Zhao Xiaonian, who had a good impression of Porsche, now had no feelings for it and even felt a little disgusted.

Especially the attitude of the person in charge of Porsche made Zhao Xiaonian very uncomfortable. Although he was not the protagonist, he was also treated differently.

Seeing Zhao Xiaonian say this, Xiao Feng's face changed immediately. He glanced at Ye Lingshan next to Zhao Xiaonian, turned around and walked away, and said to himself loudly with a contemptuous tone, "I thought it was a big customer, but it turned out that he was pretending in front of a beautiful woman."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Xiaonian shouted.

"Oh, I don't mean anything." Xiao Feng looked mean and pointed to the booth in the distance. "By the way, there are many domestic brands over there. I suggest you go there and take a look. I think you can find the one that suits you."

Zhao Xiaonian glanced at the sales Xiao Feng, turned around with Ye Lingshan, and returned to the Porsche booth next door.

Xiao Feng looked at Zhao Xiaonian's back, curled his lips, and his face was full of contempt and affection.

Then his face changed, and he looked surprised.

Zhao Xiaonian walked to the Porsche booth, found a salesperson, pointed directly at a 911 on the booth, and took out his bank card.

After a brief moment of surprise, the salesperson took the bank card with a grin, and then swiped it.

After the receipt was printed out, he returned the receipt and bank card to Zhao Xiaonian with both hands respectfully.

The deal can be done at the auto show, but the commission still needs to be paid in the store. After all, there are some necessary procedures such as license plate registration and insurance, so the car cannot be picked up immediately on site.

Three minutes later, Xiao Feng saw Zhao Xiaonian hand the car purchase contract to Ye Lingshan, and the Porsche salesperson bowed and said goodbye, and then walked past him.

Throughout the whole process, Zhao Xiaonian never looked at Xiao Feng again from beginning to end.

Looking at Zhao Xiaonian's back, Xiao Feng regretted it in his heart, and then slapped himself hard.

"Xiao Nian, this... is too expensive, I can't take it. How about we return it?"

Ye Lingshan looked at the car purchase contract in her hand with a complicated expression. But when she saw her name written on the contract, she couldn't help but feel sweet in her heart.

7 million, this man bought her a 7 million car without blinking an eye.

Ye Lingshan is not a very materialistic woman, but she was also deeply shocked at this moment.

And Ye Lingshan knew that Zhao Xiaonian's own car was only 5 million, but he bought herself a more expensive car.

However, although she was touched, Ye Lingshan still felt that she couldn't accept this gift. This had nothing to do with the close relationship between the two, but she just felt that she couldn't spend Zhao Xiaonian's money like this.

"It's already been bought, so there's no reason to return it. You're my woman, so I certainly can't treat you badly. Just keep it with peace of mind."

Zhao Xiaonian looked at Ye Lingshan and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "But before driving the sports car, you have to get more familiar with it. Don't feed the steering wheel anymore, it's not hungry."

Ye Lingshan blushed, shyly pinched Zhao Xiaonian's waist lightly, and then directly took Zhao Xiaonian's arm.

Her eyes were full of charm, which made Zhao Xiaonian feel itchy.

Sure enough, young and mature women are the most attractive.

After buying the car and encountering the Baoma incident, Zhao Xiaonian no longer had the mood to shop, so he planned to leave towards the exit door in front.

"Hey, isn't that the man just now?"

At this time, Ye Lingshan said softly.

Following the direction of Ye Lingshan's sight, Zhao Xiaonian saw the middle-aged man who was at the Baoma booth just now, now at a car company booth, looking at the new cars on display.

The booth of this car company is not as closed to people as the one of Baoma. It may be because there are obviously fewer people in the booth than those of big-name car companies. It can be described as deserted.

Zhao Xiaonian subconsciously looked up at the logo of the booth - Bi Yadi.

Zhao Xiaonian has heard of Bi Yadi. It used to be a battery company, but later it actually crossed over and transformed into a car company. It has produced several fuel vehicles, and later focused on new energy vehicles based on battery technology.

However, new energy seems to be not doing well. It seems that the energy storage problem of the battery has not been solved, so the market share is not large.

Bi Yadi is just a third-tier car brand.

Zhao Xiaonian felt that the middle-aged man's loud questioning of Baoma just now was very appealing to him, so he wanted to get to know him.

Hao Yue also told him that investors should make connections widely so that they can find business opportunities. Especially for companies like Jinnian that have no reputation, they should go out boldly.So, Zhao Xiaonian thought about it and walked up to the middle-aged man and said, "Excuse me, excuse me."

The middle-aged man looked at Zhao Xiaonian and asked, "Hello, what can I do for you?"

Zhao Xiaonian smiled and said, "I was at Baoma just now and happened to encounter the same thing as you. Seeing you loudly questioning Baoma, I felt very relieved."

When he said this, the middle-aged man immediately got angry.

"You encountered it too? Fuck, I just wanted to see the interior design of their new car, but I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing. I came to the auto show, but I was not allowed to look closely. If I don't want to look, then I don't have to look. But they treat me differently, which makes people very uncomfortable."

"Yeah, it's true." Zhao Xiaonian agreed.

He was very unhappy at the time. Otherwise, he wouldn't have turned around and bought a Porsche.

Originally, he didn't want to buy a sports car for Ye Lingshan, because he was afraid that she wouldn't be used to it. But in order to vent his anger, Zhao Xiaonian didn't think so much.

If you are not used to driving, you can just drive it a few more times after you get the car.

No cashback? It doesn't matter, it's just a few million, it's not like you can't get it out.

Anyway, I'll get angry right away.

"That's the truth. Why do foreign cars still have the same attitude after they come in? Since they want to eat domestic food, they still put on a high profile and indulge them."

At this point, the middle-aged man sighed deeply, "Well, it's all because of our late start in domestic cars. If we can solve the battery problem of electric vehicles, I will let those foreigners also enjoy this unequal treatment."

Zhao Xiaonian felt a little uncomfortable with this and asked, "I don't know who you are?"

The middle-aged man didn't hide it on purpose, and took out a business card and handed it over, "Yang Donglai of Bi Yadi."

Zhao Xiaonian took the business card and looked at it - Yang Donglai, chief designer of Bi Yadi.

Zhao Xiaonian was slightly startled, and then he also took out the business card that Ye Lingshan had prepared for him long ago, "Jinnian Investment, Zhao Xiaonian."

Yang Donglai took the business card, looked at it politely, and then put it in his pocket.

"Boss Yang, I didn't expect you to be the chief designer of Biyadi. By the way, I heard that you are working on a new type of battery. How is it going now?"

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