And the standings that hung in the air was also a flash of inspiration, and Shangguanlong's name was directly ranked first.

"That's right, this famous unicorn, if you get it from the outside world, it is at least equivalent to a middle-grade imperial defense Noble Phantasm!"

Shangguanlong held the unicorn tripod and looked at the alchemists around him proudly.

"Haha, congratulations to Senior Brother Shangguan for reaching the top of the standings. The remaining seven-legged pill furnaces in Danling Peak are no more than twenty at most, and Senior Brother Shangguan has obtained one. This is great luck, I am not so lucky. Now, only one six-legged pill furnace will be obtained."

With a burst of congratulations, a young man in a red robe walked up to Shangguan Long with a six-legged yellow cauldron in high spirits, and looked at Yu Xin, who had nothing to gain, with a defiant expression, who was Yu Xin's former opponent. Liu Qingyun, who was expelled from Xiaozhufeng.

Shangguan Long said: "My number one is only temporary. With Senior Brother Mu Yuntian's talent, he will definitely be recognized by the eight-legged alchemy furnace. That is the real divine cauldron, not comparable to the seven-legged alchemy furnace."

"That's right, that's right, Senior Brother Mu Yuntian will surely be able to subdue the Eight-legged Divine Cauldron." Liu Qingyun echoed with a look of flattery.Kanshuwo

After a while, most of the alchemists have obtained pill furnaces, but the rank is much lower, most of them are three-legged and four-legged, and they are not much stronger than the external pill furnaces.

At this moment, there was a sudden thunderclap on the ground, and Mu Yuntian ran back from a distance, surrounded by three eight-legged alchemy furnaces.

"What, Senior Brother Mu Yuntian has been recognized by the three eight-legged alchemy furnaces!"

"It's terrifying. There are only ten eight-legged pill furnaces in this Danling Peak. Seven of them have been taken away for tens of thousands of years. This is the only three eight-legged Dan furnaces left."

All the alchemists were shocked when they saw Mu Yuntian's performance. Unexpectedly, his alchemy talent had reached such a level that he could be compared with the top talents of all alchemy systems for tens of thousands of years.

"Haha, the immortal phoenix, the phoenix cauldron, is in line with my alchemy, so I will take you!"

Mu Yuntian was surrounded by the center of the three supreme Dan Ding, with an arrogant expression, he slapped the scarlet red Ding with the most ferocious breath with his palm, and a mysterious pattern shone in the palm of his hand. The will has not waited for a counterattack, and was directly suppressed.

The inspiration flashed again on the standings, and Mu Yuntian's name went straight to the top.

Holding the fire phoenix cauldron, Mu Yuntian descended above the crowd like a peerless god, mocking: "Zhang Yuxin, aren't you called Dan Kui, can't even a mere eight-legged Dan cauldron be subdued?"

He believed that Yuxin would not be able to do this. He had to know that the eight-legged elixir furnaces were all made from the bones, blood and soul of real beasts. After tens of thousands of years of absorbing spiritual energy, the will of the beasts in the cauldron Wake up early and become rebellious.

He was able to be recognized by Huoyun Ding, and even easily surrendered to Huoyun Ding. The most crucial thing was the pattern that Ye Bufan engraved on his palm. Without this pattern, even he would not be able to do it at all. this matter.

Yu Xin's face darkened. She saw that most of the people had a pill stove, and she couldn't help but feel anxious for a while, but she didn't want to choose a six-legged or seven-legged pill stove at random, and she showed a very dazed expression for a while.

In the Pill Dao Department Square, when they saw Mu Yuntian surrendering to Huoyun Ding, everyone burst into exclamations. That Pill Stove, even if it was separated by a world, made them feel extremely powerful.

"This Mu Yuntian can actually achieve such a level. In the past ten thousand years, except for Ye Bufan, he was the first person to subdue the eight-legged Dan Ding. It seems that this first level must be respected by him."

At the Xiaozhufeng seat, Fairy Yunxia murmured softly, her eyes full of inconceivable, in her opinion, this is simply impossible.

"He cheated."

Zhang Tian said lightly, Mu Yuntian's palm has a special pattern that deterred the will of the pill furnace. This little trick can be concealed from others, but how can he be deceived from him.

"What! This person dares to cheat in the competition. It's really hateful! Dad, you have to help the second sister, you can't let her suffer."

The ruthless man took Zhang Tian's arm and said angrily.

"Do not worry."

Zhang Tian patted Ruthless Man's hand, looked at Danling Peak, and the mighty emperor descended with a bang! , , .

Chapter 250 The mighty emperor's voice shakes Danfeng

"The pill furnace in this world obeys orders! Those who follow the emperor's daughter will be the pinnacle of this life, and those who follow the emperor's daughter will be immortal in the next life! Heaven's way is endless, and the pill furnace will not be broken. If the emperor's daughter attains the immortal way, she will be crowned emperor for you. !"

The mighty Emperor's voice resounded throughout the entire Danling Peak world.

The Dan Emperor at the top of Dan Ling Peak manifested again, but it was countless times more solid than the previous phantom, and he shouted in shock and anger: "Who is it that dares to be wild in this Emperor's world!"

Before he could finish his words, he heard Zhang Tian's majestic voice. He was shocked and said in horror, "What a powerful coercion, who is this person? How dare you talk about immortal and imperial ways."

In the next moment, the mighty emperor swept all directions, directly smashing the phantom of the Pill Emperor. At the same time, in this world where reality and reality merged, countless bright rays of light bloomed, all of which were dust-covered Pill furnaces, smashed by Zhang Tian's will. wake.

"Those who follow this emperor's daughter will be the pinnacle of this life."

"From the daughter of this emperor, the next life is immortal!"

Zhang Tian's voice is mighty, sweeping across the world in an invisible state, plucking the heartstrings of all the pill furnaces again. Although their wills are weak, their desire for 'Dao' comes from their own hearts. Controlled and rushed towards Yuxin.


In the world of Danling Peak, tens of thousands of smashing sounds rang out, and countless pill furnaces rushed towards Yuxin, like ten thousand horses galloping, crushing the void all the way, rolling in, filling Yuxin's surroundings in an instant.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After it was settled, these pill furnaces began to compete again, colliding violently with each other, pushing and shoving each other, making the void tremble, and they all seemed to want to take a step forward so as to increase the chance of being selected by Yu Xin.

"This...what's the situation?"

All the alchemists in the audience were dumbfounded. Even Mu Yuntian, who was the most popular before, only had more than [-] alchemy furnaces surrounding him, which was already quite remarkable.But there are as many as tens of thousands of pill furnaces around Yuxin, forming a sea of ​​pill furnaces, and they are fighting against each other, as if Yuxin must be inseparable.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the midst of this chaos, two loud noises came out, but the two eight-legged cauldrons that had been rejected by Mu Yuntian also rushed towards Yu Xin.

The two Dan Dings are full of imposing manner, one transforms into the appearance of the ancient beast, and the other transforms into a huge evil fire phoenix, all the way towards the Dan Ding Ocean, all the Dan Dings are hit by the collision. It must be smashed, revealing a domineering domineering.

"This is the real peerless genius! Since the birth of Dan Lingfeng, there has never been such a vision!"

Some alchemists couldn't help but exclaim that the two eight-legged cauldrons had worked so hard for Yu Xin, which was completely opposite to the previous attitude of reluctance to follow Mu Yuntian.


The jealousy in Mu Yuntian's eyes skyrocketed, and the back of the hand holding the fire phoenix tripod was even more blue. He never thought that he had exhausted all means, and even resorted to the power of the Crown Prince, but he was still unable to defeat Zhang Yuxin.

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