At this rate, as long as you swipe for two or three hours, assets exceeding 100 million is not a dream!

This is fucking faster than robbing a bank.

With a goal, there is unlimited motivation.

Zhao Xiaonian took out the hand speed of the pure brother and poked the screen of the mobile phone frantically.

What, sore hands?

I am a loser and I am afraid of sore hands!

15 carnivals

30 carnivals

80 carnivals

120 carnivals

Looking at the money in his bank card like a snowball, it is getting more and more, Zhao Xiaonian is almost laughing crazy.

At the same time, Sun Yalin is also going crazy!

A newcomer suddenly appeared in his live broadcast room, not even a fan, and he kept swiping gifts. At first, I thought it was just 2 carnivals, but I didn’t expect that the next one would be a continuous carnival.

What is this concept? 3,000 yuan for a carnival, is there really someone who treats money like it is not money and throws it in without a care?

My monthly salary is only 5 carnivals, and in just a short time, this person has spent several years of my salary.

In fact, Sun Yalin has only been doing live broadcasting for less than a month, and she has not even been exposed to this industry before. She just heard that live broadcasting is very profitable, and she is in urgent need of money, so she will start live broadcasting when she has time after get off work.

Previously, she thought that relying on her dance major and her good looks, she could make money quickly like those female anchors on the Internet. But reality taught her a hard lesson.

She thought live broadcasting was too simple. She didn't know how to adjust the atmosphere, let alone encourage rewards. She only knew how to teach dance like a class. In addition, because she didn't join any guild, after more than 20 days of live broadcasting, not only did the speed of increasing fans be comparable to a snail, but the live broadcast rewards were less than 3,000 yuan. It was a far cry from the expected amount.

She even planned to give up live broadcasting.

But I didn't expect that a big guy would come to my live broadcast room today.

As Zhao Xiaonian kept brushing the carnival, the Douyin platform had already used public broadcasting to promote it. In just a short while, the popularity of Sun Yalin's live broadcast room rose like a rocket, and the number of online people reached tens of thousands.

The comment area had already exploded.

"Damn, I thought it was a big brother at first, but it turned out to be a rich man."

"What did I see? I actually witnessed the birth of a big brother with my own eyes."

"Brother, bah, Niu Ge, Niu Dad, please also use the carnival to hit me, one will do."

"The rich man obviously fell in love with the anchor, and the anchor hit the anchor and the anchor landed."

Looking at the comments, Sun Yalin actually knew that some big brothers in the live broadcast room would privately meet the anchor after brushing the gifts.

But she is not that kind of anchor. She is short of money, but she will never sell herself.

Small money is good, but so much money is a hot potato.

She was so scared that she didn't even say hello and directly closed the live broadcast room.

Fans in the room: ...

Zhao Xiaonian who was giving gifts: ...

Zhao Xiaonian who was happily giving gifts, saw that the combo of Carnival had exceeded 200, and was ecstatic.

Suddenly, it went dark, and Sun Yalin was offline! ?

Damn, teacher, you are a bit unkind.

Other anchors are eager for big brother to give more, why did you just turn off the broadcast?

Are you sure you are here to broadcast?

Then within a minute, I received a private message.


After the broadcast, Sun Yalin hesitated again and again, and still found "the cow who wants to plow the field" in the background and sent a private message: Thank you for your support, this is my WeChat, add it when convenient.

She was going to return the money she received.

Then, her VX soon received a message to add her

[The Cow Who Wants to Plough the Field adds you as a friend, request approved]

After Sun Yalin clicked "approved", she was about to type when the other party sent a VX message.

Teacher Sun, can you drop in?

Seeing the VX message from the Cow Who Wants to Plough the Field, Sun Yalin was completely stunned.

Because the other party directly called her "Teacher Sun", it meant that this rich man who spent millions on her live broadcast room knew her and should also know her profession.

However, what she didn't expect was that the other party was so straightforward and asked her to "drop in".

Although she had just started live broadcasting, Sun Yalin still knew what it meant to drop in.

She had also heard that some big guys spent a lot of money and asked anchors to drop in. As for what to drop in, it was definitely not as simple as drinking a cup of coffee.

Knowing her, he also dropped in. Who is this person...?

Sun YalinI started to panic again.

No one's money comes from the wind. Even if they are acquaintances, no one will give the other person a million for no reason. They must have a purpose. What does this person want? It's not that I have to teach him to dance.

Thinking of the big brother's so direct name-'The Cow Who Wants to Plough the Field', Sun Yalin has an ominous premonition.

Looking at the message in the phone, Sun Yalin didn't know how to reply.

Sun Yalin is very conflicted now. She needs money, but she will never sell herself for money.

This is her bottom line.

If she wants to sell herself, why should she come to live broadcast.

On the other hand, Zhao Xiaonian stopped giving gifts with a sense of satisfaction.

Damn, so sour.

But seeing that his bank account has soared to a balance of 3 million, he has been grinning from ear to ear.

It is indeed a counterattack cashback system. In just one hour, I jumped from a loser with a three-digit deposit to an ambitious young man with a seven-digit deposit. The ups and downs of life come too fast.

So, Zhao Xiaonian, who was excited, couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

He continued to watch the live broadcast for a while, and found that there was no one he knew in real life, so he could only regretfully exit the live broadcast.

And Sun Yalin, after receiving his message, did not respond for a long time.

As for the surge of other private messages, Zhao Xiaonian just looked at a few and didn't even look at them.

Want to add me? Humph, a bunch of scumbags who can't cash back.


Zhao Xiaonian fell asleep when it was almost dawn, and he slept until noon.

Because the senior year is already a graduating class, there are basically no classes, and more students are encouraged to start internships in society. It is said to be an internship, but in fact, it is to let students start looking for jobs and enter the society in advance to get started.

Zhao Xiaonian had already started looking for a job, but there were so many college students these days. It was actually quite difficult for college students like them who had not yet graduated to find a job. He submitted dozens of resumes, but none of them were accepted.

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