Many monsters and alien powerhouses all showed fear and panic. Until now, they didn't know what a terrible enemy they were facing. Among the human race, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

"Humph! Pretending to be a ghost, my Jiaochi family is fearless!"

The Jiuzhuan Great Sage of the Jiao Chi clan roared loudly, forcibly dispelling the fear in his heart, the Great Wilderness Spear Ye Ye was shining brightly, exuding the brilliance of divinity, and stabbed a ray of blood in the air!

The rest of the Jiaochi clan masters started one after another. They each held one side. The divine spear in their hands emitted a gray divine light, forming a great net that covered the sky. This was the secret killing formation of the Jiaochi clan. Arrangement, even if it exists immortally, it will be more fortunate to enter it by mistake.

The Red Tiger Clan, Lei Niu Clan, Tianhu Clan, Crystal Clan, You Clan, Golden Feather Clan... Regardless of the Monster Clan or the Alien Clan, they all aimed at Zhang Tian at this time, and now they are the common enemy!

"A group of turkeys and dogs!"

Zhang Tian's face was full of disdain, his eyes swept away, and the void was directly cut. The entire small cave became a dangerous area, and countless space storms raged, isolating everyone.

He was like walking in the starry sky, and the frost and silver spear swayed one after another.

The first shot cut off the half-sacred old man of the Thunder Bull Clan, and countless thunder lights wrapped around the silver spear, adding to the ferocity!

The second shot, the huge silver spear pierced from the tail of the golden dragon, pierced through the head, blood and flesh flew, and exploded to death!

In the third shot, the spear light turned into a giant frost dragon, and the dragon breathed out, breaking all ten Great Wilderness Spears.

The fourth shot, beheading all the powerhouses of the Crystal Clan and You Clan!

In the fifth shot, the ten horned Chi clan great saints were strung together, sealed with frost, and shattered into countless ice crystals.

With the sixth shot, the Jiuzhuan Great Sage of the Jiaochi tribe forcibly burned his blood and communicated with the gods, but he was beheaded together with the spirits of the gods!

Zhang Tian stepped out like this step by step, like a god who opened the sky. Under the silver spear, the great sage was like an ant, slaughtering at will.

"So strong, so strong, like the ancient mountain, like the ancient god king!"

The ruthless man saw Zhang Tian Shenwei Wushuang, and only felt that the blood in her whole body was boiling and burning, her eyes were emitting a fire-like light, and she secretly swore in her heart that one day, she would become as powerful as her father. , can Lingtian Jedi, protect the human race, and suppress the ages!

Ling Shuangxue stared at all this in a stunned manner, watching Zhang Tian walk through the starry sky and slaughter the saints, tears in his eyes could not help.

That's her silver gun!

That is the supreme of the human race!

Who dares to deceive the human race?

Chapter 56 You are also worthy of the human race!

"Who is it that killed the great sage of my Jiaochi clan!!!"

Outside the ruins of the demon emperor, the terrifying will came from the top of the sky, rumbling and shaking, and the sky and the earth paled.

Thirteen great saints, a full thirteen great saints, and even a rank nine great saint who is very likely to be promoted to the immortal emperor. Such a heavy loss has never happened in [-] years, even for the tyrannical Jiaochi clan. , but also to this great loss of vitality.

In all directions of the continent, several powerful wills arose, and in the face of the immortal anger of the Jiaochi clan, they all showed schadenfreude.

The strong will from Zhongzhou turned into a phantom of the emperor with a height of [-] meters, stepping in the void step by step, and proudly said: "My human race has been the master of the nine realms for tens of millions of years. Comparable? In the Great Desolation Daze, I don’t know how many powerful cultivators are hiding, and the alien races in the mere bullets dare to offend the heavenly power of my human race!”

Another majestic and vast will chuckled lightly: "Human Sovereign is so majestic, but before things are clear, it's best not to jump to conclusions. Maybe, it's the great power of my sea clan."

