After two glasses of wine, the bottle of Tsingtao in front of Sun Yalin was visibly empty.

Looking at Sun Yalin at this time, her face was red and her eyes began to smell of alcohol. It was obvious that she drank a lot and was a little drunk.

Sun Yalin looked at Zhao Xiaonian with drunken eyes, "Xiao Nian, do you really like me?"

The previous words were said, and Zhao Xiaonian clearly felt that the atmosphere seemed a little different. I simply stopped hesitating and nodded, "I like you. You are so beautiful and have such a good temperament. Which man doesn't like you?"

"I knew it, otherwise who would give away 3 million like this." Sun Yalin smiled with a drunken smile, "But, Xiaonian, you can't have any ideas about me. I am your teacher, and I am older than you."

Zhao Xiaonian retorted: "I am about to graduate, and I am already an adult."

"That won't work either. People will gossip about me." Sun Yalin burped, "Teacher can see that you really like me, 3 million is more sincere than any oath. And what about learning to dance? You have no interest in dancing. You are actually trying to prevent me from paying back the money."

"But 3 million is too expensive and too heavy." Sun Yalin took the bottle of wine in front of Zhao Xiaonian and poured herself another one.

"You know what? When I saw the car that my brother smashed, I almost fainted. 3 million, a full 3 million. I also asked 4S, and they said it was a Ferrari 911, and it would cost that much to repair it."

Zhao Xiaonian interrupted and asked, "Where did you smash it?"

"Qise Bar. I heard that the car belongs to the owner of their bar."

After a glass of wine, Sun Yalin continued, "My brother is a parasite. My father died early, and my mother has no money. I have to pay back this money. I borrowed from all my colleagues. It's okay to borrow thousands or tens of thousands, but who dares to lend you so much for no reason?"

"I also found a rich second-generation who was chasing me, and he agreed, but the condition was that I would be his girlfriend. I know he is Taking advantage of the situation. "

At this point, Sun Yalin looked at Zhao Xiaonian, "Just when I was forced to hesitate whether to compromise, you appeared. You are willing to give me 3 million, but there is a condition."

"Do you know? When I heard you say there was a condition, I thought you were just like that rich second generation, and you were also greedy for my body. I was very angry, really angry, what do you think of me, Sun Yalin?"

"But when you said your condition was to let me dance, I couldn't believe myself."

At this point, Sun Yalin looked at Zhao Xiaonian and smiled, "You are really stupid. But stupid and cute."

Zhao Xiaonian:...

Why does this sound so ticklish?

In the end, Sun Yalin was still drunk.

It was also the first time that Zhao Xiaonian saw someone being drunk by three bottles of wine, and it was beer.

But Zhao Xiaonian didn't stop Sun Yalin. It can be seen that this matter is like a heavy burden that weighed on her for almost a month.

Once released, even a person as cold as Sun Yalin needs to be released.

Zhao Xiaonian didn't know what happened to him today. The two women he met had similar experiences.

The matter of Sun Yalin's brother was settled.

But I don't know when He Fei's brother's illness will end.

In the end, Zhao Xiaonian paid for the meal as he wished. But it was a pity that it was only more than 200 yuan, and Sun Yalin's favorability was not high. It was only less than 10,000 yuan in cash back.

Drunk people are very heavy, whether they are men or women.

Sun Yalin looks very slim, but after all, she is 1.7 meters tall. The figure maintained by years of dancing can never be less than 100 kilograms. In addition, she was drunk. Even though Zhao Xiaonian felt that he was in good physical condition, he was still out of breath when carrying her.

Zhao Xiaonian originally wanted to send Sun Yating back to the teacher's apartment of the school, but thinking of the last time she took a big man back, Sun Yalin was cautious.

Besides, she was drunk today. If I sent her home drunk and someone saw me, I would have a hard time explaining myself.

After all, people's words are scary.

Zhao Xiaonian didn't care, but Sun Yalin's reputation had to be maintained.

I wanted to take her to the hotel, but I didn't know where Sun Yalin's ID card was, and it was not easy to search her bag. After thinking about it, I had to take her back to my rental house.

I took the key, opened the door, and turned on the light.

After Zhao Xiaonian put Sun Yalin on the bed, he collapsed on the ground. It was tiring enough to carry her on his back, and there was no elevator in the rental house, and he had to climb 4 floors.

Zhao Xiaonian really had no strength left, so he sat on the ground and ate a lot.Panting heavily, it took a long time for him to recover.

He gently helped Sun Yating to sleep comfortably on the pillow, got up and walked to the end of the bed, and took off the stiletto high heels that Sun Yalin was wearing.

[Ding: Target Sun Yalin's favorability -10, current favorability 40]

The sudden system scared Zhao Xiaonian so much that he even forgot to take his hands off Su Yating's feet.

Zhao Xiaonian: The system always gives feedback on the target's favorability in a timely manner, but Sun Yating is drunk, how can the favorability change?

But then, the system sound rang again.

[Ding: Target Sun Yalin's favorability +10, current favorability 50]

[Ding: Target Sun Yalin's favorability -10, current favorability 40]

[Ding: Target Sun Yalin's favorability +10, current favorability 50]

[Ding: Target Sun Yalin's favorability -10, current favorability 40]

[Ding: Target Sun Yalin's favorability +10, current favorability 50]

Finally, the system gave a prompt directly.

[Ding: Target Sun Yalin's psychology is volatile at this time, and the favorability changes frequently. This system will not repeat it.]

Zhao Xiaonian caught a key word-frequent fluctuations.

How could a drunk person who fell asleep have volatile psychological fluctuations?


Thinking of this, Zhao Xiaonian put Sun Yalin's feet away and walked back to the head of the bed.

After watching for a long time, Sun Yalin still looked like she was asleep, and there was no abnormality.

As he watched, Zhao Xiaonian's eyes could not help but move slowly from her face downwards.

Although Su Yalin's clothes were not messy at this time, and only the first button of her white silk shirt was unbuttoned, there was a kind of magic that tempted Zhao Xiaonian to see what kind of scenery was underneath the shirt.

After adjusting a few breaths and shaking off the evil thoughts of taking advantage of others, Zhao Xiaonian reached out and gently covered her belly with the quilt.

[Ding: Target Sun Yalin's favorability +10, current favorability 60]

Here it comes again.

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