Zhu Xiaoming went to contact the owner of the house, and Zhao Xiaonian and He Fei sat on the sofa in the living room.

Seeing He Fei twisting and turning after sitting down, Zhao Xiaonian asked, "What's wrong?"

He Fei said embarrassedly, "I haven't worn high heels for a long time, and my feet hurt."

This afternoon, He Fei wore high heels for nearly 3 hours, and her feet really couldn't stand it. And because of Zhao Xiaonian's bad taste, he bought some stilettos for He Fei, which looked good to wear, but it hurt her feet.

Zhao Xiaonian concealed his embarrassment and said, "Then take off your shoes... Do you have smelly feet?"

"...You have smelly feet." He Fei was choked by Zhao Xiaonian, and took off her high heels angrily, revealing her small feet, and rubbed them in a very unpresentable way.

Looking up and seeing Zhao Xiaonian looking at her, He Fei blushed and moved in another direction.

"Mr. Zhao, the owner said he will be here in ten minutes. Please wait." Zhu Xiaoming walked in with a breeze after finishing the call.

He Fei saw the outsider coming in and hurried to put on his shoes, but heard Zhao Xiaonian say: "You rest here. Xiao Zhu, let's go outside to smoke a cigarette."

He Fei knew that Zhao Xiaonian was taking care of her, and a sweet smile suddenly appeared on her face.

Ten minutes later.

A middle-aged man wearing a suit in the hot summer walked into the villa.

"Mr. Zhao, this is the owner, Mr. Zhou."

"Mr. Zhou, this is the buyer, Mr. Zhao."

Seeing the people coming in, Zhu Xiaoming quickly introduced them to each other.

Mr. Zhou did not look down on Zhao Xiaonian because he was wearing street goods. After shaking hands, he said: "Mr. Zhao, have you seen the house? Are you satisfied?"

"Very satisfied." Zhao Xiaonian said honestly.

"Hahaha, it seems that Mr. Zhao is also a person with taste." Mr. Zhou laughed and pointed at the villa. "I hired a famous designer to design the design here. The whole decoration cost me nearly 20 million. The furniture inside is complete and all are big brands. You can move in directly. In fact, I bought this villa for retirement. I bought it for 4 years and never lived in it once."

Zhao Xiaonian could see that the other party really liked this house and didn't say it deliberately to raise the price.

"Mr. Zhou, I'm sorry to ask. Since you like this villa so much, why do you want to buy it again?" Zhao Xiaonian thought it was always good to ask clearly.

Mr. Zhou didn't hide anything and said, "To be honest, my company is having some difficulties in capital turnover, so we need some money urgently. So I can only reluctantly give up."

Zhao Xiaonian didn't say anything more and said directly, "Okay, let's go with the price of 100 million. If there is no problem, Xiao Zhu will draft the contract."

Zhu Xiaoming added to Mr. Zhou at the right time, "Mr. Zhao said he can pay the full amount in one lump sum."

When this sentence came out, Mr. Zhou, who had always seemed calm, showed a look of surprise on his face. He then shook his head and said self-deprecatingly, "Mr. Zhao is so courageous at such a young age. It really makes people feel that young people are formidable."

The next thing went smoothly.

Real estate agencies have a complete set of supporting services, and Zhao Xiaonian directly transferred the money. Then he told Zhu Xiaoming: "The house deed can be the one of the lady who came with me, and it will be registered in her name."

Seeing that He Fei was not around, Zhao Xiaonian hurriedly shouted: "He Fei, give me your ID card."

After a while, He Fei walked out of the living room in high heels, took out her ID card, and asked: "Why do you want my ID card?"

Zhao Xiaonian took her ID card directly and handed it to Zhu Xiaoming, then said to He Fei: "I didn't do anything, I just bought this villa for you."

This sentence shocked the three people.

Zhu Xiaoming: !!!

Mr. Zhou: !!!

He Fei: !!!

"Why do you want to give it to me? This... this is too... unacceptable, I can't take it." After a moment of shock, He Fei shook her head like a rattle.

"I said I'll give it to you. You probably can't live at the school anymore. Let alone Zhou Liang, Ma Qing alone is enough to annoy you. And staying in a hotel all the time is not a solution. This villa is fully furnished. I'll ask them to deliver the things I bought, and you can live there directly. I'll buy you a car later, so it'll be convenient for you to go to school."

After hearing this, He Fei didn't say anything, but just looked at Zhao Xiaonian for a long time before saying "oh".

[Ding: Target He Fei's favorability +10, current favorability 90]

Speaking of this, Zhao Xiaonian looked at Mr. Zhou and asked, "Mr. Zhou, is there any housekeeping service in the community?"

Mr. Zhou hurriedly responded, "This is Longsheng Haoting, equipped with professional butler service. If Mr. Zhao needs it, he can contact the property management.Call the housekeeper and ask him to come over."

Zhao Xiaonian nodded and continued to say to He Fei: "That's even more of a problem. You don't have any money on you, I'll transfer some more money to you."

As he said that, he transferred 5 million to He Fei.

When He Fei saw the account arrival information, she subconsciously said: "Are you buying me for another 5 years?"

Zhao Xiaonian's forehead was black.

Mr. Zhou and Zhu Xiaoming were directly choked, turned their heads to look at the scenery beside them, and pretended not to hear.

He Fei realized that she had said the wrong thing, and she was immediately embarrassed and annoyed, and she walked back to the living room in her high heels.

"Mr. Zhao is really generous. He spent a hundred million gold to keep a beautiful woman in his house. I admire him. "Mr. Zhou joked appropriately, obviously with the intention of getting close.

Nonsense, to spend 100 million just to let his lover live, how strong must such a person's personal capital be? And Zhao Xiaonian looks so young, I guess all his energy comes from the family behind him.

So, Mr. Zhou added the identity of a mysterious rich boy and a family member to Zhao Xiaonian. As for why Zhao Xiaonian dresses so simply, it is because the real rich people pay less attention to their clothes, so they can travel better in the world.

"By the way, is this place far from the bus or subway station?"

"After leaving the gate of the community, go 200 meters to the left and there is a subway station, and go more than 300 meters to the right and there is a bus station."

As a working class, Zhu Xiaoming is naturally familiar with the public transportation routes in this area.

It's just that Mr. Zhou is a little curious, "Mr. Zhao, don't you... have a car?"

Zhao Xiaonian is very frank, "I don't have money to buy one. "

Zhao Xiaonian was telling the truth. Three days ago, he really didn't have the money to buy a car. Not to mention a car, he couldn't even afford a bicycle.

"Mr. Zhao is joking." Mr. Zhou naturally didn't really think that Zhao Xiaonian couldn't afford a car, and he just took Zhao Xiaonian's words as a joke.

What a joke, he bought a house worth 100 million yuan without blinking an eye, and he couldn't afford a car, it's a lie.

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