In front of the ninth mountain and sea world, Emperor Chen Tian was alone, with black hair dancing wildly in the wind, his eyes were as vast as a galaxy, as if a sea of ​​stars was bred, and countless stars were disillusioned and disillusioned in it.

His spine is straight, as if there is a magic spear in his body, supporting the world and piercing the sky!Just like his unyielding will, he does not bow his head for any foreign object, so that everyone who sees it can't help but kneel on the ground and worship!

"The way of heaven is ruthless, people have selfish desires, and the emperor of the burial heaven replaces the heaven with his body, disregarding the thoughts of all beings and beings, I, the emperor of heaven, swear by him, I will not be on the same level as him. Today, I will conquer the ninth mountain, sea and sky, and return the justice of heaven and earth, the soul of the ninth mountain and sea. , I hope that those who follow this emperor, plants and trees can be soldiers, gather sand into towers, and annihilate the way of heaven!"

Chen Tiandi's voice was very heavy, and every word contained the power of godlessness, resounding throughout the Ninth Mountains and Seas.

In the Xuanyu below, a banner with the word "Zhantian" fluttered in the wind, and countless powerhouses such as Demon Lord, Human King, Invincible Demon, Evil Zun, Qijue Tiannv, Zijin Shenlong, Fiery Phoenix and so on stood around with solemn expressions and fighting spirit. The Heavenly Alliance is taking every step, constantly eroding the basics of the nine major mountains and seas, and now it has finally reached a decisive battle.

If this battle is won, the ninth mountains and seas will change!It's like a broken arm!

I saw the demon master stepped forward and said loudly: "The way of heaven! The way of heaven! The way of heaven has lost its way, why do you need to honor it!"

"Heaven has lost its way, why should it be honored!"

The alliance army shook Xuanyu, resounding throughout the entire star field.

"Heaven has lost its way, why should it be honored!"

"Heaven has lost its way, why should it be honored!"

"Heaven has lost its way, why should it be honored!"

This is the response of all beings in the ninth mountains and seas. According to what Emperor Chen Tian said, even a creature as weak as a grass has an unyielding will, and the roar of tens of billions of ants shoots straight into the sky and shakes the heavens.

"Emperor Chen Tian, ​​you are courting death! Let me advise you, hold back on the cliff, the ruins of the endless fire domain are ahead, and the Zhantian Alliance has reached the end of the road. You must not follow in the footsteps of Emperor Yan!"

On the barrier of the ninth mountain and sea world, a huge human face appeared, and it was vaguely seen that it was a woman's face. It was angrily scolded at Emperor Chen Tian, ​​and the roar contained in the sound of heavenly might. The will of the billions of living beings were all suppressed.

Emperor Chen Tian smiled slightly and said, "On the ninth day, you are afraid. It turns out that the sky is also afraid."

"Then come and fight!"

The man's face seemed to be a little annoyed and angry, and he scolded again, and disappeared directly.

Qijue Tiannu stepped forward and said: "It seems that there is no reinforcement from the ancient heaven, this quasi-tiandao has also begun to panic, and even used the naive method of intimidation."

Chen Tiandi said: "People have seven emotions and six desires. From the moment when the emperor was buried in his place, the gods are like people. They have emotions, sorrows, joys, selfish desires, and fears. That's why I want to go against the sky."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Outside the Ninth Mountain and Sea Realm, there were bursts of roaring sounds. Looking up, you could see a terrifying magical power reflected in the heavens, as if the whole world was about to collapse.The Eighth Book Bar

"From today onwards, the ninth mountain and sea blockade, whoever wants to pass, defeat me Emperor Lin Wu first!"

"The Emperor Huangtian is here, who would dare to fight!"

One after another, the sound of the emperor came out, spreading throughout the Ninth Mountain and Sea Star Region.

Chen Tiandi's eyes became sharp, and the whole person was like a sharp blade out of the sheath, and said solemnly: "Emperor Lin Wu and Emperor Huang Tian won't buy us too long, hurry up and do it."


The powerhouse of the alliance slammed into the promise, the king strode forward, the white Luo skirt danced against the gangrene wind, the immortal energy was dense, and the beautiful face was ancient, but there was a sudden burst of divine light in the beautiful eyes.

"The Great Flag!"

With a move of the human king's warm and snow-white plain hand, the void shattered, and a banner engraved with the laws of the Great Dao burst out, held in her hand, exuding a long and powerful aura of desolation.


The prehistoric flag fluttered in the wind, bursting with infinite power, and slammed on the protective barrier of the ninth mountain and sea, the whole world seemed to sway.

"Bam! Boom! Bam!..."

The roar is endless, the King of Humans has peace in his eyes, and there is no anxiety. He only urges the great flag again and again. This is a supreme treasure. It has a powerful power to break the ban. In breaking the formation, it is far stronger than Other fairy treasures.

It is because of this treasure that the Zhantian Alliance sent her to this coalition.

I don't know how long it took, the world barrier of the ninth mountain and sea finally appeared a crack, and then collapsed suddenly, a vast vision of mountains and seas was revealed in front of everyone.

"There is a labor king."

Chen Tiandi said very politely to the King of Humans, and then his expression became condensed, and he said loudly:

"Zhantian army, although this emperor is fighting!"

Emperor Chen Tian took the lead and flew into the ninth mountain and sea. Countless mountains and mountains passed in front of him. The sacred places of the ancient tribes received news early, closed the mountain gates, and even sealed them to sleep. It is an ant that cannot control its own destiny.

"Zhou Tian Forbidden Great Formation, get up!"

Suddenly, the millions of Xiongfeng Dachuan in the ground burst into infinite divine light. With the sky and the earth as the momentum, they set up a great formation against the sky. Countless heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals guarded the four square formations. Falling down, the Chen Clan army was torn apart in an instant.

This is the supreme killing formation formed by the ninth mountain and sea with the authority of heaven, changing the terrain of mountains and rivers in a radius of tens of thousands of miles. As pointed by the sword, the true immortal has no place to survive. fly.

Even the peerless immortal kings such as the Demon Lord and the Human King can't take care of themselves for a while.




Killing the words, the matter has come to this point, and there is no room for change. Both sides have only one belief, either to bury each other or to bury themselves. , , .

Chapter 413 Piercing the Clouds and Shooting the Way of Heaven, One Arrow, One Immortal King

"Emperor Chen Tian, ​​accept your order!"

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