It is also thanks to the amazing defense of the Taigu Mopeng, which is replaced by ordinary demon kings and demon saints, and this blow can make the opponent into a muddy flesh.

"Hi..." 168 Library

Seeing this scene, little princess Qingxuan couldn't help taking a deep breath, and immediately said excitedly: "So you are the little witch that Sister Chan mentioned, even more powerful than what she said!"

Zi Yan said: "You mean the little girl of the Ziling Tianchan clan, we have a good relationship, come and help me, let's deal with them together. When my eldest sister comes up, I'm sure it will benefit you."

"Giggle, elder sister Chan is very angry with you, where is the relationship?"

Princess Qingxuan let out a coquettish smile, and immediately flew to join the battle group, her green clothes fluttering, like a fairy descended from the fairy world, a pair of jade palms blasted out of the Taoist palm wind, attacking Wubei.

"Sapphire Cloud Dispelling Palm? Good!"

Wu Shi snorted coldly, seeing Princess Qingxuan fall towards Zi Yan, he didn't panic, his fists opened and closed, like a golden emperor, brazenly fighting.


At the same time, the ruthless man also successfully reached the [-]th floor of the Tongtian Tower. Just as he was about to absorb the last of the yellow spring water, the great emperor's obsession attached to the map of stars and swords finally disappeared completely.


As if the thunder of the sky stirred the fire of the earth, bursts of explosions sounded in the body of the ruthless man, and an earth-shaking change occurred.

The three Star Ten Thousand Swords pictures were finally completely merged together, blooming with extremely dazzling starlight.

Ascending Order!

Ruthless people flashed such a thought in an instant. The Star Ten Thousand Swords Map was originally a peerless treasure of the stars. It was collected by the ancient sword king and divided into many parts, but there was still a connection between them. After the three were merged, it finally happened. A little mysterious change.

The most obvious change is that the stars above are more dazzling and more concrete, as if real stars, emitting soft starlight.

The energy in these starlights is very majestic. It was sealed together with the sword map in ancient times. When it is released at this time, it is like the water of the Milky Way pouring down from the nine heavens. People have improved their cultivation base by a full [-]%!

"What an amazing starlight. If things go on like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before I can break through to the legendary nine changes."

Ruthless was quite happy, and when he was about to continue to absorb the power of the stars, the stars in the sky turned into a blurred figure. It was a swordsman with an ancient sword on his back. He turned his back to her and looked up. The wind returns.

"Ancient Sword King!"

The ruthless person's heart shook violently. She felt a terrible sword intent from this person, as if it could devour the heavens and the world. Even the sword intent of the Great Swordsman at the bottom of the Beihai Emperor Sword Lake was compared to it. It is also as insignificant as a mayfly facing the ocean.

And this is just a phantom. It can be seen how terrifying the sword intent of the real body is. I am afraid that in the whole world, only the ancient sword king who has overwhelmed the world and opened the sword gate has such strength.

Just when Ruthless was startled, the figure turned around slowly and said solemnly: "I wish that the world's amazing swordsmen can open the gate of heaven with swords. I will give you a sword seal today, and this life will be a sword. The people of the door, raise the name of swordsmanship for eternity!"

After finishing speaking, the figure flickered slightly, and a sword-shaped aura dashed towards the ruthless man.


Ruthless was shocked and angry. Although she cultivated kendo, she was not paranoid about the sword. If she really got this sword mark, she would only have kendo all the way in her life, which she did not want.

The soul trembled, and the entire body world was turned upside down, but all the will to resist was forcibly suppressed by the will of the ancient sword king.

Just when the sword seal was about to be embedded in the Ruthless Man's Palace of Life, a cold and majestic voice suddenly sounded:

"Sword King, you are courting death." ,, . . .

Chapter 616 Burying the Emperor, I Respect You as the Supreme Being of the Nine Realms

"Sword King, you are courting death."

The moment he heard this voice, the ancient sword king Xuying trembled violently, and a terrified look appeared in his eyes.

I saw that in the Ruthless Man's Sea of ​​​​Consciousness Palace of Life, Zhang Tian stood with his hands behind his back, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. Before the sword seal could get close, it burst with a bang, turning into a little bit of aura into the soul of the ruthless man. middle.

As Ruthless expected, this sword seal is a treasure, and it is also a kind of imprisonment. Once it is truly branded in her life palace, she will default to being a swordsman, even if she is reincarnated and rebuilt, this seal will be will not disappear.

With this sword seal, comprehension of kendo will naturally get twice the result with half the effort, but it will exclude other laws of heaven. From then on, only swordsmen can go all the way. This is also the certification mark catalyzed by the ancient Taoism battle, even a quasi-immortal emperor cannot erase it. remove.

"Bury, bury the emperor..."

The ancient sword king Xu Ying said in a trembling voice, as if he couldn't believe his eyes. He has been sitting for thousands of years, but this sealed remnant contains some of his memories. The moment he saw Zhang Tian , the fear that was imprinted in the bone marrow could not help pouring out.

Zhang Tian said indifferently: "This emperor sees you blending swordsmanship with the swords of the stars and dispersing it all over the world, and he quite appreciates your aura, but I didn't expect that there is such a small trick in it, when it is said that you are worthy of being a sword Lord of the door."

A flash of shame flashed on the face of the ancient sword king. He once said that he would replace martial arts with kendo, but he secretly applied a sword seal to recruit talents for the sword gate. This has become an admission of the fact that kendo is inferior to martial arts. Why use such despicable means to keep people.

"Emperor Burial, I respect you as the Supreme Being of the Nine Realms. But I accept a disciple for Jianmen, do you want to take care of it?" The ancient sword king was silent for a long time, and finally said.

Zhang Tiandao: "Martial arts are open source, all laws return to the sect, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and ghosts all draw nourishment from martial arts, so why should you be in the same vein as your swordsman? But you shouldn't offend this emperor's daughter!"

The voice fell, and the mighty emperor's might exploded, as if it was just a glimpse of the god's eyes, and the body of the ancient sword king in the distance was directly annihilated.

The ruthless man only felt that he had a long dream. In the dream, his father actually suppressed the remnants of the ancient sword king by laying his hands on him. He was extremely domineering, and the sword seal was also broken.

When Yoyo woke up, Ruthless Man suddenly felt that the Star Ten Thousand Swords Diagram had completely merged with her, and there was an obscure memory in the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

"Now that you are a disciple of Jianmen, you should hold a three-foot green front and use the sword in the world. If you can form the Eternal Sword Saint Body, you can return to Jianmen and enter my Li Chungang's door."

Li Chungang is the real name of the ancient sword king. One person and one sword pioneered the way of swordsmanship. He is the master of the sword gate.

After these words disappeared, the obscure sword intent in the sea of ​​​​consciousness was completely absorbed by her. It was actually a method of casting the Holy Body. According to this method, the eternal sword body can be cast!

The ruthless man subconsciously took a breath. This turned out to be a method of casting the eternal holy body. Even in the ancient times, it could be regarded as an earth-shattering practice.

However, under the new method of burial, Lunhai could not pass through nine seats, the holy body could not reach eternity, and even the holy body that reached the perfect level was extremely difficult.

However, the ruthless man did not abandon this method. This time, the trial of the Tongtian Pagoda made her understand that even if there are layers of rules and restrictions, it is not impossible to break. Give her a few opportunities like the Tongtian Pagoda to cast the Holy Body of Eternal Life. It's not impossible either.

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