Another powerful will that rose from the Great Wilderness, not to be outdone, said: "Hey, you two, where do you put my demon clan? Don't forget, this is the tomb of my demon clan emperor."

The Emperor Xuying waved his hand and said arrogantly: "Whether that powerful person is a human race, a monster race, or a sea race, they are the guardians of my Shengyuan Continent. Those who dare to offend must have the consciousness to bear the destruction. !"

Several powerful wills, although usually have their own masters, but at this time they all united tacitly to fight against this powerful existence from the ninth mountain and sea!

"Ah, ah! This matter, my Jiaochi clan will definitely find out! Even if the immortal emperor offends my Jiaochi clan, there is only one way to die!!!"

The terrifying will above the sky, the raging flames, creating countless thunders, venting the anger in the heart, but it was blocked by the powerful existence on Shengyuan Continent.

"Hey! This Jiaochi clan is immortal, and his cultivation base is even more terrifying than ten thousand years ago. If you are not the emperor in time, I am afraid that this Shengyuan Continent is already in danger."

"It is difficult for even us to kill thirteen great saints. It seems that there are still many strong people living in seclusion on Shengyuan Continent. It would be great if we could find this person."

"Alas, these alien races are getting stronger and stronger every day. If there is no more figure like the Emperor Burying the Heavens, the Nine Great Mountains and Seas, I don't know who is in charge."

I don't know how long it took, the small cave was silent.

Monster clan and alien clan, countless strong people, including the thirteen great saints of Jiaochi clan, all turned into flying ashes.

Zhang Tian stepped on the starlight, turned back, stood in front of Ling Shuangxue, gently handed out the silver spear, and said solemnly: "This spear is dyed with the blood of alien races, and it is called the supreme divine flower. It is called: Tu Sheng! The power of destroying the gods, I hope you can strengthen your beliefs, hold this spear, set foot on the peak, and protect the human race!"

Ling Shuangxue was extremely excited, she stretched out her hand tremblingly, and caught the blood-stained slaughtering spear. This precious spear, which was not considered to be of the highest quality, has undergone several sacrifices in a short period of time. It is calcined by the divine fire of the Jinyu family, cast by the blood of the golden dragon, and the will of the Supreme Sage to hate the sky.

The most important thing is that Zhang Tian blessed this gun with "divine nature", making it a magic weapon, a magic weapon!Just like the gods who have gained the belief of all living beings, this gun also inherits a powerful idea, that is, to kill aliens and protect the human race! 52 Novels

"Under Ling Shuangxue, I will never let down the high expectations of my predecessors, and fight for the rise of the human race!" Ling Shuangxue's pretty face became extremely serious, and her eyes were full of admiration when she looked at Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, raised his right hand, countless divine flowers poured out from his palm, and a fluttering ribbon appeared in his hand, which was the ribbon that Ling Shuangxue had been smashed to pieces before.

"You still tie the ribbon, it's more beautiful." Zhang Tian said gently, and re-tie the ribbon for Ling Shuangxue himself.

"Thank you so much, senior." Ling Shuangxue's face flushed red. She had been cultivating hard since she was a child, and she had never been so close to a man before. She felt her heart beat faster than ever before, as if she was about to rush out.

The rest of the surviving human monks looked at the divine slaughtering spear, and their eyes were filled with heat. This is a divine weapon, which can kill gods. The Holy Land has never been owned.

One of the young men said boldly, "Senior, I am the Great Elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and I am willing to contribute to the rise of the human race."

Another shady man followed closely and said, "I am a true disciple of Xie Jizong, I would like to listen to the teachings of my predecessors and fight for the human race."

"Fearless to advance, greedy for life and fear of death, you are also worthy of the human race!"

Zhang Tian turned around abruptly, and the violent coercion attacked the sky and covering the sky, and the two demon cultivators who spoke directly exploded and died, and their souls were scattered!

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