Hearing the system's prompt, Zhao Xiaonian was glad that he had already ordered the dishes and paid the bill in advance, otherwise he would have lost a lot of money.

But he also knew another rule of the system: the favorability cannot be below 0, otherwise there will be no cashback.

The favorability dropped by 20 points directly. It seems that the cold female teacher in front of him is really angry.

Imagine that if Zhao Xiaonian was played like this, he would have walked away long ago. But even though Sun Yalin was very angry, she didn't mean to walk away.

Very unexpected!

Zhao Xiaonian saw that the other party had no intention of shaking hands with him, and withdrew his hand angrily, "Teacher Sun, I'm sorry. But I have no ill intentions, just a little joke."

"Joke? This joke is not funny at all." Sun Yalin said with a cold face.

Zhao Xiaonian scratched his head, not knowing how to explain.

Since he didn't know how to explain, he simply didn't explain.

There was no topic.

Neither of them spoke. Zhao Xiaonian looked at Sun Yalin, while Sun Yalin focused her eyes on the sea outside the French window.

"Teacher Sun, how did you become a live streamer?" Zhao Xiaonian felt that the atmosphere between the two was too awkward, and began to make small talk.

"It's none of your business." Sun Yalin moved her eyes back, with a cold face, "I will return the money you gave me yesterday, but I have to wait until the platform sends it out."

"No, no, since it's a reward, there's no reason to take it back. Besides, it's normal to give rewards to teachers you like." What a joke, if the money is really returned, then the favorability will drop by who knows how much, how can I earn cash back from her.

After all, it's more than 600,000, and now I'm short of money. If I really have to return it, Sun Yalin is a little reluctant. But the person who gave me the reward turned out to be my student, which made her feel a little awkward.

Especially when she heard Zhao Xiaonian say "the teacher she likes", she couldn't help but frown again.

"I am very grateful that you went to the live broadcast room to support the teacher. If you give 50 or 100, the teacher won't say anything. But you actually gave so much, it's not appropriate."

After all, he is her student. Sun Yalin feels that she needs to educate Zhao Xiaonian. This is entirely out of her professional nature as a teacher. "You are still a student now, and you haven't started to make money. You can't squander your parents' hard-earned money like this."

Zhao Xiaonian didn't expect Sun Yalin to change the subject so quickly. How could a good date suddenly turn into a drama of a teacher scolding a student?

Zhao Xiaonian smiled and explained: "Teacher Sun, my money is not from my parents. Our parents are ordinary workers. All the money I have now is earned by myself."

Well, to be precise, it's all earned from you.

Sun Yalin was stunned, "You earned all this money yourself? Didn't you say you haven't found a job yet?"

"I haven't found a job, but is this necessarily related to my earning money? Besides, even if I find a job, which job can earn so much all at once?"

Although the name of college students sounds good, another label of college students is "cheap labor". How many college students work hard for a month and earn less than the security guard downstairs.

Zhao Xiaonian's words surprised Sun Yalin.

A student easily gave 900,000 to reward the anchor, so his family background must be more than that.

Sun Yalin frowned, "You didn't do anything illegal, did you?"

Zhao Xiaonian stopped and shook his head, "How could it be, it is definitely legal income."

Sun Yalin was relieved and thought about it again, "Since it is legal income, you should spend it sparingly, and it is also good to save it. When the platform takes the reward money, I will transfer it to you. I finally made so much money, I have to spend it in the right way. "

"Teacher... Actually I make more than 300,000, that's just a small part."

Sun Yalin almost choked on this. 300,000, is just a small part.

She suddenly felt that she was such a failure as a teacher. After working for so many years, she didn't make as much as the students who hadn't graduated yet.

Suddenly, Sun Yalin seemed to think of something.

She pursed her lips, hesitated for a while, and then said embarrassedly: "Then Zhao... Xiaonian, do you have 3 million? 2 million is also OK?"

It's so embarrassing, as a teacher, I actually asked my students to borrow money.

But now she really has no other way. Everyone who can borrow has borrowed. If there is anyone around her who can pay this money, it should be this student who she doesn't know very well.

Besides, he said that the money was earned by himselfIt's not from my parents. And I earn quite a lot, which gave Sun Yalin hope.

Zhao Xiaonian was confused again.

The conversation turned again and again, and it turned so fast that he couldn't react.

But the other party is the goddess he has locked on, and he can get cash back for spending. He was still worrying about how to spend money on her, but he didn't expect that this opportunity would come to him.

However, this -15 favorability must be pulled back, otherwise he will earn nothing and lose everything.

Seeing that Zhao Xiaonian didn't speak for a long time, Sun Yalin thought that Zhao Xiaonian was unwilling, and her heart was cold. At the same time, she also felt that she was a little too much.

The other party gave her hundreds of thousands of rewards, and now she asked to borrow 3 million, which was indeed a little too much.

In the final analysis, the two of them were just ordinary teacher-student relationships, and their friendship was far from that deep.

"It's okay, just pretend the teacher didn't say anything." Sun Yalin smiled reluctantly, and didn't intend to force her.

Zhao Xiaonian spoke up at this time, "I do have money. I'm just curious why Teacher Sun suddenly needs so much money?"

Seeing Zhao Xiaonian say yes, Sun Yalin saw hope.

"Really!" Sun Yalin looked at Zhao Xiaonian with surprise.

Zhao Xiaonian nodded.

[Ding: Target Sun Yalin's favorability to the host +10, current favorability -5]

Seeing the favorability go up a little, Zhao Xiaonian seemed to see hope.

Sun Yalin must be very anxious, and her body unconsciously leaned forward, "Then can you give it to me now? I need it urgently."

"Yes, but..." Now it was Zhao Xiaonian's turn to be embarrassed.

Now it was absolutely no problem to take out 3 million from his card, but Sun Yalin's favorability was still negative. If he gave it, it would definitely be a loss-making business.

Before giving the money, Sun Yalin's favorability must be pulled back. Even if it can't return to the previous favorability of 5, it must at least be above 2.

Seeing Zhao Xiaonian like this, Sun Yalin thought he was worried, and immediately said: "Teacher can write you an IOU... and you can also calculate the interest."

"No, no, no." When Zhao Xiaonian heard that Teacher Sun wanted to write him an IOU, he shook his head like a rattle.

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