"You go in and take it, the door is not allowed to be closed. Remember, don't play tricks."

When they arrived at the ATM, the robber put one foot under the door frame to prevent the door from being closed from the inside.

"How much do you want?"

Zhao Xiaonian asked very "cooperatively".

"48,000." The robber reported a very precise number.

Zhao Xiaonian was a little curious, but he didn't ask, he just took out the card and put it into the ATM.

When pressing the password, Zhao Xiaonian saw through the reflector on the top of the ATM that the robber turned his head away to avoid suspicion and didn't look at the password.

This made Zhao Xiaonian even more curious.


Not long after, the ATM spit out stacks of banknotes several times.

"Here, this is 50,000 yuan."

Zhao Xiaonian walked out of the ATM compartment and took the initiative to hand the withdrawn banknotes to the robber.

The robber probably didn't expect Zhao Xiaonian to cooperate so well. He was surprised and hurriedly took the money. Then he counted out 20 hundred-yuan bills and handed them back to Zhao Xiaonian, "As agreed, I only want 48,000 yuan. This is the extra money."

What a trustworthy robber.

Zhao Xiaonian thought this robber was really interesting.

Other robbers would take as much as they wanted, but this guy said he wanted as much as he wanted, and would return the extra money if he gave more.

However, what Zhao Xiaonian didn't expect was that the robber reached into his pocket with his left hand, took out a piece of paper that had been folded twice and handed it to Zhao Xiaonian.

Zhao Xiaonian didn't know what was going on. He took it and opened it. He saw that there were words on it, but the words were not very beautiful.

[Today I borrowed 48,000 yuan. I will return it when I have money. ]

The signature only had the date, and no name or anything else.

Zhao Xiaonian was confused, "This is..."

"I will use this to pay you back later."

The robber took out a mobile phone with a broken screen from his pocket, "What's your name? What's your phone number? Where do you live?"

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know your name or where you live, how can I pay you back later? Don't waste time, just tell me."

Zhao Xiaonian felt that he must have encountered a fake robbery.

This wave of operations directly overturned his understanding of robbery.

How could this be a robbery? If you exclude the weapon against his waist, isn't this a normal borrowing process?

At this moment, Zhao Xiaonian glanced at the weapon against his waist, only to find that it was only the handle of a knife that touched him, and the knife itself was facing the robber himself.

This obviously didn't want to hurt Zhao Xiaonian.

Zhao Xiaonian wanted to tease the robber, and when he confirmed the robbery, he would subdue him and send him to the police station. As for how many years he would be sentenced, that would be left to the law.

But a series of unreasonable situations made Zhao Xiaonian change his plan.

Although it was a robbery, the action of holding the knife in reverse showed that this man had no intention of hurting anyone.

And the amount of the robbery was 48,000 yuan, and he didn't want to pay more. Moreover, he even wrote an IOU to pay back the money after robbing it.

This made Zhao Xiaonian feel that this man was not a robber at all.

Zhao Xiaonian handed the paper back to the man, "You don't have to pay this money back, just consider it my New Year's gift to you."

But the man was not happy and insisted on leaving Zhao Xiaonian's message, "No, I must pay this money back. Don't be so long-winded, tell me your name."

Seeing that the man was so determined, Zhao Xiaonian told the man his name and phone number, but didn't leave the address.

The man wrote down Zhao Xiaonian's message on his mobile phone and turned to leave.

But before he could take a step, the phone in his hand rang.

After the man glanced at the display, he answered it without thinking.


"Wang Chuang, where are you going? If you don't come back, we will lock the door."

The man said politely, "Sorry, please wait for me. I will go back soon and will be there soon."

"By the way, have you raised the money for hospitalization? Our leader is talking about this again today. If you don't raise it, he will really stop your sister's medicine and treatment."

"No, no, no, I have raised the money. I will give it to the hospital when I return. Please don't stop my sister's medicine." The man's tone was pleading. When he spoke, his body was unconsciously slightly bent, as if he was apologizing to the other party.

After saying two more words, the man hung up the phone without even looking at Zhao Xiaonian. He turned around and left, and even warned Zhao Xiaonian not to call the police.

This made Zhao Xiaonian stunned.

Answering the phone during a robbery, is this something that ordinary robbers would do?

And because the other party's phone was very loud, and it was quiet, Zhao Xiaonian could hear it clearly.The voice on the other end of the phone.

Combining several key words such as hospital, treatment fee, and raising money, Zhao Xiaonian basically figured out the general situation.

If nothing unexpected happens, this man robbed him to raise medical expenses for his sister.

Thinking of this, Hao Ren stopped the man who had just taken a few steps, "Hey, brother, where are you going?"

The man stopped and looked back, "Go ahead. I'll pay you back."

After saying that, the man took another step forward.

Zhao Xiaonian thought about it and chased after him.

The man heard the footsteps and looked back. Seeing that Zhao Xiaonian had caught up with him, he was also surprised. He thought Zhao Xiaonian wanted to take back the money he had robbed, so he covered the pocket with money with his hand, "Why are you chasing me? Go quickly, I can't pay you back now. If you don't leave, don't force me to be rude to you."

Zhao Xiaonian shook his head, "I'm not here to ask for money. Where are you going? I'll take you there."

The man didn't say anything, but looked at Zhao Xiaonian with strange eyes.

Perhaps he did not expect that the person being robbed would actually ask to send the robbers to the hospital.

"Don't stand there, let's go, it's faster to take a taxi to the hospital." Zhao Xiaonian was too lazy to waste time, and reached out to the man, ready to pull him to the side of the road.

When the man saw Zhao Xiaonian reaching out, he thought he was going to fight, so he naturally stepped back and raised one hand at the same time to block Zhao Xiaonian's hand.

Zhao Xiaonian narrowed his eyes slightly, "Have you practiced?"

Without waiting for the man to answer, Zhao Xiaonian attacked directly, swung his left arm, and punched the man in the chest with a straight punch.

When the man saw Zhao Xiaonian really started to fight, his hands instantly formed a standard fighting posture, his left hand swept across his chest, and when Zhao Xiaonian's straight punch was about to reach him, he changed his fist into a palm, grabbed Zhao Xiaonian's wrist with his backhand, and then quickly stretched out his right hand and pressed it on Zhao Xiaonian's shoulder.

This is a standard grappling fighting move.

Zhao Xiaonian turned around, dodged the man's hand, and then threw a punch with his right hand.

The man quickly let go of his left hand that was grabbing Zhao Xiaonian's wrist, raised it up, and blocked the dangerous blow.

The man's performance surprised Zhao Xiaonian.

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