Xu Yan'er looked at her second uncle and said, "Does second uncle want to take this position so much?"

"Yan'er, it's not that second uncle wants to take that position. If it goes on like this, the shareholders will not be able to sit still. This is a matter of life and death for Longsheng. Our stock price is still falling. If we don't stop it and let it go, the group will be in danger."

Xu Yide looked distressed.

Xu Yan'er frowned slightly, "I have asked the financial department to allocate funds to protect the market."

"Then we will not have enough funds for other projects. What you are doing is nothing more than robbing Peter to pay Paul. If you are not careful, it is very likely to break the capital chain of the entire group." Xu Yide immediately objected to this approach.

"I wonder if Vice President Xu has any better solution?" Xu Yan'er looked at Xu Yide with a cold look.

Xu Yide still said the same thing as before, "I've already said it. Hold a press conference, you will be responsible for this matter, and resign to appease the confidence of shareholders."

"Vice President Xu, I want to remind you that this time it is obvious that someone wants to snipe our Longsheng. Even if I resign, do you think they will stop sniping?"

The other shareholders also nodded subconsciously.

This is obvious, and the other party's actions are too obvious. They didn't even hide, they just robbed it with a real knife and gun.

Suddenly, at this time, a small shareholder picked up his mobile phone and looked at it.

The next moment, this shareholder spoke directly.

"Everyone, you'd better take a look at these messages first. I have sent them to the group."

Hearing this, everyone took out their mobile phones.

Xu Yide did not take the mobile phone, but a fierce expression flashed across his face.

"This... President Xu, you'd better explain this."

"Our stock is already falling, and this kind of news at this time is really adding insult to injury."

"President Xu, maybe you really need to consider Vice President Xu's opinion."

After seeing the news, the other shareholders looked at Xu Yan'er with obviously wrong eyes.

Xu Yan'er also saw this news.

Looking at the content above, although Xu Yan'er's face still had a cold and arrogant expression, the pen in her hand was tightly held by her.

[Breaking news: The beautiful female president of Longsheng Group is actually lace]

[The female president of Longsheng Group is suspected to be a third party, interfering in other people's marriages]

[The unknown side of the female president of a listed group]

Looking at these titles, you can know that there is absolutely nothing good in the article.

What listed companies fear most is the outbreak of negative news.

Although this time it was not the company's negative news, but Xu Yan'er's personal negative news. But it will still have an impact on the stock market.

"President Xu, look at this..." A shareholder looked at Xu Yan'er, hesitant to speak.

Xu Yan'er's face was livid. "The news above is all false. I will issue a statement in the name of the company. I will also ask the legal department to sue these rumor mongers."

"But these are useless. Our stock market will continue to fall."

"Yes, now I see the stock market falling, my heart aches. If it continues like this, I will have a heart attack."

"Mr. Xu, why don't you take a few days off temporarily."

If it was Xu Yide who was confronting Xu Yan'er head-on before, now the entire board of directors is targeting him.

"Let's do this for now, adjourn the meeting."

Xu Yan'er did not express her opinion, but directly announced the adjournment of the meeting and left the meeting room first.

This move made the shareholders, both large and small, dissatisfied again.

After returning to the office, Xu Yaner said to Hao Yue: "They really started to take action. I didn't expect that their target also includes me."

Hao Yue said: "Maybe you were one of them at the beginning."

"Since they have taken action, let them take action too."



After receiving a call, Zhao Xiaonian called Zhou Jiaying and Wu Jiajia to the office.

"Let's not hide it now. I have no other way, but the funds are absolutely sufficient."

"Don't care who it is. As long as there are people targeting Lemon this time, all their anchors should be poached for me. We will pay the penalty for breach of contract."

"In addition, during the live broadcast, send water army to their live broadcast room to lead the rhythm, and let our anchors go to the other side to play PK. Don't care how much money is spent, but only win and not lose. I have only one request, I want their anchors to be beaten into autism."

Wu Jiajia has been very frustrated during this period. Now Zhao Xiaonian has finally let her hands and feet go, and the funds are sufficient. Then what is she afraid of? Just do it.

Now Zhou Jiaying is in charge of Jinnian's finances, so she alsoYes.

After that, Zhao Xiaonian also made a few phone calls and said to Zhou Jiaying domineeringly: "We are going to fight back."

On the second day, many things became different.

Live broadcast platform.

Shan Yezi is a beautiful anchor of Lingyijiu Media, with more than three million fans, and can be said to be the number one anchor in the company.

Tonight, she broadcast live as usual, and in just half an hour, the number of online users reached more than 2,000.

Suddenly received a message from [Katyusha] to connect with the microphone, and the other party was just a small anchor with more than 300,000 fans.

Shan Yezi answered the microphone without hesitation, and saw that the person sitting opposite was a female anchor with an average appearance, and her number of online users was only a pitiful one hundred or so.

"Do you want to play PK?" Before Shan Yezi could speak, Katyusha said directly.

"What kind of anchor is the young lady?" Shan Yezi still followed the routine and came up to get close to the other party to see what kind of person she was.

Unexpectedly, Katyusha was still impatient, "Just ask if you dare to PK, if you don't dare, then leave, I'm going to find the next one quickly."

Faced with such rampant provocation, Shan Yezi's face was very ugly.

She was a million-level internet celebrity, but was actually despised by a small internet celebrity with more than 300,000. How could she bear it.

At this time, her manager also got angry and started to lead the rhythm in the live broadcast room.

"Yezi was actually despised by others, family members, can you tolerate it?"

Many people responded in the comment area immediately.

——【PK with her, I have never seen such an arrogant person! 】

——【What are you afraid of, we have so many people, are we afraid of her? 】

——【Come, let her know the evil of society and crush her】

Seeing the atmosphere was getting heated, Shan Yezi said to Katyusha: "PK is fine, but we have to punish her, right?"

Katyusha asked: "Tell me, what punishment?"

"Let's do a train shake or squat and jump up" Shan Yezi blurted out without thinking.

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