What kind of existence should this be? With just a flick of the air, he blasted and killed a famous ancient king. How terrifying would it be if he shot with all his strength.

The remaining six ancient alien kings took a step back. They originally wanted to make a final decision with the human race and completely break the human race's backbone, but they did not expect the human race to give birth to a supreme emperor at this time, instantly disintegrating their relationship. plan.

"You, don't be too arrogant, do you want to use your own strength to compete with the alien races in the world?"

The six ancient kings retreated and were dangerous, but the panic in their eyes clearly showed their inner fear.Doctor Novel Network www.book84.net

"So what?"

The voice of the white-clothed female emperor was as indifferent as ice, and an extremely tyrannical aura rose from her body, like an emperor immortal coming into the world, a pair of slender jade hands that were warm and snow-white, emitting the light of flying immortals, covering the world.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The six paths were shrouded in divine light, and the tyrannical ancient kings of the alien race all flew out backwards, with dense cracks appearing on their bodies, as if they had been bombarded thousands of times in an instant, so that even the body so tyrannical that it could overwhelm one world was overwhelmed. , collapsed suddenly.

"The Ruthless Emperor!"

Countless human powerhouses are cheering, resounding through Yaotai, this is a savior, when the human race is in danger, she can turn the tide, and her demeanor is deeply imprinted in everyone's heart.

Even if the world passes by, it will be an inextinguishable legend.

The white-clothed female emperor stared at the goddess and walked step by step toward the depths of Yaochi. The snow-white long skirt danced with the gang wind, and the breath was so strong that it was like a divine sword soaring to the sky. Awe-inspiring not to be offended.

She rolled up her skirt and sat upright on the highest throne of Sendai, her eyes like a sword, piercing the nine heavens and ten places, reflecting the eternal sky.

A resounding sound shocked the world.

"Human Race, Ruthless Great Emperor, invites to fight the ancient king of all races!"

This sound, like a mighty thunder, spread out, with an unparalleled appearance, shaking Xuanyu.

As oneself, invited to battle the ancient kings of the ages, how strong and arrogant.

In this world, there are dense clouds of lead, and one by one ancient alien races were born, oppressing every inch of the land.

Suddenly, there was a loud voice of the emperor, swept away all the lead clouds, and the sky was clear.

"Human Race, Ruthless Great Emperor, invites to fight the ancient king of all races!"

Under this voice, countless ancient kings of different races went out of the customs angrily, looking in the direction of Yaochi Xianyu.

"What an arrogant human race, I want to see, what qualifications do you have to challenge me!"

"The ignorant junior, how about the achievement of the emperor's body, dare to oppose the ancient king of all races!"

The clouds in the sky stirred, and countless strong men tore apart the void and descended into the Yaochi Immortal Domain.

This is a big storm. Any ancient king of an alien race can easily pacify a great power of the human race. At this time, hundreds of ancient kings have gathered together, and even the heavens and the earth are shaking.

Faced with such a powerful oppression, the white-clothed female emperor's expression did not change in the slightest, and she only said softly, "Let's fight."

With a falling sound, the sky and the earth are dim, and the light of the sun and the moon is annihilated! , , .

Chapter 400 The Ruthless Emperor Conferring Immortal Techniques

War breaks out!

This is a cruel and unparalleled battle. The white-clothed female emperor is of peerless elegance, her body is full of lines, as if there is a fairy tale lingering around it. Between the vertical and horizontal, she cuts the stars, picks the sun and the moon, and kills an ancient alien king. With the blood of the ancient king, Dyeing the entire Yaochi Immortal Domain red.

In the end, all the ancient kings of the alien race were beheaded by her.

But she herself is still spotless and graceful, even her jet-black hair is still standing still, naturally draped over the front and back, as if carved from colorful jade, magnificent and immortal.

At this moment, the white-clothed empress who had just ended a slaughter, suddenly turned her eyes and looked in the direction of the ruthless man.

The eyes of the two people are in contact with each other across the long river of time and space.


In an instant, the ruthless man only felt a roar in his brain, the future self, the future self who had achieved the throne in the future, seemed to be aware of her existence.

The ruthless man couldn't help but suspect that it was his own delusion, and he looked again attentively, only to see a smile in the eyes of the white-robed empress, pointing out a flash of light towards her, approaching at a lightning speed, and disappearing into her spiritual platform.

Immediately, infinite mystery erupted in my mind.

"This, this is..."

The ruthless man looked shocked, and that aura contained a powerful immortal technique, called "Flying Immortal Art", which was a tactical immortal technique similar to "Invincible Battle Technique in the Void", but it required It is more powerful, peerless and sharp, and can even increase the combat power tenfold in an instant!

Just now, this white-clothed female emperor used the "Flying Immortal Art" to raise her combat power to an unbelievable level, slaying immortals and killing gods, destroying all opponents, beheading the ancient kings of all races with her own strength, and shocking the world.

"The name of the ancient nine secrets has been passed down all over the world, and those who are not destined should not practice it. I once saw the secret method of the word 'dou', but I couldn't get it to the point. Even if the secret method was abandoned by me, I also disdain to learn it. Dou Zi is secret, looking forward to the day we meet again, and we will compete by one point."

The cold voice of the white-clothed queen resounded in Ru Ren's mind, making her a little dumbfounded. She didn't expect that her future self would be so arrogant, just because she didn't learn Dou Ziji, she deliberately created an immortal method similar to Dou Ziji. , want to overwhelm Dou Zi Mi.

Just when the ruthless man was about to ask the white-robed empress about something, a sacrificial sound suddenly sounded between the heavens and the earth, and it sounded like a kowtow.

A rain of colorful flowers floated in the sky, and everything was blurred. Just before the consciousness of the ruthless man completely retreated, she vaguely saw that countless luxurious golden chariots and jade chariots came out of the sky, and walked out of a human race with strong divine fire. The Supreme, all dressed in imperial robes, bowed down to the white-robed female emperor sitting at the top.

That is, the emperor of the world came to worship.

When Yunyou opened her eyes, Ruthless Man only felt that it had been a long time for a century, and even his memory became sluggish. After a long time, he gradually sorted out his thoughts.

"Empress in white, to invite the ancient kings of all races, Fei Xian Jue, the emperor of the world to come to worship, it's really a long dream."

The ruthless man sighed softly, and then his eyes became cold, and he said softly: "I didn't expect that the nine great mountains and seas in the future would collapse so far, alien races would be rampant, and the human race would be oppressed in every way."

If she hadn't seen the tragic scene with her own eyes, she would never have believed that the human race, which has dominated the nine mountains and seas for tens of millions of years, would be reduced to such a level that they would be bullied to the top by a group of ancient kings and trampled on the fairyland.

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