Pay the money and sign the contract.

After a set of standardized procedures, Zhao Xiaonian spent another 8 million.

The goal of a complete counterattack is that the consumption amount is almost 10 million. It should be enough for the system reward, right?

Just as Zhao Xiaonian was full of expectations, the system's voice appeared as expected.

[Ding: The host spent 8 million yuan for the complete counterattack target He Fei, triggering a special reward]

[Special reward: Reward three body strengthening potions from future technology]

[Description: Body strengthening potions can enhance the physique of the user and have the effect of eliminating 9999 diseases]

Then, Zhao Xiaonian felt that his shirt pocket suddenly sank slightly. Reaching out, he touched something like three pillars.

Because he was still outside, Zhao Xiaonian did not take the things out.

Seeing that He Fei had almost finished talking, Zhao Xiaonian couldn't wait to take He Fei back to the villa.

As soon as he arrived at the villa, Zhao Xiaonian went to the bedroom on the third floor alone.

After closing and locking the door, Zhao Xiaonian took out the body strengthening potion rewarded by the system from his pocket.

The body strengthening potion looks similar to the common oral liquid, and is also in a glass bottle. However, there is no text on it, and the whole bottle is bare.

Since it is a reward from the system, Zhao Xiaonian has nothing to worry about.

Picking up a bottle and unscrewing the cap of the bottle, a faint fragrance floated out of the bottle.

Zhao Xiaonian took a sip, and it tasted a little sweet, but it was quite delicious.

He tilted his head and drank the whole bottle of strengthening potion.

A minute later, Zhao Xiaonian felt warm inside his body, and then a little hot, and in just a short while, he began to sweat all over.

He took off his coat and top, and the heat was better.

Then, his bones all over his body were a little sore, and there was a rubbing feeling. With the appearance of this strange feeling, things like dirt began to appear on his body.

Zhao Xiaonian hurried to the bathroom in the bedroom, turned on the shower, and washed off the dirt on his body.

But just after washing here, it started to come out again. And the numbness from every inch of his bones made him a little unsteady.

It took Zhao Xiaonian about an hour to wash off all the dirt on his body. As the dirt disappeared, the feeling on his bones also disappeared.

Zhao Xiaonian felt that his body was like a full sleep, and he was full of energy.

After drying his body, Zhao Xiaonian walked out of the bathroom and took out a new set of clothes from the closet and put them on.

But when he put them on, he found something different.

The clothes that originally fit him were actually one size smaller. Especially the pants, after putting them on, they directly exposed his ankles, and they looked a bit like nine-point pants.

Zhao Xiaonian then realized that he had actually grown taller.

Because there was no ruler, Zhao Xiaonian didn't know how much taller he had grown.

Zhao Xiaonian simply didn't wear anything, and ran downstairs in a hurry in just a pair of shorts, and arrived in front of He Fei's bedroom.

The bedroom door was open, and He Fei was lying on the bed looking at her phone.

Hearing footsteps, she turned around and saw Zhao Xiaonian, who was almost naked.

"Ah, you... it's still broad daylight."

He Fei thought Zhao Xiaonian was thinking of doing something bad again, and her face immediately turned red.

Zhao Xiaonian didn't have time to explain, and pulled He Fei up.

On weekdays, Zhao Xiaonian's eyes could only see the position of He Fei's hairline, but now he could easily pass over He Fei's head.

He Fei's height is 167, and he is more than half a head taller than him, so doesn't it mean that he should be over 180 now?

He Fei, who was held by Zhao Xiaonian, also found something different and asked in confusion: "Hey, why do I feel like you've gotten taller?"

As she spoke, He Fei stood on tiptoe, but she was still not as tall as Zhao Xiaonian.

It seemed that she was really taller.

Zhao Xiaonian was overjoyed.

Zhao Xiaonian had always been a little unhappy about his height.

Ye Lingshan, who was 164cm tall, was almost as tall as Zhao Xiaonian when she wore high heels. And when He Fei was with him, she almost never wore high heels.

This was the soft damage caused by height.

Let alone Zhang Yuhan, the tall girl. Even if she wore flat shoes, she was obviously much taller than Zhao Xiaonian.

Now that she was taller, Zhao Xiaonian was naturally happy.

Two hours later.

He Fei lay on the bed, she just felt that she didn't want to move a finger now, she just wanted to have a good sleep.

After glaring at Zhao Xiaonian who was still full of energy, He Fei cursed him as "bull" several times in her heart before falling asleep contentedly.Zhao Xiaonian was still very excited.

Sure enough, the system's products must be high-quality.

Looking at He Fei who had fallen asleep, Zhao Xiaonian suddenly thought of something.

He still had two strengthening potions. I wonder if He Jia would be able to use them after drinking them?

He remembered that the system said that this potion could cure 9999 diseases.

The next morning, when Zhao Xiaonian rushed back to the company from Longsheng Plaza, it was already past 10 o'clock.

Because the clothes were one size smaller, Zhao Xiaonian had to buy some new clothes early in the morning. He really didn't know how to choose, so he just bought Armani and Zegna suits.

"Hao Yue, Lingshan, come to my office."

As soon as he entered the company, Zhao Xiaonian called the two to his office.

Although Jinnian Investment has been open for a few days, the personnel issues in key positions have not been resolved. Hao Yue and Ye Lingshan are also contacting some people, but poaching people takes time.

The most important thing is that although Jinnian has a good reputation, there are no investment cases yet, so it still gives people a feeling of uncertainty and unreliability.

Therefore, there are not many people who can be used in Jinnian at present.

"Do you know about the field of new energy vehicles?" After the two sat down, Zhao Xiaonian did not say anything. He got straight to the point.

Ye Lingshan remembered what happened at the auto show the day before yesterday, and immediately asked speculatively: "Mr. Zhao, you don't want to invest in Bi Yadi, do you?"

Hao Yue also responded quickly, and then said: "I don't know much about the field of new energy vehicles, but I heard that Bi Yadi is working on pure electric vehicles. And they have announced that they are developing new batteries to promote the practicality of new energy vehicles."

"However, let's not talk about whether Bi Yadi needs investment from outsiders, but from the perspective of the new energy vehicle field alone, I personally am not optimistic."

Ye Lingshan also nodded on the side, "Didn't the chief designer Yang who I met that day also say that they are still developing new batteries, which shows that the research and development process is not smooth."

Zhao Xiaonian agreed with the two people's views very much, but he was not optimistic about the field of new energy vehicles before. However, after he obtained the blade battery technology provided by the system, his concept changed.

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