Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment at the two people's intentions, and it was obvious that there were guests who came uninvited.

In the business world, "coming uninvited" is a taboo, and it will be suspected of looking for trouble.

Qian Jianjun seemed to see Zhao Xiaonian's doubts and explained: "Tengyun Group expanded from other places to our Lingzhou a few years ago. They also have several industries in our Lingzhou, mainly engaged in entertainment consumption. The now popular Seven Nights Bar is their industry."

Seven Nights Bar?

Zhao Xiaonian remembered that he had taken Liu Xinting and Zhang Yuhan there to spend money in order to earn cash back a while ago.

But except for that time, he and this Tengyun Group can be said to have no intersection.


Since he didn't understand the other party's purpose, but since he came to the door, the visitor is a guest, and as the host, he also had to go out to receive him.

So he stood up and said to everyone, "My two uncles, President Qian, I'm sorry, please feel free to come."

But Zhou Bohai also stood up, "Xiao Nian, I'll go out with you."

This means that he wants to support Zhao Xiaonian.

Although Bohai Construction is not a very large enterprise, it has been in Lingzhou for so many years, and it has a little shadow. In addition, Zhao Xiaonian's assistance last time helped Bohai Construction to breathe again. It is reasonable for him to show up.

Zhang Kangping also stood up, still smiling, "Come on, Lao Zhou, let's go for a walk together. Speaking of which, I haven't visited Xiaonian's company properly yet."

Qian Jianjun also stood up, "Haha, that's great, I'll go with you. I heard that this is the largest office in Chengfeng, I have to see it."

The meaning of the three people was very clear, which surprised and delighted Zhao Xiaonian.

He didn't say anything, but Zhao Xiaonian remembered this favor.

The group just walked to the reception area that was temporarily converted from the office area. At this time, there were many people sitting in the reception area. It seemed that they were representatives sent by some peers. Because the boss was not present, Hao Yue did not let Zhao Xiaonian receive them personally.

At this time, Manager Cao of Lihao Hotel was helping to entertain the guests.

"Hey, Manager Cao, you are a guest today, how can you help entertain guests?"

Zhao Xiaonian hurriedly took two steps, took the things in Manager Cao's hand, and turned around and handed them to Hao Yue.

Manager Cao smiled and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Zhao. I come here on behalf of Lihao Hotel to congratulate you and wish your company a prosperous opening. I come here uninvited, please don't be offended, Mr. Zhao."

These words directly showed his attitude.

And the two were acquaintances, so Zhao Xiaonian naturally welcomed them.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Zhao Xiaonian, led by Hao Yue, met and greeted other guests present.

As Zhao Xiaonian thought, except for the manager of the property company, the others were department managers of some investment companies, and none of the bosses came in person.

This was also common, and Zhao Xiaonian also smiled and thanked him.

At this time, the front desk led a middle-aged man in a suit to Zhao Xiaonian and introduced him: "Mr. Zhao, this is from Tengyun Group..."

Because they didn't know the other party's name, the front desk was stuck here.

"Zheng Li. Commissioned by our General Manager Li, I came to congratulate Jinnian Investment on its opening."

As he said, Zheng Li handed over a business card with the words - Deputy General Manager of Yunteng Group, General Manager of Qiye Bar.

Seeing that the other party did not seem to be a bad guest, Zhao Xiaonian naturally greeted him with a smile, "Thank you, Mr. Zheng, for coming. Please also express my gratitude to Mr. Li."

Zheng Li nodded, "I will definitely bring you here. I still have things to deal with, so I will take my leave first. Please forgive me, Mr. Zhao."

"Mr. Zheng is too polite. Please feel free to do as you please."

Looking at Zheng Li's departing back, Zhang Haolong came over, "What's going on?"

"How would I know?" Zhao Xiaonian was also confused.

"At least the other party doesn't seem to have any bad intentions." Zhou Bohai said.

"Forget it, let's not worry about that for now."

Hao Yue looked at the time and said, "Then please take your seats first. Our opening ceremony is about to begin."

At this time, another voice came from outside the door.

"Oh, Mr. Zhao is really something. He didn't even tell me about the opening. I didn't know what to prepare. After thinking about it, I had to give Mr. Zhao a big clock as a gift."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone looked over, and the originally lively scene became quiet.

I saw a man walk in with a malicious smile on his face. He waved his hand and said, "Come on, bring the clock to Mr. Zhao."

Then, I saw two men walking out with a floor clock in their arms and put it next to the front desk.

Seeing the big clock, ZhaoXiaonian's face darkened.

Hao Yue's face turned a little cold.

Even Zhou Bohai, Zhang Kangping and others looked a little unhappy.

"Zhong" means "termination".

Giving away clocks for opening a business is a taboo.

Xu Feng clearly did not come to congratulate, but to mess things up.

"Manager Xu, what do you mean by this?" Hao Yue asked coldly.

Hao Yue still used the name in Longsheng Group.

"What can I mean? I've said that I'm here to give a gift." Xu Feng spread his hands innocently.

Zhang Haolong had a dark face and scolded: "Giving away clocks for opening a business, I think you are not here to give gifts, but to make trouble, right?"

Xu Feng looked over and asked viciously: "Who are you?"

"This is my son. Isn't it a bit inappropriate for Mr. Xu to do this?" Zhang Kangping recognized the other party and was reluctant to intervene, but since his son had stood up first, he had to step in.

"Oh, who did I think it was? It turned out to be Mr. Zhang. What? This is a matter between me and the man surnamed Zhao. Do you Hongda want to get involved?"

Xu Feng obviously didn't take the Zhang family father and son seriously.

"Xu Feng, you are too much!"

Zhou Jiaying also stood up.

Xu Feng then noticed that Zhou Jiaying was also there, and his eyes lit up.

Zhou Jiaying was wearing a blue suit today, abandoning the traditional shirt inside, wearing suspenders, and revealing a piece of white and tender skin on her neck between the collar. The nine-point pen holder blue suit pants on her legs set off her straight and long legs. With 6-7 cm pointed patent leather high heels, the whole person's aura has also improved a lot.

Coupled with Zhou Jiaying's stunning appearance, the feeling of a domineering beauty president came up immediately.

For some reason, when Xu Feng saw Zhou Jiaying, the shadow of a person unconsciously emerged in his mind-Xu Yan'er.

The look on Xu Feng's face also flashed a moment of lust.

"Oh, Miss Zhou is here too? What is your relationship with this Zhao guy?"

"He's my friend." Zhou Jiaying replied.

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