"What's right?" Lu Xueyan asked suspiciously.

Zhang Tiandao: "Your physique is very special and suitable for cultivating physical skills. I plan to let you go to the court of the Batian Empress and go to the Three Emperors City to practice. Would you like to?"

"Yes, yes, very willing, I don't want to stay at home for a long time."

Lu Xueyan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, for fear that Zhang Tian would go back on it.

"The matter of apprenticeship is not in a hurry, you go with me to the ancient land of the corpse first, and after you come out, I will lead you to worship under the sect of the Batian Empress." Zhang Tian added another sentence.

"Heaven, the ancient land of the corpse, you... you want me to go to the ancient land of the corpse?"

The excitement on Lu Xueyan's face disappeared, and she stammered and said, she was born in Tiangu Xiancheng, and she deals with those tomb robbers every day. It's already too much willpower.

"Why, you don't want to?"

Lu Xueyan was provoked by Zhang Tianyi, her face blushed, and she said loudly: "Go, go, there is an Immortal Master to protect, I don't think there will be any serious trouble."

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Tian chuckled lightly, then turned to look at the grandsons of the Jiang family, and said solemnly: "I have already solved the matter of Shenyuan for you, and no one will come to trouble again. When the Nether Ship arrives, I will bring the Entering the ancient corpse land with Jiang Hai's coffin, what are your plans in the future?"

The old man Jiang choked and said, "Thank you for the help of the immortal master. Since there is no trouble, the little old man does not want to leave his hometown. I am afraid that I will not have a good life for a few years, and I will leave Tingting alone. I hope that the immortal master can lend a helping hand again. "

The implication was that old man Jiang wanted Tingting to follow Zhang Tian or Lu Xueyan, so that there would be a guarantee in the future, maybe he could still stand out and become a little fairy teacher.

"Grandpa, Ting'er don't leave you."

Although Xiao Tingting was young, she was very intelligent. After she understood what the old man Jiang said, her eyes were red and she was about to cry.

"Silly girl, grandpa has an old bone and can't accompany you anymore. Following Immortal Master or Miss Lu, you will be able to achieve something in the future. Maybe you can find your ancestral veins and recognize your ancestors."

Jiang old man wiped his tears and said, he is also reluctant to bear Xiao Tingting.

Zhang Tiandao: "It is very inconvenient for Xiao Tingting to follow me, and it is not suitable for her to go to the Three Emperors City with her talent. According to my heart, I can let her go to Yaochi Xianyu to practice first, and then go to the ancestors after she has achieved something. The pulse is not too late." 18 Novels www.[-]wxw.com

"Yao... Yaochi Immortal Domain?"

The old man Jiang was shocked, even he had heard about the super fairyland.

Zhang Tian nodded and said: "Xiao Tingting's cultivation talent is good, you can get some achievements in Yaochi Xianyu, you can also follow along, the immortal forces are full of spiritual energy, even mortals can easily survive two hundred years Years old, enough for Xiao Tingting to succeed in her practice and to satisfy your wish to return to the ancestors."

"Thank you Immortal Master, thank you Immortal Master..." The old man Jiang couldn't be more grateful.

Xiao Tingting also ran in front of Zhang Tian, ​​hugged his leg, and said crisply: "Big brother is so kind to Tinger, Tinger will be grateful to big brother for the rest of his life. I went to Yaochi, and big brother will come to see me. ?"

Yunxia and Yuxin smiled knowingly beside them, they liked the innocent little Tingting very much.

"Of course it will."

Zhang Tian smiled and touched the little girl's head, flipped his palm, and the Jiang family's heirloom divine source appeared in his hand, and the divine power surged like the tides of the sea, causing the surrounding void to tremble.

Zhang Tian slashed towards Shenyuan with his pointing sword, and suddenly opened a big hole, and there was actually a purple flame burning inside.

"This is……"

Yu Xin's beautiful eyes widened, and according to the reaction in her body, she immediately recognized that the purple flame was a strange fire, and its rank was not low.

Everyone was stunned, but they didn't expect such a treasure to be hidden in Shenyuan.

Zhang Tian took out the purple fire and sent it to Yuxin, saying: "This is for you, the Void Spirit Fire ranked 18th in the Nine Realms Fire List. Now it should be called Void Spirit Fire, I don't know. Who sealed it in the source of gods and made it contaminated with divine power, in terms of power alone, it should be able to rank among the top 15 of the list of different fires."

It was precisely because he sensed the aura of this Void Spirit Fire that he entered the Jiang's shop. In terms of value, the immortal Void Spirit Fire, which was born and immortalized, was much more valuable than this piece of divine source. .

Yunxia exclaimed: "It turned out to be a phantom fire, this is an extraordinary fire. According to ancient books, this fire contains the power of space, and the refiner can use its power to freely escape the void, and even transform into nothingness. The law does not violate!"

The [-] different fires produced by the eternal fire, each with their own attributes, this phantom fire corresponds to space, and is also one of the most famous life-saving treasures in the ancient times.Now it contains divine power, which greatly increases its value.

Yu Xin happily put away the strange fire and said sweetly, "Thank you, Dad."

Zhang Tian rubbed her hair and looked at the grandsons of the Jiang family, "This piece of divine source is the heirloom of your Jiang family, so let's return it to the original owner now."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Tian chopped out his finger sword again and divided the source of the gods into ten parts, nine parts went into Xiao Tingting's body, and one part went into Jiang old man's body.

"This divine source can extend your life by five hundred years, this is the limit, no amount is useless. The remaining nine are temporarily sealed in Xiao Tingting's body, which can be automatically fused into her flesh and blood when she cultivates, enhancing her strength. Innate talent."

Zhang Tian explained patiently.

"Great, grandpa can accompany Tinger all the time." Xiao Tingting cheered.

The old man Jiang was so excited that he couldn't speak. He didn't know how to thank Zhang Tian for his kindness. This kindness was too heavy.

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, "As for your ancestral veins, it is also unusual, and it can be regarded as an authentic fairy king."

This blockbuster was thrown, which immediately shocked the whole audience. , , .

Chapter 559 Do You Think You Are the Emperor Buried?

"Xian... Xianwang is authentic?"

The old man Jiang stammered, although after the self-burial of the Emperor of Heaven and the establishment of the Heavenly Court, the status of the human race has risen, and it has become the first race of the nine mountains and seas, occupying vast resources, so that the strong come out in large numbers.The existing human races can basically be traced back to one or two powerful ancestors, but the ancestors of the Immortal King Realm are still rare and can be called ancient races with a long history.

Zhang Tian nodded and said: "I have already carefully investigated the source of your vein, it should be Jiang Jiankong, the white-clothed immortal king five million years ago, but which real immortal or emperor is your branch counted on? , you still need to authenticate yourself."

In martial artist cultivation, when you reach the Great Sacred Realm, your bloodline will mutate. In fact, it is to activate a part of the latent bloodline power of the ancestors, making your bloodline stronger, and the descendants born in this way will also become stronger.

After that, when you reach the realm of God Emperor, Great Emperor, True Immortal, etc., you will also activate the bloodline of the ancestors in your body. If there is no potential in the bloodline to tap, it means that your cultivation base has surpassed your bloodline ancestors.

At this time, most cultivators will choose to reshape the bloodline, that is, based on themselves, to establish a new source of powerful bloodline, and this cultivator will become the ancestor of this lineage.

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