Zhang Tian patted her head and said angrily, "Silly girl, take it as you give it, and treat it as the treasure that Dad gave you in advance to congratulate you on breaking through the semi-sanctified realm. Your second sister and third sister will also be there. some."

Hearing what Zhang Tian said, Ruthless Talent happily put away the four jade boxes and said excitedly, "Thank you, Dad."

These four jade boxes contain all the treasures of the world's wood spirits, plus Jianmu flowers and leaves, and refining at the same time. I don't know if I can comprehend the wood-type sword soul, but I can definitely deduce the wood-type law to a very terrifying one. degree.

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, then said suddenly: "Actually, if you want the Wood Element Sword Soul, there is another simpler method." Dance Chinese www.75zw.com

"What method?" The ruthless man asked curiously.

"Find someone who is proficient in the wood-type sword soul to kill, and use "Swallowing the Devil" to capture his wood-type sword soul?"

Zhang Tian said it very easily.

For others, it is very abnormal for a ruthless man to have nine sword souls, but he always feels that it is too few. With the domineering of "Swallowing the Heavens", it is easy to have one hundred and eighty sword souls.

Back then, the ancient demon gods were able to traverse the nine great mountains and seas, causing the gods to retreat, because there was nothing to swallow, swallowing the arrogance of the sky, swallowing the treasures of the earth, even swallowing the stars, swallowing the primordial mountain, swallowing the immortal king and immortal emperor, if you come to kill me, I will swallow it. You, gather the strength of all things, the more you fight, the stronger you become.

The ruthless man still hasn't evaporated the effect of this exercise.

The ruthless man was stunned for a moment. She had never thought about this. Although she had also used "Swallowing the Devil" to devour many people's martial arts swordsmanship, it was performed under normal circumstances against the enemy, not for the purpose of devour and devour.

Because she always felt that it was not down-to-earth enough to instantly turn the martial arts sword spirit that others spent thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, into her own.

After listening to Ruthless Man's thoughts, Zhang Tian couldn't help laughing dumbly and said: "Fighting on the Immortal Road, how can you be down-to-earth, if you can't fight against the sky, how can you compete with those overlords that have existed since ancient times? Obviously there are simple methods available. , but it happens to do difficult things, this is not persistence, but stupidity."

Ruthless is a little embarrassed. She is a very assertive person, but she has always believed in Zhang Tian's words, so she hesitated at this time.

After thinking for a while, the ruthless talent made a decision and said, "Since I already have five copies of the Wood Spirit Treasure Medicine, I will try it myself first. If it still doesn't work, it's not too late to make other plans. What does Dad think? ?"

Zhang Tian smiled and said: "You know how to be flexible. As for these wood spirit medicines, they are all first-class immortals in the world. Even if you don't understand the sword soul, refining them will be of great benefit to you. Just follow this way to do it."

The ruthless man breathed a sigh of relief and left with four jade boxes.

A few days later, a huge vortex appeared over the city of freedom, and countless plants and trees swarmed with spiritual energy, making the blood linden tree in Zhang's small courtyard full of fruit again, red and red like a sunset.

The vast spiritual energy is centered on the Zhang Family Courtyard, sweeping towards all sides. The entire city seems to be surrounded by a rich and fragrant fairy energy. Golden lotus blossoms bloom with their hearts facing the sky, guarding a peerless figure.

Like an empress who came into the world, she was spotless, and in those beautiful eyes, there seemed to be a universe in which everything went up and down, and reincarnation was endless.

Although she just stood at will, but she gave people a burst of divine might to step on the heavens and the world, as if she was carrying the heavenly way, surrounded by wood spirit energy, and she was the only one, which made people involuntarily want to kneel and worship.

The white-clothed female emperor stared at her, her snow-white long skirt danced with the wind, and her breath was so strong that it was like a divine sword soaring to the sky. The three-foot blue silk fluttered in the wind, and her body was illuminated by the rays of the avenue, like an ancient god.

