Han Mingze was confused by Zhao Xiaonian's nonsense on the other end of the phone. However, as a shrewd man, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

Han Mingze asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"Yes. It's not convenient to talk about it now. I'll explain it to you later. By the way, there is a girl named Lin Ruiqian in that department. She is my high school classmate, a top student of Magic City University, and has a good character. She was just fired by this manager."

"She is a beauty, right?" Han Mingze's voice on the other end of the phone was teasing.

Zhao Xiaonian hummed a little embarrassedly.

Han Mingze was speechless by Zhao Xiaonian, "Okay, I guessed what happened. Since you, Mr. Zhao, have spoken, I will do it now."

The phone was hung up.

After putting away the phone, Zhao Xiaonian patted Lin Ruiqian's hand, "Okay, it's okay."

After that, Zhao Xiaonian picked up the chopsticks and started to eat heartily. I paid for this meal myself, so there's no need to be restrained.

"Haha, Zhao Xiaonian, are you imitating others? Yubing made a phone call, and you followed suit, and you're so shameless, you're really going to make me laugh to death."

Cui Zhenxing looked at Zhao Xiaonian as if he were a clown.

Zhang Yubing also sneered at this.

Even Lin Ruiqian felt a little angry when she looked at Zhao Xiaonian now.

Then the next moment, Zhang Yubing's phone rang, it was Manager Li who called just now.

"Hello, Manager Li. Thank you for what I did just now. I..."

Manager Li's frustrated voice came from the other end of the phone, "Yubing, who is Lin Ruiqian? I just fired her and I'm planning to handle the formalities tomorrow. I received a call from the HR director personally, notifying me that I was fired. Didn't you say that Lin Ruiqian has no background?"

"What, you were fired? What about Lin Ruiqian?"

"What else can I do? The HR director said that my decision to fire Lin Ruiqian is invalid, and she is now the person who will take over my position. Yubing, no, Brother Zhang, I'm here to help you, you..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Zhang Yubing hung up the phone directly, looking at Zhao Xiaonian who was still eating by himself with a look of astonishment.

He asked someone to deal with Lin Ruiqian, but the person he asked was kicked out. This was a slap in the face of Zhang Yubing, and the slap was loud.

What surprised him was who Zhao Xiaonian called? How could he have a connection with the Han Group?

Manager Li just said very clearly that the group's HR director personally called to fire him. In the entire Han Group, there are really few people who can order the HR director.

Here, Lin Ruiqian, who was still in a depressed mood, also received a call from the HR department.

From surprise to surprise, and then to confusion, Lin Ruiqian's face was too wonderful when she answered the phone. She didn't recover until the phone was hung up.

Zhao Xiaonian didn't listen deliberately, but Lin Ruiqian's voice still entered her ears. He asked knowingly: "Hey, come back to your senses, what's going on?"

Lin Ruiqian came back to her senses and looked at Zhao Xiaonian with surprise, "Zhao Xiaonian, I got promoted to the head of our department."

Zhao Xiaonian smiled and raised his glass, "Promotion is a good thing, come on, congratulations."

Lin Ruiqian didn't move, but stared at Zhao Xiaonian with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Zhao Xiaonian felt a little uncomfortable.

No matter how dumb Lin Ruiqian was, she could guess that she was not fired but promoted, which must be related to the phone call Zhao Xiaonian made just now. "Who did you call just now?"

"Han Mingze." Zhao Xiaonian said.

"Han Mingze?" Lin Ruiqian muttered the name once or twice, and suddenly her eyes widened, "Han Mingze! Do you know the president of our group?!"

Zhao Xiaonian spread his hands and joked, "Didn't I just say that I know your boss, but you don't believe it."

Zhao Xiaonian's words shocked not only Lin Ruiqian, but also the other three.

The Han Group is a small group at the top of the pyramid in Shanghai. Its industries cover many fields and it can be regarded as one of the giants in Shanghai.

However, even for such a top consortium, Zhao Xiaonian actually knows their president.

What was even more surprising was that Zhao Xiaonian's phone call actually led to the other party actually firing the manager of a small department under him, and even promoted Lin Ruiqian, who had little experience.

Based on this point, even a fool could see that Zhao Xiaonian had a close relationship with the president of Han Group.

Zhang Yubing's eyes began to look strange when he looked at Zhao Xiaonian. He couldn't figure out when the person who didn't show off in high school had become so big.'s energy.

Xu Bin looked at Zhao Xiaonian, who still had a calm expression, and trembled for no reason.

Cui Zhenxing was the most straightforward. He picked up the wine glass and walked to Zhao Xiaonian. Then, when he saw the red wine glass in front of Zhao Xiaonian that he had filled to the limit, he wanted to slap himself.

He quickly took a new wine glass, and Cui Zhenxing quickly poured half a glass of red wine into it, and gently placed it in front of Zhao Xiaonian. He had a flattering smile on his face, "Xiao Nian, I was a little drunk just now, and I poured you such a big glass. I'm punishing myself with this glass."

Cui Zhenxing carefully picked up the full glass of red wine, took a sip of the red wine first, so as not to spill it, and then raised his head and drank a large glass of red wine.

As soon as he finished drinking, Cui Zhenxing quickly refilled himself with half a glass of red wine, holding the glass with both hands, "Come on, Xiaonian, I toast you a glass."

Zhao Xiaonian glanced at Cui Zhenxing.

Cui Zhenxing also followed Xu Bin and his group in high school, but he was always the one standing behind. When the wind was favorable, he was just a cheerleader. When the wind was unfavorable, he was the fastest one to slip away.

He can't stand out and is not likable.

But in TV dramas, it is often this kind of people who can live the longest.


Because they are the best at judging the situation. They are the ones who can make the best judgment at the slightest sign of trouble.

Take now for example. It was just a little unexpected, and when others were still shocked, he had already started to act. He used the method of toasting to ease the relationship with Zhao Xiaonian.

As for the ridicule just now, he selectively forgot it, as if nothing had happened just now.

Zhao Xiaonian really didn't take this kind of person seriously. But since he had taken the initiative to show his goodwill, there was no need to be too extreme.

Zhao Xiaonian raised his glass and clinked it with Cui Zhenxing.

"Xiao Nian, you can do whatever you want. But I have to finish it."

Cui Zhenxing raised his head and drank half a glass of red wine in one gulp, without raising any fish.

Seeing that Zhao Xiaonian had also finished drinking, Cui Zhenxing smiled more happily and sincerely, and quickly refilled Zhao Xiaonian's half glass, and then returned to his seat with satisfaction.

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