Gu Xunyi said: "It's thanks to Nanling Hou Dongruo watching the fire that he keenly linked Mu Qiluo and the imprisoned Yan Ruge, otherwise he would probably startle the snake."

The ruthless man smiled slightly and said, "Since Mu Qiluo's purpose has been determined, send someone to inform the Dali Temple and the Punishment Department to make preparations. If the ambush is done properly, he might be able to directly capture the Prince of Nanmaru."

On the other side, as soon as Yuxin's strange fire came out, the audience was clamoring for a long time, and the shocking eyes looked at the blue-blue fire dragon in Yuxin's hand from afar.

This fire can even shock Xiao Guyan's sea fire. Obviously, it is also a kind of strange fire, but the rank should be much higher than that of the twentieth ranked sea fire.

"Damn, what kind of strange fire is this?"

Xiao Guyan's face was very ugly. He planned to become famous at this Dan meeting, but he didn't expect that the serene ocean fire that was going to be used to amaze the audience was actually scared and shrunk, and he couldn't even call it out.

"This strange fire turned out to be a rare ice flame, and it also had the breath of Qinglian demon fire, which is interesting."

Zhou Chen's eyes were full of admiration, but at the same time, he was a little worried. Yu Xin, Xiao Guyan, and Momeng's pill fires were all extremely powerful. In contrast, the Scarlet Emperor Flame he prepared for Zhou Yu was a little bit more than that. Not out.

"It's amazing to have a different fire. When I take the Nine Dragon Emperor Xinyan, none of you are as good as me!"

The little princess Zhou Yu said angrily and raised her hand to release a red flame, exuding awe-inspiring imperial power.Temple Street


The nightmare also snorted coldly, withdrew his gaze, and concentrated on refining the pill, but in his heart he hated Yu Xin, secretly waiting for the task to be completed, and then taught Yu Xin a good lesson.

First, it caused the tide of the spirit sea with Qingdi's spiritual transformation, and then released a powerful fire. Before this alchemy started, Yuxin has already attracted everyone's attention and became the most popular champion seed.

Yu Xin is calm by nature, and her state of mind is very good. Even if she is noticed by everyone, she is not panicked at all. After taking a deep look at the hanging pavilion where Zhang Tian is, she raises her hand, and the nine-legged purple gold dragon cauldron appears in front of her.

The final battle of the Pill Dao Tianjiao battle has officially begun!

This time, Yuxin will use what she has learned all her life to hit the realm of the fifth-grade alchemy master. If she was not [-]% sure before, then after Fengtiangu absorbed all spirits to break through, she was already winning, but it was the first refining. , and many places still need to be cautiously explored.

In the vast square, the jade towers were boiling with fireworks, and the expressions of each alchemist were extremely solemn. They were all true geniuses. They became alchemy masters at the age of less than fifty years old.

Now, all hopes are pinned on this small pill furnace.

As if infected by these alchemists, the atmosphere around the square became unprecedentedly dignified and tense.

Alchemy is a very time-consuming thing. The higher-grade elixir, the longer it takes to refine many elixir, and the longer it takes to melt the elixir.

Therefore, although an alchemist has no requirement for cultivation, all top alchemists must have a very high cultivation realm, because those with low cultivation simply do not have enough soul power to support the refining of high-level elixir.

Under the gaze of countless expectant eyes, time slowly passed.

In the alchemy square, the alchemists were all concentrating on alchemy, but outside the venue, the waves were shocking.

Those alchemists who voluntarily withdrew from the second stage of the assessment walked out of the Pill Emperor Realm, and also brought out a lot of shocking news.

For example, Guzha, the first king of Moxi, also sneaked into the Pill Emperor Realm, and carried the Black King Sword, which was inherited from the Black Underworld Sect, and killed the Quartet in the Pill Emperor Realm. Bomb kill, even the inheritance divine sword was taken away.

This is big news. The land of Moxi is adjacent to the territory of the ancestral dynasty, and the folk customs are sturdy. Zaku has a very high status in the Black Underworld Sect, whether it is for the purpose of revenge for Zaku or the purpose of taking back the Black King Sword. , Hei Mingzong will definitely send a large number of masters into the territory of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, and maybe there will be a lot of trouble.

As the murderer of the other side of the flower killer, her reputation suddenly rose, especially when it was reported that she had also plotted against the corpse demon sect's disciple, the nightmare, which increased her reputation a bit.

But all the news is added to everything, and it is not comparable to the most shocking rumor, that is, in the Pill Emperor Realm, there is a message from the Great Emperor. , , .

Chapter 462 Zhang Tian is like an emperor!

This rumor was spread by the alchemists around the Yanlong Mountains at that time, and it was based on the phrase "Emperor, forgive my life" shouted by the Yanlong Demon Emperor.

The news spread, and all the major forces were alerted. With the current overall strength of the continent, if a great emperor really emerges, I am afraid that the entire small world of Shengyuan can be easily conquered. This is not what the major forces want to see. result.

For a time, all the major forces issued emergency orders to deal with the possible emergence of the powerful emperor. The Holy Ancestor Dynasty urgently closed the Pill Emperor Realm.

It wasn't until a few days passed and the waves were still calm that everyone felt relieved and turned their attention to the Pill Dao Tianjiao battle again.

But he said that five days passed by in a flash.

In the square, there was finally some movement, and sometimes Danxia, ​​who was several thousand meters tall, rose into the night, causing bursts of amazement.

That is the vision of the fourth-grade spirit pill. The longer the Danxia, ​​the higher the quality of the spirit pill.

In just one day, nearly a thousand alchemists completed the refining, and Danxia rushed to the sky one after another, reflecting the entire sky red, regardless of the day, and the refreshing Danxia filled the entire Holy City. , Many people took the opportunity to meditate and breathe, absorbing these spiritual energy that was comparable to the heaven and the earth.

In the face of various changes in the outside world, Yu Xin, Xiao Guyan, Momeng and others were completely unmoved. For them, it was still too early to become Dan Cheng.

I don't know how long it took, and the fourth-grade high-level elixir of seven thousand feet, eight thousand feet, nine thousand feet, etc. were also released one after another, making the atmosphere of the audience higher and higher. less and less.

"Wanzhang, Wanzhang Danxia was born!"

Finally, the first Wanzhang Danxia appeared, instantly detonating the audience.

Seeing the vision in the sky, many people stood up excitedly, Wanzhang Danxia, ​​which means the limit of the fourth-grade spiritual pill, also known as the semi-sacred spiritual pill, which is extremely precious.

The next moment, everyone's eyes moved down along Danxia, ​​and fell on the alchemist who had refined the semi-holy-level elixir.


The much-anticipated alchemist was the little princess Zhou Yu. At this time, her pretty face was extremely rosy, and she was waving her pink fist very excitedly. She was the first person in the audience to refine a semi-sacred elixir!

Many big figures also brightened their eyes, and they sent their blessings to the hanging attic where Concubine Virtue was.

As Zhou Yu's master, Zhou Chen also nodded slightly, showing satisfaction, but when his eyes swept across Xiao Guyan, Yu Xin and other alchemists who were still silently refining alchemy, the look in his eyes darkened a bit.

At this moment, a jade platform hundreds of meters away also made a violent turmoil. A crimson Danxia rose into the sky, like a roaring red dragon, with a fierce momentum, chasing after the little princess Zhou Yu. Danxia.

"Wanzhang, another Wanzhang Danxia appeared!"

The crowd of onlookers shouted like crazy, and they saw two danxias at the same time, which was really spectacular.

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