She stood with her hands behind her back, looking down at the city of freedom, her eyes were like swords, piercing the nine heavens and ten places, reflecting the eternal blue sky.

At this moment, everyone in the City of Liberty seemed to hear a fairy sound that lingered in their ears.

"When the flowers bloom, the king will rule the world." ,, . . .

Chapter 660 Who dares to touch Zhang Tian's daughter?

This is a profound insight. After obtaining a lot of laws of wood, grass, and trees, the ruthless man briefly entered the state of 'epiphany', just like when he stepped into the legendary realm, his comprehension increased more than a hundred times.

When the Hall of Life and Death was in the dream of reincarnation, he turned into a white-clothed female emperor and stared at him, shocking all directions.

When Yuxin performed Qingdi's Spiritual Transformation, she twisted her fingers, and the flowers were in full bloom.

After waiting for the scenes to flash through his mind one by one, he finally realized a peerless wood-type magical power.

When the flower blooms, the world reigns!

If it is accurately divided, it belongs to a kind of avatar Dao method. With the deep spiritual power combined with the wood system law, one after another golden lotus is spawned.

These golden lotuses all contain a ray of true spirit, the pieces are crystal clear, dance and dance, and can turn into a spiritual body at any time, with [-]% of the body's combat power.

With Ruthless Man's current background, at most three thousand golden lotus avatars can be created at the same time, just like a king's personal soldiers, such a terrifying scene, just thinking about it is enough to make people shudder.

And this is only the first realm. The golden lotus can be upgraded. With the improvement of the understanding of the law of wood, when the golden lotus evolves into a fairy, that is three thousand true fairy clones, enough to traverse the universe and rule the world.

"What a powerful magical power."

In the secret room, the ruthless man slowly opened his eyes, unable to hide his surprise. This method of divine passage has great potential. To a certain extent, it is not weaker than "The Great Wilderness Prisoner of Heaven" and "Flying Immortal Art". , "Great Void Technique", the supernatural powers of the Immortal Kings and the Immortal Emperors, especially in group battles, will have very significant effects.

However, Ruthless Man immediately showed a hint of distress. Although it was a joy to create a top-level avatar, but what she wanted to do most—comprehend the wood-type sword soul, she failed to achieve it.

"Maybe I can only use the power of "Swallowing the Devil" as Dad said."

Ruthless made a decision in his heart, pushed the door and walked out.

"Congratulations to the big sister's supernatural powers."

Yu Xin had been waiting outside the door for a long time, and as soon as the ruthless came out, she immediately announced the good news.

The ruthless man smiled and sighed: "This is a kind of intentional planting of flowers that will not bloom, and unintentional planting of willows and willows. By the way, will the second sister go back to the academy in a while?"

"What? Big sister is going back to the academy?" Yu Xin asked curiously.

The ruthless man nodded and said, "I currently lack a wood-type sword soul, which is the key to casting the Holy Body. So I plan to go to the mission hall of the academy to see if there are any wanted swordsmen who are proficient in wood-type sword souls."

Although it has been decided to use the devouring ability of "Devouring the Devil", the ruthless person does not want to find anyone to use it. It is best to be the kind of person who is already full of evil, so that it can be regarded as eliminating evil for the people.

Yu Xin had already learned from Zhang Tian that the Ruthless Man was going to cultivate the Eternal Sword Saint Body, and she pondered: "There should be some swordsmen with wood-type sword souls here in Donghuang, but the elder sister's sword souls are all above the fourth rank. Well, a swordsman with such a high-grade wood-type sword soul is at least a great saint. I'm afraid it's hard to find such a wanted criminal."

The ruthless man said: "This condition is indeed a bit harsh, let's give it a try. Would you like to go back with me, second sister?"

Yu Xin's face changed slightly, she waved her hand and said, "I won't go back. There are some things going on recently and I may have to leave for a few days."

"That's it, then I'll go back by myself. If you have any difficulties, you can ask me for help."

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