"No, you guys have been chatting for so long, and you only talked about your ID information?" Li Liwei was speechless.

Guo Liang looked at Li Liwei like he was an idiot, "What else? Come on, we just met, okay?"

Zhao Xiaonian: "How does she feel about you? Can you guys succeed?"

"I don't know, but at least she and I know each other now. I've finally taken the first step."

The little flame of Li Liwei's love impulse that had just risen was extinguished in an instant. His gossiping heart was gone, and he lay down on the bed, took out his mobile phone and continued his game career, "Liangzi, come on, play games."

Guo Liang took out his mobile phone, but contrary to his usual behavior, he did not open the game, but opened the recruitment website, "I don't want to play anymore, I want to look for a job seriously."

Li Liwei jumped up from the bed, "Liangzi, are you stimulated by something? Didn't we agree to enjoy the last college time together?"

Guo Liang and Li Liwei never thought about finding a job.

In their words, after graduation, they will become social animals and live a life of KPI and 996. It is better to enjoy life now and squander the last college time.

But Guo Liang suddenly said that he wanted to find a job, which made Li Liwei feel abandoned by his teammates.

"Si Yao asked me today if I had found a job? What plans and intentions did I have for my future life? I found that I couldn't answer." Guo Liang said seriously, "I suddenly felt that I was wasting my life by wasting my time like this. So, I decided to start looking for a job now and start a business and become a boss in the future."

"You don't know, Si Yao is a junior this year, studying foreign languages, but she is now self-studying financial management knowledge. She wants to stay in Lingzhou after graduating from college and doesn't want to go back to Guizhou Province. She said that the social competition is fierce now, and if she wants to live a good life in the future, she has to work hard now."

At this moment, Zhao Xiaonian had a great change in his opinion of the short-haired girl wearing glasses.

"So, I have to work hard now. For myself and for Siyao." Guo Liang smiled, "I think Siyao is a good girl, I decided to pursue her seriously."

Zhao Xiaonian patted Guo Liang on the shoulder, "I support you."

Li Liwei didn't say anything, but he turned off the game.

"Xiaonian, you haven't found a job yet, right? Although you were kicked out, you can't be so decadent. Find a job seriously." Guo Liang suddenly patted Zhao Xiaonian on the shoulder with the attitude of a person who has experienced it, and said earnestly.

Zhao Xiaonian: ...


Night fell, and the lights came on.

The commercial street in front of the main gate of Lingzhou University also ushered in its busiest time of the day.

It is said that a university can support people within a radius of ten kilometers. Although this is a bit exaggerated, it really reflects the driving role of a university in the local economy.

Zhao Xiaonian's meal card had been empty for a long time, and today, seeing Guo Liang and Li Liwei start looking for jobs, he suggested that everyone should not eat in the dormitory, but go out to eat.

Of course, Zhao Xiaonian was very generous and willing to contribute.

"Damn, even barbecue has to be booked in advance these days, it's really rare."

Guo Liang skillfully rolled the skewers in his hand, sprinkled some seasoning from time to time, and after a while, bursts of fragrance came out.

De Ge BBQ Restaurant is a well-known barbecue restaurant on the commercial street. It's not that the barbecue in this restaurant tastes so good, but because this barbecue restaurant focuses on customers doing it themselves.

Guo Liang was busy grilling, and Li Liwei was helping on the side, and the two cooperated very well.

"Guo Liang, I think even if you can't do anything, you can support yourself by setting up a barbecue stall."

Zhao Xiaonian took a bite of a skewer of meat that Guo Liang had grilled and handed over, and it tasted really good.

"Get lost, you can't do anything in the future." Guo Liang said angrily, "I just got myself in high spirits today, don't kill me."

Li Liwei is a master at adjusting the atmosphere. He picked up the bottle and poured wine for everyone present, then raised his glass and said to Zhao Xiaonian, "Come on, let's toast to thank our sponsor tonight - Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Xiaonian likes the atmosphere of the university dormitory. The men are not so cunning. Even Zhang Haolong, the second-generation rich man, does not have the bad behavior of other second-generation rich men.

Eating barbecue and drinking wine at the same time, how can it be described in one word?

"Brother Xiaonian, you are here too?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind Zhao Xiaonian. Looking back, it was Zhang Yuhan.


The originally lively atmosphere came to an abrupt end after Zhang Yuhan arrived.

"It's Yuhan, why are you eating here too?. "

"I came here with a few friends."

Zhang Yuhan pointed to a table not far behind her, where several girls were busy making barbecue. Seeing that those girls were all tall, it goes without saying that they must be majoring in modeling.

Guo Liang and Li Liwei's eyes were straight now.

Zhang Yuhan is beautiful in herself, plus the height of a model, especially the long legs, any man can't help but take a second look.

Zhao Xiaonian ignored the two useless guys and pointed to the empty seat next to him, "Come, let's eat together."

Zhang Yuhan sat next to Zhao Xiaonian very obediently.

Looking at Zhang Yuhan sitting next to Zhao Xiaonian, Guo Liang showed Zhao Xiaonian an inquiring look, "Xiao Nian, who is this? Do you want to introduce her?"

"Oh, let me introduce you, this is my friend, Zhang Yuhan, a junior, majoring in modeling. Yuhan, these two are my classmates and roommates, Guo Liang and Li Liwei. "

"Hello, Brother Liang, Brother Wei." Zhang Yuhan greeted them generously.

It was fine when he called Brother Liang, but when he called Brother Wei, Li Liwei looked constipated.

Apart from her materialistic personality, Zhang Yuhan is definitely the kind of woman who can make a man proud. She is beautiful, generous, and she is not the kind of petty person in her dealings with others.

At least there is no problem on her face.

After a while, she became familiar with Guo Liang and Li Liwei.

"What I am more concerned about now is what is the relationship between you two." Guo Liang pointed at Zhao Xiaonian and Zhang Yuhan and asked with a raised eyebrow.

Before Zhao Xiaonian spoke, Zhang Yuhan took the lead and said, "I am pursuing Brother Xiaonian. "

This sentence made both of them drop their jaws, but also gave Zhao Xiaonian an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

Zhang Yuhan, a great beauty, especially with her long legs, is definitely the center of attention wherever she goes.

But such a girl who has no shortage of suitors actually said that she was pursuing Zhao Xiaonian, who couldn't find any good points in her. Who could believe this?

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