Zheng Qingfa was actually wondering who he had offended, but he had no clue.

Zheng Yaotian, on the other hand, had an indifferent attitude, "Who cares? Since they want to play, we'll just follow suit. As long as we knock down that bitch Chu Ling, the people behind her will naturally show up."

When there is no other way, this method is the best means.

"Tell the artists below that it's best to behave themselves and not have any unnecessary thoughts. If anyone dares to terminate the contract with us, we at Qixing will ban him completely."

Zheng Qingfa took out a cigar, put it to the tip of his nose and sniffed it, "Before you touch Chu Ling, do one thing first. Use all your connections to blacken Liu Xihuan and make her completely unable to stay in the entertainment industry. This woman just terminated the contract with us, and she paid the penalty so happily. There must be Chu Ling behind her. Even if the contract is terminated, we can't let her have an easy time."

"Knock the mountain to scare the tiger? Okay, I understand, I'll do it now. Within a week, I guarantee that Liu Xihuan will never dare to step into the entertainment industry again."


Zheng Qingfa stopped his son who was about to leave, "I heard that you suffered a loss again a few days ago?"

The circle in Shanghai is so small, and the incident that night three days ago has long been spread among the rich second generation circle. Zheng Yaotian's face is really lost.

When it comes to this, Zheng Yaotian is furious, "Damn, it's that Zhao guy again. Who knew he was so good at fighting? He knocked down the few people I brought with me in just a few moves."

Zheng Qing asked, "Have you found out where he came from?"

"A little jerk from Lingzhou who knows Han Mingze. I heard he has some connection with the Yue family. No matter who he is, since he has offended me, I must make him pay."

Zheng Yaotian is not a fool. After the second revenge failed, he began to investigate Zhao Xiaonian.

"Now there is an external enemy from Chu Ling. Since he has a relationship with those two families, he should not be a simple person. You'd better not provoke him for the time being. The more at this time, the more we can't make too many enemies. Wait until Chu Ling's matter is settled, and then deal with your little things."

Although he was unwilling, since his father said so, Zheng Yaotian had to nod to show that he understood.

The next day, a large number of reports that discredited Liu Xihuan began to appear on the Internet.

In the era of self-media, when the cost of making mistakes in speech is getting lower and lower, gray professionals like "little black men" will naturally appear.

The spread and speed of such articles are very fast.

After all, everyone has a curiosity, and many people are still very happy to hear all kinds of gossip and news about the stories behind stars. They don't even judge whether these news are accurate or true.

Hotel room.

Chu Ling looked at the open laptop in front of her, and the screen was full of negative news about Liu Xihuan. "It is obvious that someone is deliberately discrediting Xihuan. It is obvious that it was done by Qixing's people. The method is still as dirty as ever."

It can be seen that Chu Ling really hates the Zheng family father and son.

"What do you have to deal with it?"

Zhao Xiaonian is calm, as if this matter has nothing to do with him.

But it seems that it really has nothing to do with it.

Liu Xihuan's 1 billion liquidated damages were given by Zhao Xiaonian. But Zhao Xiaonian did not do it for free. The system directly gave him 10 billion in cash back, and he made a guaranteed profit of 9 billion.

He took out another 1 billion from it and gave it to Chu Ling, so that she could set up Yingcai Entertainment.

Although Chu Ling's favorability towards Hao Ren is still negative, Zhao Xiaonian does not feel bad at all for handing over the 1 billion earned for free.

"I'm going to find a black fan to clean up the white. Since they can find someone to black, then I will fight against black."

Give someone a taste of their own medicine.

Zhao Xiaonian had no objection, "I said, Yingcai is yours, you can do whatever you want."

Since the big boss had no objection, Chu Ling decided to do it according to her own ideas.

But she was still very curious, "Why do you trust me so much? Aren't you afraid that I'm cheating you?"

"What can you cheat me of?"

Zhao Xiaonian said angrily, "1 billion is really nothing to me, I really don't care about it."

This sounds very pretentious, but it's true.

Chu Ling thought Zhao Xiaonian was really strange. He gave her 1 billion without saying anything because of her words. After the establishment of Yingcai, not only did Chu Ling write the name of the legal representative, but she didn't even have the intention to intervene in the entertainment company.

It can be said that Chu Ling has the final say in Yingcai.

"Don't you want me to pay a price or something?"

Chu Ling didn't believe it. There is no cat in the world that doesn't steal fish. Zhao Xiaonian is so willing to help him, he must have other intentions.She had said that day that as long as Zhao Xiaonian was willing to give her the opportunity to bring down the Zheng family, she would be Zhao Xiaonian.

Zhao Xiaonian made the move without hesitation and was very happy to pay. However, three days passed, and she did not receive any request for her to devote herself. Even though it was not the first time that the two of them were alone in the hotel, Zhao Xiaonian had never touched her, and he did not even have the intention to do so.

Could it be that her charm had decreased?

Chu Ling unconsciously looked at her chest, which was still tall and straight. Although she was almost half-mature, her charm was definitely still there. She had a perfect waist-to-hip ratio, and she had admired her beauty in the mirror.

But the little man in front of her showed no interest at all.

Every time he came, he only talked about business, and served tea to see him off after the conversation.

Zhao Xiaonian didn't know that Chu Ling was having so many inner thoughts, and continued to talk about business, "How is the poaching going recently?"

"The poaching work has not been going well recently. Qixing has issued an order that whoever dares to resign will be deposed. He can build a star, and he can also destroy a star. I'm sorry, I was too hasty in this step."

Chu Ling was also hot-headed at the time, and she spread the word about this matter. She failed to steal the chicken and lost the rice, and now Qixing has begun to guard against her.

"I said, you have the final say in Yingcai Entertainment, and I won't interfere. I only look at your results and whether you can really bring down the Zheng family." Zhao Xiaonian's hands-off management is becoming more and more natural.

Chu Ling also couldn't understand Zhao Xiaonian a little, "You are really a weirdo."

Zhao Xiaonian suddenly cared about Liu Xihuan, "How is Liu Xihuan? With so many negative news coming out, can she still bear it?"

Words are invisible knives, and sometimes this kind of knife can take people's lives.

"She's still fine. As a star, if she can't even handle this little thing, then there's no need for us to push her up."

Since she decided to whitewash Liu Xihuan, Chu Ling immediately contacted several teams she had worked with before.

After negotiating the price, they began to whitewash Liu Xihuan. But compared to the smear campaign, this whitewashing work is more time-consuming and laborious.

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