Zhao Xiaonian greedily smelled the smell of Ye Lingshan and said, "The old man can't drink today. Xu Yan'er's stinky face is there. Who would bother to drink? So, today I became their target. Who let me be the protagonist today?"

Zhao Xiaonian was also happy today, so he drank freely.

From today on, he was a real boss.

After drinking the hangover soup, the taste of alcohol in Zhao Xiaonian's mouth was much lighter, but his head was still swollen after drinking.

"Don't sit, go to bed."

Ye Lingshan helped Zhao Xiaonian get on the bed, like a well-behaved daughter-in-law, helping Zhao Xiaonian take off his coat and shoes and socks.

Zhao Xiaonian felt warm in his heart, and hugged Ye Lingshan again and pulled her to the bed.

Today, Ye Lingshan was wearing a women's professional suit. She symbolically struggled to get rid of it, and then lay on Zhao Xiaonian.

It is said that wine is aphrodisiac water, which is absolutely true.

Ye Lingshan was very well-behaved. Although she looked shy, she would cooperate with Zhao Xiaonian in any posture as long as he wanted.

This made Zhao Xiaonian feel great stimulation both visually and tactilely.

[Ding: Target Ye Lingshan's favorability +10, current favorability 100]

[Ding: Counterattack completion 100%, triggering complete counterattack reward - martial arts (mastery level)]

[Ding: No cash back for any consumption to target goddess Ye Lingshan]


The next day, Zhao Xiaonian arrived at the company early.

Although the company is no longer in the state of two or three kittens, the core personnel of each department are still in short supply.

Good news came from Hao Yue.

Because of the sensation at the opening ceremony yesterday, Jinnian Investment has become famous within a certain range. Especially among peers in the investment industry, it is even more famous.

Yesterday afternoon, many people began to contact Hao Yue, and even some people from Ye Lingshan called.

"Okay, recruit people for important positions as soon as possible, especially manager-level executives."

This is a good sign. Although it means to take advantage of the Longsheng Group, it is not a bad thing for Jinnian, who has just taken the first step.

"The next step is to start firing our first shot in the industry as soon as possible."

Hao Yue took out a document and handed it to Zhao Xiaonian, "This is a company with certain potential that I have collected recently. These companies involve multiple industries and have a certain need to absorb capital for development. You can consider whether there is a suitable one."

Investment, to put it bluntly, is to give money to those in need. Of course, as a return, shares are definitely a must.

Capital enters and holds shares, and the supported company grows because of the money coming in, and the investing company also benefits from it.

The best of both worlds, each party gets what it needs.

"Sorry, I'm late."

At this time, Ye Lingshan hurried into the office with a thin sweat on her forehead.

"Why are you late?"

Ye Lingshan has been very punctual during this period, and she is even the first person to arrive at the company. But today, Zhao Xiaonian was late for the first time, which made him very strange.

Ye Lingshan explained embarrassedly: "The car broke down halfway. It was rush hour, and I waited for a long time for the tow truck to arrive."

Ye Lingshan drove a car worth more than 100,000 yuan, which had been driven for some years.

Hao Yue reminded: "Speaking of cars, Mr. Zhao, does the company also need to purchase a vehicle? Otherwise, it will be inconvenient when going out for inspections and negotiations in the future. It just so happens that the exhibition is holding a car show recently, so we can go and see if there are any suitable business cars."

Zhao Xiaonian thought about it and said, "It must be. Let's go to the car show in the afternoon."

Then he looked at Ye Lingshan.

He had never given anything to this goddess who had successfully counterattacked, so he just bought a car for her as a reward for her performance yesterday.

Rewards and punishments are not only for employees, but also for his women.

After lunch, Zhao Xiaonian took Ye Lingshan to the exhibition center after a short rest in the office.

Hao Yue did not come for such a small matter.

Lingzhou's auto show is a relatively large auto trade fair, held once a year, and every time there are many car companies coming to participate in the exhibition.

When Zhao Xiaonian and his friends arrived at the exhibition center, they could already feel the lively atmosphere before entering.

In the square outside the exhibition, people entering and leaving the station can be seen everywhere.

There are also many people shooting videos, all wanting to gain popularity through the auto show.

After buying two tickets, the two went in.

Although there are not as many people in the exhibition as outside, there are still many young and old. Especially in front of the booths of some well-known brands, it is crowded with people.The organizers also "took care" of these foreign brands and placed them in the center of the exhibition.

These big brands also tried their best to bring out their latest models, and there were even many so-called concept cars.

Zhao Xiaonian was not interested in those concept cars.

Apart from the eye-catching shapes, most of them gave people a flashy feeling.

This is like some big-name fashion shows, with all kinds of strange designs and models with fancy shapes. Although they look good, they are only suitable for catwalk shows.

If someone dressed like this in real life, it would be a bit of a sensationalism. If you catch one or two people who are outspoken, you have to say "SB, you dress like this."

This time, he came to buy a company car, but Zhao Xiaonian still had the intention of changing Ye Lingshan's car.

After all, she had slept with him twice, and the favorability was 100, so he should show his respect.

Moreover, during the period from the preparation to the opening of Jinnian, Ye Lingshan's performance was also remarkable. Although her man was the boss, she did not act superior. She followed the employees below to work overtime, and was absolutely unambiguous when she could help.

Zhao Xiaonian felt that he should show some expression in both public and private matters.

For the company car, Zhao Xiaonian planned to buy a 7-seater commercial vehicle, and buy two first.


He preferred GL8 and Osai. They were high-end and well-known, and the company would not be too embarrassed to drive them out.

Of course, if he bought this car, there would be no need to come to the auto show, and it would be enough to go to the Sierzi store.

So he came to the auto show this time mainly to choose a car for Ye Lingshan.

Of course, Ye Lingshan, who followed Zhao Xiaonian, did not know about it, and Zhao Xiaonian did not mention it to her.

Because according to Zhao Xiaonian's understanding of her, Ye Lingshan would never accept it, and if things went wrong, she would even pull Zhao Xiaonian away.

Zhao Xiaonian first took Ye Lingshan to the Porsche booth, but when he thought of the last time Ye Lingshan sent him home, and how she drove a sports car with great care, Zhao Xiaonian gave up the idea of ​​buying a sports car.

He decided to buy her a sedan or coupe.

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