Qin Yin came from this holy place, and because of this relationship, he was particularly valued by the Seventh Prince, and even dared to confront Su Ziming head-on.

But now, Su Ziming told him that Canglan Holy Land could not offend Zhang Ruren's father?This is not a big joke in the world.

Facing the inquiring eyes of Qin Yin and the other members of the Gentlemen's Party, Su Ziming smiled slightly and said in a low voice, "I have already reminded you, as to whether you believe it or not, it is up to Brother Qin to choose."

There are many rumors about the ruthless father in the gentleman's party. The most famous of them are undoubtedly the suppression of the Amethyst Lion King and the killing of the golden feather clan god emperor clone. However, according to Su Ziming's speculation, the strength of the ruthless father is absolutely It is not the rumored Great Sage Powerhouse, but a more terrifying existence than the Great Sage Powerhouse.That's why he spared no effort to support Ruthless, and to dissuade Qin Yin like this.

Qin Yin's face was cloudy and uncertain, and with his cultivation base reaching his level, his vision was naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people.Shengyuan Continent has existed for endless years, and I don’t know how many powerful people have been born. Among them, these people are either sleeping, sealed, or ascended, and a small number of them are still stranded in a certain corner of the continent.

But Zhang Ruren's father could be such an ancient existence?

Qin Yin didn't believe it!

But he didn't dare to gamble.


After thinking about it, Qin Yin didn't dare to take this risk after all, but he didn't have the face to stay here. He snorted coldly, and directly tore the space away.

Qin Yin was actually cowardly?

All the members of the Gentlemen's Party showed disbelieving expressions. The dignified True Inheritance students with three or more changes in the legendary realm, with their backs on the Canglan Holy Land, really confessed in front of Zhang Ruren!

"Huh..." Scale Literature www.chidwx.com

Han Yue let out a sigh of relief. For some reason, she had an intuition that Qin Yin's choice was the right one.

A farce ended.

Many members of the Gentleman's Party couldn't help but feel sad, because Chu Tiange was not worth it. Everyone knew that Chu Tiange's backing was Qin Yin, and this time the attack on the ruthless was also instructed by Qin Yin, in order to shake Su Ziming's prestige.As a result, because of Ruthless Man's strength, he turned into flying ashes. Originally, he also had a very bright future.

Su Ziming breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the audience, finally set his eyes on Ruthless, and said solemnly: "Junior Sister Zhang is indeed a peerless genius, she has broken through the two realms in just half a month, and I want to come to this college competition. , it will definitely be a blockbuster and overwhelm Yan Qingxuan of the Heavenly Covering Alliance. Now that the big competition is approaching, Junior Sister Zhang should prepare more carefully. As for the erysipelas on Junior Sister Zhao Cangyu, I will find a way to solve it."

Zhao Cangyu's grim expression moved slightly, and he said in a low voice, "Thank you for the concern of the leader and the Binghuo Inspector, it's just that every time I take this Jiemai Pill, the risk will increase several times. A robbery pill is basically unsure to last, so I really don’t need to waste too many resources on me.”

The ruthless man frowned slightly, and immediately stretched out, smiled and said: "Junior Sister Zhao, you have misunderstood, I am definitely not a bully. Your catastrophe was born because of me, and I will help you solve it. But I'm not very familiar with alchemy, but my second sister is quite proficient, and I'll take you to the alchemy department to find her in a while, let her help and see, maybe there will be a solution."

Knowing that Ruthless Man saw through her worries, Zhao Cangyu immediately showed a touch of gratitude, but she was not good at words, so she could only nod her head heavily.

Su Ziming smiled and said, "I know that Junior Sister Zhang has a younger sister in the inner courtyard, known as the 'Little Devil King'. No one dares to provoke him in the inner courtyard. But I don't know that there is another younger sister in the Pill Dao Department."

Ruthless said proudly: "The one in the inner courtyard is my third sister. As for my second sister, some of you may have heard of it. It is Zhang Yuxin, a new alchemist from Xiaozhufeng a few days ago."

"Zhang Yuxin? Could it be Zhang Yuxin, the Pill Master Zhang Yuxin, who has a different fire and forged the ten-pattern Phoenix Yuandan?" Su Ziming exclaimed.

"The leader also knows about my second sister?" The ruthless man's expression became even more smug.

