After hearing this, the boss of Ling Yijiu MCN shouted, "What? You are also being targeted? Is the person PKing with you from Lemon MCN?"

Shan Ye Zi was stunned, then checked on the computer and said, "Yes, it is indeed a person from Lemon."

The boss knew that he was being targeted by the other party as soon as he heard it.

Now he regrets very much, why did he wade into this muddy water for such a small amount of money.

Including Shan Ye Zi, all the top 3 Internet celebrities in his company were PKed tonight, and the other party's punishment was to ask them to quit the Internet. "

On the other hand, Katyusha's live broadcast room is very lively now, and with the large gifts sent out, the number of people online in the live broadcast room has directly exceeded 10,000.

——[Anchor, keep going and find the next victim.]

——[What happened tonight? It's too crazy]

——[Five new accounts directly became full-level bosses, so scary]

——[Come on, tell the rules to the newcomers. Before the last minute of the PK, everyone must keep quiet, no typing, no speaking]

Katyusha started again under the camera. The search for new prey.

Such things are constantly happening in multiple live broadcast rooms.

Seeing their own anchors being suppressed like this, these MCN companies can no longer sit still.

So, under the call of the boss of MCN Ling Yijiu Media, these MCN companies united together. All their strength was placed on a big internet celebrity with 5 million fans.

"Everyone should stop hiding their weaknesses. If we lose again this time, our companies will be humiliated. Even if these anchors continue to broadcast live in the future, no one will support them. ”

After all, breaking one’s word is a very embarrassing and fan-losing thing in the live broadcast industry.

However, even though they gathered the strength of many companies, they still lost in the final PK.

300 million, just one night, Lemon Media spent 300 million. For no other reason, just to slap the faces of these MCN companies.

What is rich and powerful? This is not treating money as money!

Moreover, this situation lasted for three days.

What’s more ironic is that some anchors not only connected to anchors with thousands of fans, but even the other party was a man.

Three Every day, as long as the MCN companies targeted by Lemon Media have anchors online, they will immediately receive PK calls.

The MCN companies were so scared that they urgently asked their anchors not to show up in the next few days and stopped broadcasting collectively.

On the fourth day, these MCN companies received an invitation from Lemon Media to "gather together" at the Lihao Hotel and have a good time.

And that day, everyone finally met the boss behind Lemon Media, the general manager of Jinnian Investment, Zhao Xiaonian.

After that, the entire Lingzhou MCN company was reshuffled.

All the millions The anchors with fans of the level of Lemon Media were either recruited by Lemon Media or really quit the Internet.

As for those MCNs, they were basically acquired by Lemon Media. Even if they did not want to be acquired, they only had hundreds of thousands of anchors left, and there was no anchor with millions of fans.

Lemon Media, a battle to become a god.

Not only is it a household name in Lingzhou, but even in the entire short video platform, Lemon Media has also become a large MCN company, and even shouted a slogan:

There are thousands of Lemon beauties, who is your Nanbowan.

Wu Jiajia finally came out of the previous haze When she came, she became more and more aura-filled.

But when facing Zhao Xiaonian, Wu Jiajia's attitude became more respectful.

When Lemon swept the Lingzhou live broadcast circle, Zhao Xiaonian was not idle either.

With a wave of his hand, he directly took out another 10 billion and threw it into the stock market.


And Longsheng Group.

With the spread of various negative false news about Xu Yaner, Longsheng Group's stocks ushered in fluctuations again.

But just when it was about to fall to the bottom, it suddenly began to rise strangely again.

"Mr. Xu, there is a lot of money to protect Longsheng."

Xu Yide listened to the call from the trader on the phone, and the whole person was shocked and asked, "Who is it?"

"I don't know, but the other party is obviously coming for Longsheng, and the funds are very sufficient."

"Push it down for me, and you must bring the stock price down. "

Xu Yide was very ruthless. His plan was about to succeed. He would never allow anyone to ruin his long-planned plan.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Yide called another number.

On the other side, in the office of the president of Longsheng.

"Mr. Xu, they have taken action over there. The stock price has started to rise." Hao Yue looked at the stock index and said to Xu Yan'er.

Xu Yan'er's hand movement paused, and the corner of her mouth subconsciously showedShe smiled very lightly, "Okay, I got it. Keep watching."

After Hao Yue went out, Xu Yan'er took out her mobile phone, found a number, edited two words and sent it to the other party:

"Thank you."



Japan's infringement lawsuit against Bi Yadi has attracted worldwide attention.

Many foreign media obviously stood on the side of Japan and made a lot of disparagement of Bi Yadi, with the conclusion that "you just plagiarized the other party's technology."

And some so-called public intellectuals in China, in the identity of Chinese people, began to throw dirty water on Bi Yadi, exaggerating the argument of "only copying, always copying", and inducing the public's judgment.

However, when everyone thought that Bi Yadi would come out to explain, there was no news from Bi Yadi for several days.

This is the public intellectuals who even used this behavior to make a fuss, shouting the slogan "Bi Yadi is speechless."

This situation began to change a week later with the release of a series of news from Japan.

[Japan's Fengtian confirmed that the new battery has technical problems and cannot be mass-produced for the time being]

[Fengtian executives: New energy vehicles are just an idealized utopia]

[Giving up the research and development of new energy, Fengtian focuses on fuel vehicles]

And with the emergence of this news from Japan, BYD also "unfortunately" issued a message.

[The physical test of the new blade battery was successful, with a continuous range of more than 700 kilometers]

[BID-Spring has completed the evaluation of relevant departments and will be put on sale in a month]

[BID: In the field of new energy, China is far ahead]

Two completely different results, two arguments that run counter to new energy.

Instantly, all eyes were attracted to BYD. At this time, BYD started a national event again - "BID-Spring, National Physical Store Experience Month".

It even gathered many automotive celebrities to jointly stage the "Biyadi Full Test Live Broadcast" activity, with the anchor using an uninterrupted live broadcast to present the entire process of Biyadi-Spring from charging to battery exhaustion to netizens.

So, the whole wind direction began to change.

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