Li Yan saw Zhao Xiaonian, although he was afraid in his heart, he still said stubbornly: "Go away, this is my Muxue's business, don't let you, an outsider, interfere."

Zhao Xiaonian ignored Li Yan and looked at Li Muxue, "What do you mean?"

Li Muxue looked at Li Yan with disgust, "I don't want to see him, let him go."

"Did you hear that, Muxue doesn't want to see you. I say, as a man, can you stop playing this trick? You're still pestering me to the hotel, which is good enough." Zhao Xiaonian let go of Li Yan's hand and pointed in the direction of the gate, "Do you want to go by yourself, or should I ask the security to take you away?"

Li Yan saw that Li Muxue had such an attitude towards him, and looked at Zhao Xiaonian again. The bitterness on his face immediately disappeared, replaced by a resentful expression.

"Okay, Li Muxue, you are so heartless. Just wait for me, I will definitely make you pay the price."


Modu Airport.

Zhao Xiaonian walked out of the airport hall with his luggage, stopped a taxi, and drove towards the city center.

Zhao Xiaonian came to Shanghai on a whim.

He missed Sun Yalin.

Now Sun Yalin is almost in the last three months of her pregnancy, and the frequency of prenatal checkups has increased. It is also the period when she needs rest the most.

But even at this time, Sun Yalin is still working, and it seems that the workload is not small. Otherwise, Yue Ningqiu would not have called Zhao Xiaonian to ask him to persuade Sun Yalin.

The headquarters of Jinnian Education Fund is on the 13th floor of Jinchang Building.

The headquarters is not very large, only about 1,000 square meters, and there are only 17 or 18 employees inside.

"Hello, is there anything I can do for you?"

Because this is Zhao Xiaonian's first time here, no one knows him. The girl at the front desk stopped him politely.

"Hello, I'm looking for Ms. Sun. I'm her... friend."

"Then you came at an unfortunate time. Ms. Sun is not in the company. She went out."

Zhao Xiaonian was stunned when he heard it. Wouldn't it be that I failed to give the surprise and that I would be in vain?

Then I thought of how Sun Yalin dared to run around with a big belly, and I felt a little resentful in my heart, "Why is she running around with such a big belly? Do you know where your General Manager Sun went on a business trip?"

"To Sanshui County."

Zhao Xiaonian was stunned, "Where did she go to do what? Didn't she become a teacher?"

The front desk found that Zhao Xiaonian even knew about this, so she was sure that this man was General Manager Sun's friend, so her tone became casual.

"Our General Manager Sun goes back to Sanshui County every month to see her students there."

After thanking the girl at the front desk, Zhao Xiaonian went downstairs. He directly stopped a taxi.

"Master, let's go to Sanshui."

The taxi driver was stunned, "Where are you going?"

"Sanshui County."

Zhao Xiaonian scanned the QR code on the ground and transferred 1,000 yuan to the driver, "Master, please hurry up."

Money can make the devil work, and money can also make the taxi driver take you on a long-distance trip.

Two hours later, the taxi finally arrived in Sanshui County. Without stopping in the county town, Zhao Xiaonian directly turned on the navigation and took himself to Wayao Village.

The current Wayao Village has changed significantly from a few months ago.

First of all, the mud road that was very difficult to drive at that time has now become a very easy-to-drive cement road.

There are also many more young people on the road than before.

Zhao Xiaonian asked the driver to drive the car to the gate of Wayao Village Primary School and stopped. After getting off the car with the luggage, Zhao Xiaonian dragged the suitcase and walked towards the school gate.

Like the road into the village, the current Wayao Village Primary School has also changed a lot.

The old school has been completely transformed, completely different, neater, more energetic, and the work arrangements are much better than before.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

In front of the tightly closed door, the glass window on the side opened, and a security guard in cement gray sat inside.

This security guard looked like he was in his thirties, in his prime.

It is the meaning of a security guard to be a school security guard in his prime. If you still put an old man like before, it will not have any deterrent effect.

"Hello, is Teacher Sun in there?"

Seeing that he was looking for Teacher Sun, the security guard looked Zhao Xiaonian up and down, and said vigilantly: "What do you want to do with Teacher Sun?"

At this time, Zhao Xiaonian saw Sun Yalin coming out of a classroom through the fence gate.

I saw Sun Yalin walking quickly, stroking her belly, and not far in front of her were two men in suits.

Sun Yalin took several quick steps before catching up with the two. Then I don't know what they said, the two men in suits keptThey all shook their heads, with a proud attitude on their faces, not taking Sun Yalin seriously at all.

Zhao Xiaonian frowned and asked the security guard: "Master, are those two men from the school?"

The security guard looked back and showed disgust in his eyes, "Bah, there are no such people in our school. Those two are from the working group left by the investor. It seems that Teacher Sun is going to be disappointed again."

Zhao Xiaonian felt that something was wrong when he heard it, and quickly took out a box of Zhonghua cigarettes from his pocket, unpacked it, and gave one to the security guard.

The security guard was not polite, and took it and started smoking.

Zhao Xiaonian took the opportunity to put the remaining cigarettes on the table in front of the security guard, "Master, what kind of investor is it? Why is he so arrogant?"

As the saying goes, you should be grateful to your friends.

Since he smoked someone else's cigarette, and it was not something that needed to be kept secret, he said, "Those two people are from Lingzhou Jinnian Company. Their boss invested here last year, saying that he was going to build roads, schools and factories. Their boss is a good man, and these are all practical things for the village."

"But after the previous group of people in this working group left, the current group of people came. This group of people is not as good at doing things as the previous group. Not only can they not do things well, they often talk big and ask for money in the village, like an imperial envoy."

"As long as they really do things, it's fine. But the people in the current working group not only don't do things, but also take bribes everywhere. Look, the new desks and air conditioners that they promised to equip the school with last year have not been approved yet."

"Teacher Sun has contacted their working group many times for this matter, but they just won't approve it. They said that the group didn't pay, and they can't do anything about it."

"Bah, it's not that there's nothing they can do, it's clearly that they are being embezzled."

From the performance of the security guards, it can be seen that this working group is indeed unpopular.

Especially when he saw Sun Yalin chasing the two men with her big belly, Zhao Xiaonian became furious. "Master, please open the door for me. I'll go help Teacher Sun."

The security guard looked at Zhao Xiaonian again, and finally nodded and opened the school gate.

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