Su Ziming smiled bitterly: "It's more than knowing, it's like thunder. Now the most famous person in the academy is Xiaozhufeng's new alchemist Zhang Yuxin. It is said that her alchemist assessment broke all the records of the alchemy department, so she was called She is 'Dan Kui'. All the elixirs refined by her are above seven grains, so they can be called evil spirits. Even many elders want to ask her for help in alchemy. No number."

The ruthless man chuckled: "I haven't been to the academy for a few days, I didn't expect the second sister to be so famous. At that moment, Junior Sister Zhao will follow me to the alchemy department. Although my second sister is young, she is in the alchemy department. In terms of attainments, he will never lose to anyone!"

Zhao Cangyu said gratefully, "Thank you for your concern." Although she has a cold personality, her heart is like a mirror, and she knows that even though she has the eighth level of transcendental cultivation, she is still an ant in front of a genius with a great background like Ruthless Man. one.Ruthless people are willing to bother so much for her, which is enough to make her grateful.

"Do not worry!"

The ruthless man patted Zhao Cangyu on the shoulder and said confidently, "Since you have been implicated by me, I will definitely take responsibility to the end. If it really doesn't work, I will ask my father for help. To him, nothing matters. Impossible!"

Zhao Cangyu looked at Ruthless Man's bright expression when he mentioned 'Dad', and couldn't help but feel a touch of envy in his heart.

If she could choose, she would also like to have an omnipotent and prestigious father like a ruthless man, instead of taking Jiemai Pill and betting on that chance with her life as she is now. , , .

Chapter 149 No One Knows You in the Academy

The crowd chatted for a few more words, and then they headed for the Dan Dao Department in a mighty manner. Originally, the ruthless man just planned to bring Zhao Cangyu there alone, but for many elite students, Zhao Cangyu is an idol-like existence that inspires them. Go see it all with your own eyes.

For those core students, they want to take this opportunity to get to know Yuxin. Their cultivation is above the seventh level of the transcendent realm. There are only a handful of elixir types that can assist in cultivation. A powerful alchemist who produces high-quality third-grade elixir.

When they arrived at Xiaozhu Peak, Ruthless people really understood Yuxin's powerful appeal. The huge Xiaozhufeng was almost full of long queues. There was no need to ask people for directions. He found Yuxin's small courtyard, which was already blocked by the water that surrounded the three floors and the three floors.Looking around, most of them are core students, and there are a small number of elite students who are rich in luxurious clothes.

"Quiet, all quiet! Today's ten furnaces have all been reserved, and the rest will come tomorrow!"

In front of Yuxin's small courtyard, Xiaolian stood there in a dignified manner. Although her cultivation base was low, she had no fear in the face of the high-level students, but was very arrogant.She is really soaring into the sky now and has become Yu Xin's full-time maid, even though she is still a maid, but the power in her hands is completely different.

Since Yu Xin set the rule of only refining ten pots of pills per day, there has been an endless stream of people who want to rely on her to go through the back door. Even many elders have to look at her face. Incredibly inflated.

Hearing Xiaolian's words, the group of students surrounding the door immediately quit and started making noise.

"I waited for two days and two nights, but I still can't make it?"

"Sister Xiaolian, you can do it as soon as it is convenient, I am willing to pay three times the reward!"

"Humph! I think this Yuxin is just blowing it out. What Dan Kui, what Ten-Striped Absolute Pill, is simply a trick, and it is far less than the spiritual pill refined by the Chiling Peak alchemist!"

In the noisy voice, mixed with a lot of yin and yang provocative words, it was catching up with everyone's emotional excitement, and the voice of rebuke was noisy for a while.

Just when those few students who were trying to stir up trouble in troubled waters thought they had succeeded in their tricks, they suddenly felt their body light up, and their whole body actually flew straight up.

A violent force erupted, and the crowd was instantly shaken back dozens of steps, leaving a large space in front of Yuxin's small courtyard.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

More than a dozen students in red robes fell from the sky like cannonballs, and slammed into the open space in front of the courtyard.

Xiaolian was a little panicked by the accusations of the crowd, but when she saw these people, she immediately became furious and shouted loudly: "Shangguanlong, it turns out that the people from your alchemy alliance are doing the trick, it's too shameless!"

The students onlookers also suddenly realized, and they yelled.

Shangguanlong and the others got up, and their faces were a little red. They immediately looked back with anger, and said coldly, "Who dares to talk to Dan with eyesore..."

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