"You have to solve the problem of manpower yourself. I only have one requirement, that is, you must be loyal and reliable, and don't let any crooked people enter the company."

What Zhao Xiaonian wants is a combat-ready group, and he doesn't want to be mixed with sand and fill in the numbers.

The name of the security company was also chosen by Zhao Xiaonian - Golden Shield Security.

Because he was worried that Jiang Long and his people were unfamiliar with the place, Zhao Xiaonian found Han Mingze and asked him to send a reliable person from Shanghai to help.

When Han Mingze heard that Zhao Xiaonian was going to start a company again, he was surprised and borrowed two people from his legal department to help Jiang Long and others with the relevant procedures on the company's side.

Because there were professional people to help, things were done quickly. All the work on the Golden Shield Security side was carried out very smoothly.

Zhao Xiaonian directly threw everything to Jiang Long, and he didn't care about these trivial matters.

If you can be a hands-off shopkeeper, there is no need to do everything yourself.

On the other hand, Wang Chuang was not idle either.

Apart from finding an opportunity to meet his comrades in private, Wang Chuang was busy meeting entertainment companies in the Magic City circle.

Although Zhao Xiaonian said that he could find the top companies, Wang Chuang and Chu Ling, after discussing it, actually included most of the entertainment companies in the list of wooing.

The top companies are actually all in competition, and their relationship with Qixing is open and secret, including Bai Ninghao's Lotte Entertainment.

As for the entertainment companies at the lower level, they have all been suppressed by Qixing to some extent, and they are more or less resentful in their hearts.

The sudden appearance of Yingcai made them think that "the wolf is coming". But they didn't expect that Wang Chuang and Chu Ling jointly invited them, and they did a lot of work on face, and also gave them practical benefits, which made them feel more favorable towards Yingcai.

Especially for those companies that have delayed many good projects due to funding reasons, Yingcai took the initiative to contact them, invested money to cooperate with them, and was fair in profit sharing.

Shared other people's peaches, but did not pull up other people's peach trees. This practice made people who originally thought that Yingcai was just doing superficial work see the difference between Yingcai and Qixing.

Zheng Qingfa's words were often used by Wang Chuang, that is, "If there is money, everyone will make money together", which attracted the welcome of many companies.

Of course, there are also several entertainment companies that follow Qixing and are considered to be Qixing's younger brothers. For these companies, Wang Chuang has a tough attitude. It's okay if they are not friends, but if they want to go against Yingcai, they must also consider the consequences clearly.

Not only is it an industry company in Magic City, Yingcai has also extended its tentacles to the Imperial City.

As one of the two centers of Chinese entertainment, the Imperial City has its own circle and style of doing things.

Wang Chuang personally visited several leading figures in the Imperial City entertainment circle, and took the initiative to take out 30% of the shares of the film and television city. After selling it at the original price, it was also officially accepted by the entertainment circle of the Imperial City.

Although Sanshui Film and Television City is still under construction, anyone with a little foresight knows its importance in the future.

As for why he did this, Wang Chuang explained that he was sacrificing small profits for long-term benefits.

Zhao Xiaonian had no objection to this, as he would not lose anything anyway.

It was with this series of operations that the Zheng family's previous threats came to nothing.

"Yingcai, this Wang guy is determined to go against us Qixing. Dad, why don't we strike first and take Chu Ling as a warning to the monkey."


Early the next morning, Zhao Xiaonian was having breakfast when Wang Chuang called him.

"What... When did it happen... Okay, go check it now and delete all the posts by all means."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Xiaonian's face turned ashen.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Sun Yalin, who had never seen Zhao Xiaonian look like this, also stopped the spoon in her hand and looked at Zhao Xiaonian.

Zhao Xiaonian gave a forced smile, "Something happened at the entertainment company, don't worry, I'll take care of it."

Standing up, Zhao Xiaonian walked to the study, taking out his cell phone as he walked.

"Go to Chu Ling's house right now, watch her, and don't let her do anything stupid."

Liu Xihuan on the other end of the phone responded, "I'm already downstairs at Sister Ling's house."

"Okay, remember, you must keep an eye on her, and never let her get into trouble."

After Zhao Xiaonian emphasized it again, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

After thinking about it, he felt uneasy again, so he picked up the phone and called Jiang Long.

The phone rang once, and Jiang Long answered it, "Mr. Zhao."

"I sent you an address, you send two smart brothers over.The mission this time is to protect the target, don't let others disturb her, and don't let her do any extreme behavior. "

Jiang Long was stunned and asked: "Mr. Zhao, what does this extreme behavior mean?"

"Self-harm." Zhao Xiaonian took a deep breath and added: "Or suicide."

It was a matter of life and death, and Jiang Long did not dare to neglect it. After hanging up the phone, he quickly arranged four brothers to rush over according to Zhao Xiaonian's address.

Now Jindun has officially opened for business, but because it is not conspicuous, it has no business now and is still in the adaptation period.

Zhao Xiaonian's call was the first mission of Jindun, and it was related to human life. Jiang Long did not dare to neglect it and followed him in person.

Five people just fit in one car.

After explaining everything clearly, Zhao Xiaonian turned on the computer and typed two words, and the webpage refreshed.

Seeing the first few articles, Zhao Xiaonian clicked on one at random.

The page refreshed again.

"Once-born actress Chu Ling's nude photos exposed, private life corrupt"

Without reading the text of the article, Zhao Xiaonian quickly scrolled down and saw several nude photos with censored key positions.

The protagonist in the photo is Chu Ling, but she is a little younger than now.

She turned her face to the side, closed her eyes, and made various movements. At first glance, it makes people think about it.

Zhao Xiaonian has seen Chu Ling's figure, which is really very good.

These photos are not artistic photos, but more like private photos.

There are also many comments below, either all kinds of sarcasm and slander, or lewd and dirty words. But none of them are sympathetic.

Looking at the time when these comments were posted, they were basically posted at the same time or adjacent time. Zhao Xiaonian smelled a hint of conspiracy.

Sun Yalin walked in, and Zhao Xiaonian did not close the webpage.

When she saw the photos on the computer, Sun Yalin blushed and stretched out her hand to twist Zhao Xiaonian's arm. "You have so many people, and it's not enough? Do you have to look at this?"

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