Five hundred feet, four hundred feet, three hundred feet, two hundred feet, one hundred feet...

At the moment of approaching these dark golden beasts, Zi Yan stuffed the golden ball into her mouth, opened her hands, clenched a fist with one hand, and turned her palm with the other, like a Kunpeng soaring with wings, and rushed into the enemy line.

Sun Peng Fist!

Taiyin Kunzhang!

Yin-Yang Reverse Chaos Technique!

Countless treasures flew out of Zi Yan's hands, turned into fiery runes, annihilated pieces of dark golden beasts, and quickly swept the audience.

This layer of dark gold beasts has more bone marrow of the god emperor, plus the first layer of golden balls, a dark golden light ball the size of a palm is fully fused, and the power emitted makes Yun Xi dare not approach .

"Go to the next floor! Watch me kill this temple!"

Zi Yan was so imposing, she couldn't help but drag Yun Xi into the third-floor temple.

With their feet on the ground, the two of them looked towards the front, and they were silent for a while, and their eyes widened.

I saw that the third floor was like a royal palace, splendid and golden, and there was a man sitting on the throne that seemed to be made of colorful divine jade.

His whole body is purple gold, his divine radiance is soaring to the sky, and he is full of anger, as if he is the ruler of the world!

His breath is even more terrifying than the Pu Demon Tree!

He is... God Emperor! , , .

Chapter 696 Guessing Zhang Tian's Identity


This idea flashed through Yun Xi and Zi Yan's mind at the same time, and made them sure of it!

Because this man shrouded in divine brilliance is really too strong, his breath is like a scorching sun, and it is so blazing that people dare not look directly at him.

But one thing is certain, that is, this person's strength is definitely stronger than Pu Moshu!Even scarier!

"Didn't the god emperor have been suppressed by the buried emperor, why did he appear on the third floor of the temple again?"

Zi Yan took a half step back nervously. No matter how brave she was, she felt a strong oppression when facing the 'God Emperor'. This was the supreme existence that dominated the God Realm in the ancient times. at his feet.

It is an emperor that is older than the Emperor Buried!

Yun Xi was also frightened. Even for her, the daughter of the god king, the god emperor was still an unattainable existence, and even her father, the god king of Yuntian, who shook the nine mountains and seas, was in the real world. In front of the god emperor, he must also bow down and worship, and dare not have the slightest disobedience.

The gap between the god king and the god emperor, just like the immortal king and the immortal emperor, is fundamentally different, and it is not the same level at all.Not to mention that this ancient god emperor was born in ancient times and survived for hundreds of millions of epochs. Even a quasi-immortal emperor in front of him would be vulnerable.

"That's the bone marrow of this emperor..."

Just when Yun Xi and Zi Yan were in a daze, the man sitting on the divine jade throne spoke slowly, his whole body was covered with holy brilliance, and when he spoke, he rumbled and rumbled like thunder, suddenly spreading, shaking the void. All trembled.

Zi Yan, who was a little nervous at first, froze when she heard this sentence, tightly protecting the dark golden ball, staring at her eyes and saying, "This is my trophy!"


The man in the divine flame spit out a word coldly, the runes flashed in his eyes, and the endless divine might permeated, shaking the world!

In the next instant, this god emperor stood up directly, stepped out one step, and formed a huge purple-gold footprint in the sky, splendid and dazzling, and descended like the top of Mount Tai.


This terrifying footprint has the power to block the void, but it is difficult to seal Zi Yan, who has the blood of the Taixu ancient dragon. She looks away and avoids it. The purple foot steps on the ground, and instantly shatters the ground like a floor brick made of divine gold. Rocks fly.

"This is……"

Yun Xi was huddled in the corner, but when she saw this scene, she could not help frowning, her eyes flashed with suspicion, not because of the power of this magic, but because this scene made her feel very familiar, it seems, it seems that before When fighting for his father, the little witch's father used a similar method.

The reason why it is said to be similar is because there are indeed some subtle differences between the two. The god emperor used an out-of-the-ordinary divine technique, and it was most likely the legendary divine emperor technique, and the little witch’s father transformed it. The purple feet could not feel the breath of divine power, it was more like an immortal art.

Individually, no one would compare the two methods, because there is an essential difference between magic and immortality. A person who cultivates immortality may be able to learn magic, but if he wants to convert magic into immortality, it is almost impossible. It is impossible, let alone this kind of god emperor technique that is close to the law of heaven.

But Yun Xi, who had seen these two methods with his own eyes, could easily feel the similarities between the two.

In other words, the magical power used by Zi Yan's father is actually an Immortal Emperor Technique transformed from the God Emperor Technique, the Heavenly Emperor Technique!

This kind of speculation made Yun Xi's soul tremble. If it were spread out, it would probably cause the entire nine mountains and seas to shake.Temple Street

On the other side, Zi Yan threw the dark golden light ball to Yun Xi before the attack of the god emperor, and moved several dozen meters across the ground, like a dragon, dodging in the dilapidated temple, dodging the sharp edge. hit.


Zi Yan circled behind the god emperor, tossed up, and collapsed with a punch, as if holding a round of scorching sun, the blazing light filled the entire temple, and a lot of turbulence erupted in the void.


The moment the Sun Peng Fist fell, the God Emperor's body suddenly disappeared. The fist hit the ground, directly cracking the earth, and countless gods were blown up.

"Don't run!"

Zi Yan shouted and turned into a Taixu ancient dragon, with divine flames in her eyes, scorching black light, two golden runes floating in it, one with 'Yang' written in demonic script, and the other written in demonic script. 'Yin', they are constructed into beams, like a fire dragon, shooting towards the god emperor.

The god emperor stood with his hands behind his back, and countless divine runes erupted all over his body, densely packed, like stars in the sky, imprinted in the void, and collided with the fire dragon.


Zi Yan's body shook, and a lot of dragon blood dripped from the corner of her mouth. She was hit hard and flew out.

"Little witch!"

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