer with great eyesight and took the printed things over.

During this process, Kobayashi Haraka's eyes seemed to glance at the printed paper casually, and then handed it to Zhao Xiaonian.

Zhao Xiaonian took the printed paper, looked at it carefully, and made some changes from time to time.

Since the system rewarded complete knowledge about blade batteries, Zhao Xiaonian can be said to be a top expert in the field of batteries. These things are really easy for him.

Half an hour later, Zhao Xiaonian took a photo of the modified content with his mobile phone and gave it to Ye Lingshan.

"Crush these. Remember, this is a confidential document. You must shred it yourself, and watch them all shred one by one. When shredding, don't let anyone get close. "

Zhao Xiaonian handed the paper to Kobayashi Harako and gave a solemn instruction.

Kobayashi Harako took it, his heart skipped a beat, and said seriously: "Okay."

Watching Kobayashi Harako walk out of the office, Zhao Xiaonian smiled, took out his mobile phone, found a friend, and quickly edited some information.

On the other side, Kobayashi Harako walked to the corner of the office area, where a shredder was standing quietly.

Kobayashi Harako looked around, and after making sure that no one was paying attention to her, she took out her mobile phone and quickly took pictures of each piece of paper.

After confirming that she had taken all the pictures, Xiaoxin Harako stuffed the papers into the shredder one by one.

At this time, on a workstation not far from the shredder, a tiny lens covered under some office supplies was emitting a red glow.

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