To be honest, Zhao Xiaonian was very nervous at this time. Although he had the Chinese medicine skills given by the system and had reached the mastery level. But this was Zhao Xiaonian's first time, so nervousness and excitement were inevitable.

After adjusting his state and calming his mind, Zhao Xiaonian was about to pierce Xu Dajiang's head with the needle, and as the door was pushed open from outside, a loud shout of anger came at the same time.


This shout almost made Zhao Xiaonian lose his grip on the needle.

When he looked back, he saw a man in his fifties with a big backcombed hair, walking in quickly from outside. Following closely behind him was a man in his sixties.

"Yan'er, what are you doing?"

The man with the slicked-back hair walked into the room and went straight to Xu Yan'er, scolding with a cold face, "Your grandpa is like this, do you still want to torment him?"

Faced with the scolding of the man with the slicked-back hair, Xu Yan'er was not afraid at all, "Second uncle, what do you mean by torment? I don't understand."

It turned out that the man was Xu Dajiang's second son, Xu Yan'er's uncle, Xu Yide.

"Okay, then tell me, who is this person?" Xu Yide pointed at Zhao Xiaonian and asked Xu Yan'er.

Zhao Xiaonian dodged and avoided the fingers being pointed at, and stood in the corner with Ah Fu.

"She is the person I invited to treat grandpa."

"Nonsense, you dare to bring someone you meet in the hospital to your grandpa for treatment? Are you treating him? You are harming your grandpa."

Xu Yide looked heartbroken.

"Then what do you say we should do? We've been to all the hospitals and done all kinds of tests, but the results are all that it's hard to recover." Xu Yan'er's cold eyes shot out a cruel look, "Even if there's a glimmer of hope, I will do everything I can to make grandpa better."

Xu Yide sighed and softened his tone, "Yan'er, you've been stubborn since you were young, but now is not the time to be stubborn and willful. This is Professor Hao Deming from the Sparrow Polytechnic Hospital in the United States, and he is also a world-renowned neurologist. I finally invited him here this time, just to Let him see your grandfather."

Speaking of this, Xu Yide paused, "If Professor Hao says there is still a chance, we will let Professor Hao treat your grandfather. But Yan'er, if Professor Hao also says it's not possible, Second Uncle also hopes that you can accept this fact."

The man who came in behind Xu Yide stood up at the right time, "Mr. Xu, please show me all the test reports and CT of your grandfather."

Hearing the man's style, Xu Yan'er's eyes rekindled hope, and hurriedly took out something the size of a file bag from the drawer of the bookcase in the bedroom.

"It's all here, Professor Hao, take a look, what is the situation of my grandfather."

Hao Deming took the bag, opened it, and took out the things inside.

There are a lot of things inside, but they are all neatly arranged, and even sorted by date, which saves people who see it a lot of trouble.

About ten minutes later, Hao Deming read all the examination reports, sighed, shook his head and said: "This is a stroke with hemiplegia, aphasia and other sequelae. The brain nerve tissue has been damaged and there is no chance of recovery. Sorry, I can't do anything."

Hearing Hao Deming's words, Xu Yan'er obviously stood unsteadily. Fortunately, there was a desk next to her, which supported her for a while and saved her embarrassment.

"Is there really no hope at all?" Xu Yan'er asked unwillingly.

Hao Deming shook his head twice.

"Even Professor Hao said so. You should give up and stop bothering your grandfather." Seeing Xu Yan'er's grief-stricken look, Xu Yide said, "Yan'er, I know you have a good relationship with your grandfather. You have been taking care of him during the time when your grandfather had a stroke. You are too tired."

"Well, I have discussed it with other shareholders. You should take good care of your grandfather at home and stop distracting yourself from the group's affairs. With your second uncle around, the group will not be in chaos."

Xu Yan'er glared at Xu Yide: "Xu Yide, what do you mean by this?"

"Yan'er, you are too impatient and you are not You like to listen to us old people. So we think that position is not suitable for you. Grandpa is like this too. You are busy with the group's affairs and taking care of grandpa at the same time. We also understand that you are too busy. We uncles don't want you to work so hard. "

"Also, you are 28 this year. In two years, you will be an old girl. It's time to find a suitable husband to marry. After all, it's a woman's job to take care of her husband and children. Don't worry, the group can still hold on with us old guys. When Xu Feng grows up, the group will have successors."

Zhao Xiaonian wanted to give thisThe big back-haired guy clapped.

There were sarcasms in every sentence, but the words were all in a "I'm doing this for your own good" manner.

I've learned it, I've learned it.

Xu Yan'er was angry and annoyed now. Her second uncle was really calculating. He took her down and then pushed that unpromising cousin up. Although Longsheng Group did not change its surname, it would be Xu Yide's group.

"My good second uncle, Grandpa has just fallen for less than half a year, are you so impatient? Don't forget, my shares, plus Grandpa's shares, account for 45%. Do you have the ability to remove me as the president?"

"Don't think I don't know what you are thinking. Let me tell you, as long as I, Xu Yan'er, am here, you, Xu Yide or Xu Feng, better not cause trouble for me. If you dare to reach out for something you don't deserve, I will definitely cut off your hands."

Having said this, it was like laying it out in the open, so Xu Yide simply tore his face off.

"Xu Yan'er, that position was never yours, and certainly not your father's. It was supposed to belong to me. Your father, my good elder brother, took it away from me by currying favor with the old man."

"Today, I am just taking back what should have belonged to me."

Xu Yide took out a piece of paper and spread it out, "Take a good look at it. This is a draft jointly signed by all shareholders to replace you as the president. Tomorrow, I will initiate a resolution to remove the president in the name of the third largest shareholder. Tomorrow, you will no longer be the female president of Longsheng Group."

Xu Yan'er looked at the content on the paper, and her expression changed from cold to angry, "Xu Yide, do you dare? I was approved as the president by my grandfather at the board meeting."

"Humph, the old man is already like this, so don't use him to threaten me."

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