"After all, I founded Longsheng. I am really scared of what happened today." Xu Dajiang focused his eyes on Zhao Xiaonian, smiling with gratitude, "Luckily, you are here this time. Together with the last time in the hospital, you have saved me twice."

"Hey, you are too polite. I just encountered it, and I happened to be able to solve it. If I encountered something that I couldn't help, I would have stayed away. Cherish your life."

After all, he is already a billionaire, Zhao Xiaonian now loves to cherish himself.

Xu Dajiang laughed, and the more he looked at Zhao Xiaonian, the more he liked her. "Xiaonian, how old are you this year?"


"Are you married?"

Zhao Xiaonian said speechlessly: "I won't graduate from college until next year, how can I get married so soon?"

"They say that great favors are not to be thanked, or..." Xu Dajiang looked at Zhao Xiaonian and said word by word: "Or, I'll give you my granddaughter."


Zhao Xiaonian sprayed a mouthful of tea directly on Xu Dajiang's clothes, "What did you say?"

Why did they bring it up to this.

He was really confused by Xu Dajiang. The topic changed too quickly, one foot in the sky and one foot in the ground. The meal was good, the tea was authentic, how did it come to marrying her granddaughter, this detour was too big.

Afu hurriedly took out a tissue to wipe the tea off Xu Dajiang's clothes, and glared at Zhao Xiaonian reproachfully.

Xu Dajiang didn't care and continued, "You are 22 this year, which is the legal age. Although Yan'er is older than you, she is only 6 years older. A woman who is three years older than her husband is a treasure. You have two treasures. Besides, my granddaughter is so beautiful, she is definitely more than enough for you."

As he said, Xu Dajiang pretended to be mysterious and said, "I'll tell you a secret. My granddaughter has never been in love. If you can get her together, it would be great to marry your first love."

Zhao Xiaonian's mind unconsciously appeared Xu Yan'er's arrogant look, and he refused directly, "I don't want it."


"Too self-righteous, I was suppressed by her marriage."

Zhao Xiaonian admitted that Xu Yan'er was indeed beautiful, but apart from anything else, her arrogant personality made Zhao Xiaonian annoyed.

Besides, he has a system, and there will definitely be many women around him in the future. According to Xu Yan'er's personality, will she be willing to share with others?

What, isn't Xu Yan'er the target of counterattack bound by the system?

Please, she is the target, but the system doesn't say that you have to succeed in the attack.

"So it depends on your own ability. If you can subdue her, she will be obedient." Xu Dajiang continued to seduce step by step.

Zhao Xiaonian pouted, "No, let's not do it. Even if I match your granddaughter, it's okay. With her eldest lady's temper, she has a stern face, which makes people uncomfortable."

Xu Dajiang laughed, "Look, she is cold and you are hot, isn't this a perfect match? You can try it first. But my granddaughter is a girl after all, you as a man should take the initiative, have a meal, watch a movie or something."

"You old man, you are just talking about nothing, and you are getting off topic. I won't talk to you anymore, I'm leaving. I'll come back in three days."

With that, Zhao Xiaonian really ran away from the Xu family's old house.

"Master, do you really like him?"

Ahfu asked while packing up the tea sets when he saw Xu Dajiang watching Zhao Xiaonian leave.

"This kid is kind-hearted. Although he is sometimes out of tune, he is very opinionated. If I have to choose someone for Yan'er, I will choose him."

Xu Dajiang looked at Ahfu and asked, "What do you think of this kid?"

Ahfu thought about it and gave his own evaluation: "He is brave."

Xu Dajiang knew that he was talking about the acupuncture he had just given him, and smiled: "This may be the case that people with high skills are brave."

"Master, Xiaonian also said that you need to rest well. I will push you back to your room."

After all, Xu Dajiang had just recovered from a serious illness. Although he can speak more and more fluently now, he is actually only a little better. He still needs to slowly adjust in the future.


Ahfu carried Xu Dajiang to the bed and carefully covered him with a quilt.

"By the way, when Xiaonian gives me acupuncture in three days, remember to invite Yan'er as well. The two of us need to spend more time together."

Because we came to the Xu family's old house in Xu Yan'er's car, and now Xu Yan'er has left, Zhao Xiaonian can only take a taxi back.

In the car, Zhao Xiaonian received a call from Zhang Haolong.

Zhang Haolong has already made an appointment with Zhou Liang to have dinner at the Lihao Hotel tomorrow night. He will be the peacemaker and help the two of us to make peace.

On the phone, Zhang Haolong was still asking which woman it was. Because he also asked Zhou Liang, Zhou Liang refused to say anything.

ForIf Zhou Liang's matter could be resolved, it would be the best. After all, in this era, it is best not to make enemies.

But if Zhou Liang still insists, Zhao Xiaonian will not give in. After all, he is a person with 10-digit assets. Zhao Xiaonian's self-confidence has risen with his bulging wallet.

After all, the saying that money can make one brave is not just nonsense.

That night, He Fei sent a message saying that she would continue to take care of her brother in the hospital.

Zhao Xiaonian had to stay alone in the empty room again.

Lihao Hotel is very well-known in Lingzhou and is the first choice for many wealthy people to socialize.

Zhao Xiaonian was about to drive to the hotel's underground parking lot when a man in a black suit came over and motioned Zhao Xiaonian to wait.

Then he cleared a parking space blocked by a triangular cone in front of the hotel gate and motioned Zhao Xiaonian to park the car here.

Zhao Xiaonian didn't think much about it. He was too lazy to drive to the parking lot even though there was a nearby parking space. He just reversed into the parking lot and parked the car.

When getting out of the car, the boy in the black suit helped Zhao Xiaonian to protect the top of the door frame to prevent him from bumping into it.

"Xiao Nian, Xiao Nian."

As soon as he entered the hotel lobby, Zhao Xiaonian heard someone calling him from behind.

Turning back, he saw Zhang Haolong just walking out of the elevator.

"Lao Zhang!"

Zhao Xiaonian was also very happy to see his roommate whom he hadn't seen for several months, and walked up quickly.

"Damn, I almost didn't recognize you in this outfit."

Zhao Xiaonian looked at Zhang Haolong, who was dressed like a rich young man in a shirt and trousers, and even had his hair sprayed with hairspray. He said he couldn't recognize him.

When we were in the same dormitory, although Zhang Haolong was a rich second-generation, he never cared about food and clothing. He ate in the cafeteria and bought clothes on Taobao like everyone else. He lived a rich second-generation life that was no different from Zhao Xiaonian and his friends.

"Fuck, there's nothing I can do. My old man insisted that I dress like this. These days, if you don't wear big brands or drive luxury cars, no one will talk business with you."

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