Under everyone's attention, Zhang Tian directly squeezed the thunderbolt in his hand, and said to the thundering dragon, "Let's go."

The moment the voice fell, the Thunder Dragon, which was only a few tens of meters away from the square, burst into flames.


Everyone couldn't help but look stunned. Such a terrifying thunder tribulation disappeared directly out of thin air?

After a long time, Zhou Qingcai said in shock: "Could it be that Senior Zhang's thunder-type martial spirit has reached the ninth rank and possesses the power to command the thunder?"

"Ninth-order thunder-type martial spirit!"

This speculation quickly spread throughout the audience, shocking everyone to the extreme, but they had to believe it.

If it weren't for the ninth-order thunder-type martial spirit, how could it achieve this state of controlling thunder like a god?But if it was a ninth-order martial spirit, it would be terrifying.Qishu Network www.logos444.com

You must know that Martial Spirit is the core of the 'Martial Spirit Demonstration Method' cultivation system, which runs through almost all realms of cultivation, and is also one of the most important indicators to measure a Martial Artist's true combat power.

Normally, the martial spirits of the legendary kings are mostly [-]st to [-]rd rank, the martial spirits of the Great Sacred Realm are [-]th to [-]th rank, and those of the Immortal Emperor Realm are [-]th to [-]th rank.Further up is the legendary Emperor Martial Spirit, which is an essential transformation, and it is almost impossible to comprehend it below the quasi-emperor.

But this is the ancient standard. Because of the decline of spiritual energy, it is extremely difficult to upgrade the martial arts. Many low-level kings in the legendary realm don't even have martial arts. Some legendary kings who break through to the holy realm may only have third-level martial arts.

The reason why Tianleihuang can be famous in the mainland is because he has comprehended the seventh-order Thunder God Martial Spirit in the realm of half-step emperor, and he is comparable to the immortal emperor in the realm of Martial Soul.

If Zhang Tianzhen has a ninth-order martial soul, doesn't that mean that his martial soul realm can sweep all immortal god emperors?

How strong is his real combat power?

Not to mention the shock of the big figures in the suspended attic, all the alchemists in the square breathed a sigh of relief, Lin Yao's sweaty face showed a touch of relief, and immediately fainted.

The little princess Zhou Yu acted in a willful manner, and was extremely frightened in her heart, but after seeing Zhang Tian destroying the Kuku Laxiu to solve the Dan Lei calamity, the fear immediately disappeared, and she turned to look at Zhang Tian with great admiration, her eyes full of small stars.

A terrifying catastrophe was resolved by Zhang Tian's understatement in this way. Concubine De's gratitude is inexhaustible, and she even went directly to Zhang Tian's attic and poured tea to express her thanks in person.

Under the cover of Zhang Tian's divine power, Mu Qiluo's feat of refining the fifth-grade holy elixir did not cause much disturbance, and all the onlookers were attracted by the few alchemists who were still refining the elixir.

Up to now, there are only three people left in the square who are still controlling fire and refining pills, Yu Xin, Xiao Guyan, and the nightmare of the Corpse Demon Sect.

Everyone knows that the real champion will be born among these three people, and that champion must have earth-shattering power.

clang! !

I don't know how long it took, the black cauldron in front of the demon suddenly heard a violent turbulent sound, and then the furnace cover flew open, and a terrifying energy pressure escaped, and the energy swept down, the surrounding jade platform. They burst, and the vision was astonishing.

"This, this fluctuation is..."

Everyone looked up at the sky, only to find that the sky had become gloomy for some time, huge dark clouds covered one another, and the white thunder light kept flashing in the clouds.

Everyone in the audience held their breath and stared at the clouds, only to see the thunderclouds rolling violently, forming two colors of red and orange. Just as the tossing was about to end, a yellow light gradually emerged, became more and more intense, and finally formed three Colored pattern.

"Three-color Dan Lei!!"

"It turned out to be a three-color Dan Lei, too strong!"

There was an uproar in the audience, including the big people in the hanging attic, who were excited for a while, and it was very useful even for them to inspire the fifth-grade holy pill of the three-color Dan Lei.

However, at the same time as they were excited, these people were shocked again, and they were shocked by the power of the Corpse Demon Sect, and they were able to cultivate such an amazing talent in Pill Dao.

"Jie Jie, a bunch of trash, still want to compete with the corpse demon sect, the champion of this Pill Dao Tianjiao battle must belong to my nightmare!"

The Nightmare sneered and stood up with a proud face.

At this moment, Yuxin and Xiao Guyan, who were located on the left and the right of the square, moved at the same time, controlled the fire and condensed the shape, and two vast golden pillars rose into the sky, like divine light piercing the sky, causing a roar in the void. It directly overcame the coercion of the elixir refined by the nightmare.

The cold laughter of the nightmare stopped abruptly at this moment. , , .

Chapter 464 The ultimate competition, slap Xiao Guyan in the face

The golden elixir formed into a blue dragon, and with an indomitable momentum, it rushed straight into the sky, and even the void trembled and scattered to both sides.

The mighty golden dragon rushed into the sky, and immediately caused a sound of thunder, roaring and shaking, as if the world's will was provoked and angry, and countless clouds with thunder and lightning gathered together, constantly brewing and fermenting.




The Dan Lei above Xiao Guyan and Yu Xin's heads suddenly differentiated into three colors, which instantly caused the audience to boil over.

Three three-color thunderclouds appeared at the same time!This is simply a grand event that has not been seen in a thousand years.

The alchemy masters in the square who were complacent after refining the fourth-order high-level elixir were all dumbfounded. Compared with the fifth-grade elixir of the three-color Dan Lei in the sky, the elixir they refined was like the sea. The mayfly is not worth mentioning at all.

The little princess Zhou Yu widened her eyes, her eyes moved from Xiao Guyan to the nightmare, and finally fixed on Yu Xin, her eyes seemed to be looking at a monster.

You know, she has always boasted that she is the best in the world, but today she was completely defeated.Losing to Xiao Guyan and Momeng can also be said to be a matter of age, but Yuxin is obviously similar to her, but her strength has completely crushed her.

The onlookers outside the square were also full of emotion. Before the Pill Meeting, if they wanted to break their heads, they would never have imagined that there would be three people who would refine the five-rank holy pill of the three-color pill thunder.Alchemy masters of this level, even if they are placed in the top holy places, are few and far between, and how shocking they are now appearing on three Tianjiao who are less than fifty years old.

"Look, Dan Lei's changes are not over yet!"

I don't know who shouted, everyone was startled, looked up again, and saw the Dan Lei above Xiao Guyan and Yu Xin's heads, after a violent tossing, another aura shot out.


At the center of the three-color Dan Lei, another green Dan Lei appeared, and it expanded rapidly, forming a quarter of the world!

Four-color Dan Lei!

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