Being intimate with his daughter in front of her father is a social death moment.

The middle-aged man then stepped forward, and He Fei hurriedly introduced him nervously: "Dad, this is Zhao Xiaonian."

Zhao Xiaonian hurriedly shouted: "Uncle."

The middle-aged man nodded, then looked at He Fei and said: "You go up first, I want to talk to Xiao Zhao."


"Be obedient, go up."

He Fei bit her lips lightly, glanced at Zhao Xiaonian, and then slowly walked towards the inpatient building, looking back as she walked.

After He Fei confirmed that she had entered, He's father pointed to a bench not far away and said to Zhao Xiaonian: "Let's go over there and talk."

After that, He's father took the lead and walked towards the bench, and Zhao Xiaonian had to follow him.

He's father: "Mr. Zhao."

"You can just call me Xiao Zhao or Xiao Nian."

He's father did not correct his address and continued: "Mr. Zhao, thank you for helping us when we were in trouble. Our family really needed money, so this money was borrowed from Mr. Zhao by me, He Guozhang, and it has nothing to do with my daughter."

When Zhao Xiaonian heard this, his eyebrows slightly raised, but he did not speak, waiting for He Guozhang's next words.

Sure enough, after saying this, He Guozhang looked at Zhao Xiaonian and said: "I hope Mr. Zhao can leave my daughter. You two are not suitable."

Zhao Xiaonian did not expect He Guozhang to be so direct right from the start.

"How do you know it's inappropriate?"

"I've watched my daughter grow up, and I know her well. She tells me and her mother everything. Some time ago, she told her mother that she didn't want to study anymore and didn't like dancing anymore. In fact, we knew she was lying. She loved dancing so much, but she said she wanted to give it up, just because her brother's illness required a lot of money, and she wanted to reduce our burden."

"But a few days later, she suddenly took out 6 million yuan and gave it to me, saying that she had money to treat her brother. We asked her where she got so much money, and she said she borrowed it from a friend."

"What friend can lend 6 million yuan in a flash in our family's situation? To put it bluntly, it's like throwing money into the water."

He Guozhang took out a cigarette, but didn't pass it to Zhao Xiaonian. He lit it up, took a puff, exhaled light blue smoke, and continued: "I'm afraid this girl will do something stupid, and I'm also afraid that she will ruin herself because of this 6 million yuan. Mr. Zhao, do you understand what I mean?"

At this point, Zhao Xiaonian understood.

No one knows a son better than his father.

In fact, He Fei did something. She put herself in a bid and sold herself.

However, because of my own interference, this matter became a little strange.

I bought it myself and really slept with it, but when I think about it carefully, it is essentially the same as He Fei's previous idea.

"So, Mr. Zhao, this money has nothing to do with Feifei. I, He Guozhang, borrowed it from you. I don't want you to use it as a threat to make my daughter do anything. Of course, if you want to take back the money, I, He Guozhang, will return it to you."

"No need. I promised He Fei that the money was for her and she didn't have to pay it back. I understand what you mean, and I promised you that I would not use it to threaten He Fei to do something."

He Guozhang's face obviously eased when he heard this.

Zhao Xiaonian continued: "But if He Fei really wants to be with me, I hope you don't object."

Hearing this, He Guozhang stood up and looked at Zhao Xiaonian: "You..."


At this time, a crisp voice sounded, and it was He Fei who came back.

It turned out that He Fei had not actually gone far, but had been hiding and observing on the side.

She had also heard roughly what her father said and the conversation between the two.

While she was touched by her father's protection of her, she was also a little scared.

She had given everything to Zhao Xiaonian, and even fell in love with Zhao Xiaonian. Now her father was against the two of them being together, how could she agree.

Admittedly, her relationship with Zhao Xiaonian was based on money, but Zhao Xiaonian never forced him to do anything, and was really good to her.

She didn't want to show up at first, but she saw her father stood up, and she was afraid that if she continued to talk, the two most important men in her life would end up unhappy, so she quickly stood up.

The appearance of He Fei interrupted the conversation between the two men.

He Guozhang wanted to say something, but was pulled away by his daughter.

Zhao Xiaonian also lost interest in talking, so he left the hospital directly and drove straight to the Xu family's old house.

When we arrived at the Xu family’s old house, Xu Dajiang was sitting in a wheelchair basking in the not-so-hot morning sun.

Looking at the bamboo forest in the courtyard of the old house, which had already begun to wither and turn yellow, Zhao Xiaonian felt a little bit like autumn..

Mr. Xu looked in good spirits. Although his hands and feet were not working well, his facial expression showed that there was nothing wrong with him.

"Isn't tomorrow the day for treatment? Why are you here today?"

Although Xu Dajiang was surprised by Zhao Xiaonian's arrival, he was very happy.

"I want to ask you for advice on something. I want to start a business."

Zhao Xiaonian found a stool for himself and sat down next to Xu Dajiang.

"Start a business? That's great. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know what to do, so you call it starting a business?"

"Isn't it just having this idea?"

Xu Dajiang wanted to slap this kid on the head, but his hand was not working well, so he had to give up.

"You dare to say you want to start a business without thinking about anything. Do you think this is just playing house?"

Zhao Xiaonian blushed, "I really don't know what to do."

"If you want to start a business because you feel bored, then go to Longsheng. I'll let Yan'er arrange a department manager job for you. It's a good opportunity for you to spend more time together."

This old man is still trying to match Xu Yan'er and Zhao Xiaonian, and I don't know what he is thinking.

Zhao Xiaonian waved his hands quickly, "I won't go to Longsheng, that's just going to work. I said, I want to start a business, I want to be my own boss."

"You haven't thought about anything yet, and you still have the nerve to say the word entrepreneurship." Xu Dajiang glared at Zhao Xiaonian unhappily.

"I haven't thought it through yet, so I came to ask you, the richest man in Lingzhou. If I had thought it through, I would have done it long ago. Just tell me, what do you think I should do?"

"Listen carefully, kid. You can't start a business on a whim, and you can't just rush into it without caring about anything. So think about what you are good at and what your advantages are. Which of the 365 professions in the world can you do?"

Xu Dajiang said patiently, as if he was teaching his nephews, "Let's start with the big ones. You have to choose at least one of the four necessities of life: food, clothing, housing, transportation, and transportation. And you have to have a team. A single tree cannot make a forest. You can't accomplish anything by yourself. You need people."

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