I saw that the second-to-last King Mirror was divided into a quarter, specifically recording Zi Yan's dynamics.

At this time, the little girl was in a garden of gods. She was still wearing a white dress, dressed as a little loli, but the line was very large, which made Zhang Tian happy to see it.

"What is this girl doing?"

Zhang Tian asked with a smile, Zi Yan in the picture is just like the King of the Mountain, sitting on a huge bluestone with a vigor, holding a roasted animal leg in his hand, and is eating.

Under the bluestone, many immemorial gods and gods reverently serve, always ready to add meat and tea to Zi Yan.At first glance, there are Bi Fang, Chilong, Zhu Qian and these legendary mythical beasts.

The bloodlines of these ancient creatures are extremely noble and powerful, and many of them are not even under the Taixu ancient dragon.But now they are courting the little loli-like Zi Yan, and they don't dare to retort when they are scolded at will, how can there be a trace of divine beast prestige.

Ordering such a group of powerful immemorial creatures, Zi Yan, the king of the mountain, is too majestic.

Gu Taxian smiled apologetically on the side and said, "The little princess has the demeanor of a king, she has the demeanor of a king, and she has great luck and great opportunity. Naturally, she can give orders to the Quartet, and don't dare to obey."

Zhang Tian glanced at him sideways, and said with a smile: "What kind of king's demeanor, this emperor's daughter, this emperor still doesn't understand, it's almost the same as the devil's demeanor. As for the great luck and great chance, I'm afraid it's all secretly arranged by you. right?"

Zhang Tian's insight is so sharp, and he can see at a glance that Zi Yan is much stronger than when she left the dead world, and has broken through to the realm of high-level demon kings. The amount of resources needed can almost be described as horror.

Even if the virtual world is full of treasures, it cannot be promoted so quickly.

The only explanation is that Gu Taxian used his world master authority to take the initiative to move all the treasures that were hidden in the corners to Zi Yan and let her use them at will.

Those immemorial creatures are so respectful to Zi Yan, probably because they can follow Zi Yan for some benefits.

"The Emperor of Heaven is really discerning, and his subordinates did mobilize some resources. However, the little princess was not discovered. The little princess was able to order the relics of the ancient creatures, and it was entirely her own strength, and her subordinates absolutely did not intervene to help."

Gu Taxian quickly explained that he was also very helpless in his heart. The dignified burial of Heavenly Emperor Princess came to his virtual world to play, and he was still causing trouble everywhere. Can he do it without helping. , , .

Chapter 671 The Queen of the King's Realm, the Divine King's Daughter!

At this time, in the Primordial Divine Garden, Zi Yan sneezed violently.

Rubbing her nose, Zi Yan frowned and said, "Who is talking bad about me behind my back, eh? Is it you!"

"No, absolutely not!"

"My loyalty to Lord Witch can be learned from the sun and the moon!"

Bi Fang, Zhu Qian and other pure-blooded creatures hurriedly denied it, and beat their chests to the sky. If others saw it, they had to be shocked. The strong people who dared to fight with gods and demons in the ancient times have now descended to such a degree. level.

Chi Long was even more exaggerated, wagging his tail, which was several tens of feet in size, and flattered: "Lord Witch, this Primordial Divine Garden is about to be emptied. Shall we find another place to search for treasure?"

As soon as these words came out, Bi Fang, Zhu Qian and other beasts all lit up, looking extremely excited.

Zi Yan's chance is too strong, and if you look for a place to drill, you can find a place of peerless treasure.

In less than two months, Zi Yan swept dozens of ancient ruins and restricted areas in the ancient times.

These supreme treasures, which had long disappeared in the virtual world, suddenly appeared one by one, and they all happened to appear in the place where Zi Yan passed by. It was really unconvincing.

It's not that they didn't think about suppressing Zi Yan and enslaving her to find treasure.

In fact, they met in a treasured place at the beginning, and after realizing that the appearance of the treasured place was probably related to Zi Yan, they all paid attention to Zi Yan.

However, the consequences were very cruel. More than a dozen immemorial creatures have always been the overlords of the world of kings. They fought in groups, but were suppressed by Zi Yan with one punch. Some of those with weak defense were directly blown up. , Flesh and blood flew, and immediately overwhelmed everyone.

The remaining few, such as Bi Fang, Zhu Qian, Chi Long and other pure-blooded creatures, did not end well either. They were each cut off by Zi Yan and had a big meal.

The reason for keeping them not to kill is also very simple, that is, Zi Yan has learned the principle of 'sustainable development', raising them as meat pigs, and cutting a piece when they are hungry.

Such a move is undoubtedly a great provocation, a trampling on the dignity of the ancient creatures, making them angry to the extreme, one by one desperately resisting.

It's just that Zi Yan is too powerful, so powerful that they feel desperate, so they can only survive.

However, this mentality soon changed as Zi Yan discovered one treasure after another.

After all, this girl still has some sense of loyalty. After eating the meat herself, she will also distribute some soup for them.Even if it's just a little bit, it's a very precious treasure to them, enough to make up for the blood they lack, and there's still a lot left.

Therefore, the man can bend and stretch, and this group of people changed, and they became Zi Yan's younger brother directly.

"What's the hurry, isn't there still a spring of immortality in it? It's not too late to take those springs away before leaving."

Zi Yan glared at the Chilong and said angrily.Soso Novel www.sosoxs.cc

Several immemorial creatures were hesitant, Bi Fang cautiously said: "Lord Witch, let's just accept it as soon as we see it. The one in the Garden of God is a terrifying being, well-known in the entire king's world, and is known as the most Strong queen. She is now locked by the law of the Shenquan and can't get out. We have already taken a lot of benefits, if we don't leave, will the queen be in big trouble when she gets out of trouble."

It turned out that the group of them rushed into this Primordial Divine Garden and found out that before they came, several forces had already arrived here, and after a tragic fight, in the end, only one force won, capturing the rest of the powerful creatures as slaves and persecuting them. They came to collect the precious medicine in this divine garden.

Because there are many prohibitions in this Primordial Divine Garden, every time a treasure medicine is picked, it will be backlashed by the prohibition. Those caught slaves need to complete a certain amount of collection tasks before they can be free.

When Bi Fang and the others learned the identity of the winning force, they all showed a very frightened expression. Like them, these ancient creatures, who are not the all-powerful overlords, but they are still afraid of the leader in the depths of the Shenyuan. It is enough to see the horror of the other party.

"Isn't it some kind of Tianshen Mountain? You are so big, but you are afraid of a little girl's movie. It's not ashamed to lose."

Zi Yan said that she hates iron.

Zhu Qian complained in his heart: "Aren't you also a little girl's film?" On the surface, he said respectfully: "Could it be that Lord Witch really doesn't know that this Tianshen Mountain is the power of the gods, and the girl you mentioned is the daughter of the god king, we Not her opponent."

Chi Long and Bi Fang nodded one after another. The talent and aptitude of the Protoss is above all other races, not to mention that this queen has the blood of the Divine King flowing in her body. She has always been domineering and invincible.

"The daughter of the king of gods? Then she is also a god? Great, I like to eat god meat the most!" Zi Yan clapped her hands and cried, with a look of excitement.

When Bi Fang and the others heard the first half of the sentence, they thought that the little witch was finally scared, but when they heard the second half of the sentence, they reacted, and their eyes almost popped out.

"You... have you eaten God?"

"I've eaten it! I tell you, the meat is delicious, it melts in the mouth, and it's warm inside the body."

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