The sound of this bell is very strange. It didn't seem to be very loud at first, but after a little distance, it rang loudly, and the farther away, the more deafening the bell sounded.

One hundred thousand mountains, and even half of the Eastern Wasteland are deafening!

"This is the bell, and the evangelistic conference has finally begun."

Countless great monks who were retreating came out one after another, and flew towards the Deity Academy with a long howl.

The bell rang one after another, and it stopped abruptly after ringing nine, nine, and eighty-one times in succession.At this time, the [-] peaks surrounding the Martial Dao Square were all filled, and the densely packed monks were intertwined with imposing manners, boiling into the sky.

Wu Qingquan was extremely excited and gave a look at Fairy Yunxia who was beside him. Fairy Yunxia immediately took a step forward and said loudly, "Senior Zhang please!"

The [-] mountain peaks shook at the same time, and countless monks were boiling, shouting in unison:

"Senior Zhang please—"

"Senior Zhang please—"

"Senior Zhang please—"

After the three voices fell, a huge abyss suddenly split open above the Martial Dao Square, like a god and a demon opening the sky, tearing apart the sky tower, and the power of endless chaos surged against Zhang Tian stepping out of the sky, like a god and an emperor! , , .

Chapter 709 The Holy Masters of the Eastern Desolation are here to meet!

"Junior meets Senior Zhang..."

Seeing the vision of Zhang Tian's appearance, all the cultivators fell into a state of madness, roaring wildly, with a burning look in their eyes, like worshipping gods.

In the fantasy world, the strong are respected. The goal of every cultivator is to advance bravely, open the sea, become extraordinary, become a king, cast a holy body, immortal, emperor without boundaries, step on the road of immortality, and immortal!

On this road, there is no age, and the one with the best is the first!

Zhang Tianzhi's mighty power, known as the number one person in Donghuang, is now the pillar of Donghuang. For many Donghuang cultivators, he is an idol and a god.

Most of the people here have never been fortunate enough to witness Zhang Tian's true face before, but they are familiar with his deeds.

The Bing Emperor in the Martial Arts Square, the Black Dragon Emperor in Beihai Massacre, the Thunder Emperor in the First Battle of the Holy City, and the Human Emperor's Spiritual Body was defeated with one hand...

The Supreme Sage, the Half-step Demon Emperor, the Quasi-God Emperor, the Immortal God Sovereign, a powerful man with a long-standing reputation in the mainland, all bowed down at the feet of Zhang Tian, ​​tired of bones, and achieved his invincible name, the first person in the East Wilderness, the supreme emperor of the mainland By!

In the word of mouth of the people of Donghuang, Zhang Tian has long been a myth and has become a spiritual monument, inspiring generations of young talents, and now he finally sees his true face, but no one feels disappointed. of awe.

"Senior Zhang's strength has reached such a level, it's really terrifying."

Several elders of the Deity Academy hidden in the mountains looked at each other in shock. Deity Academy was established for more than [-] years, and several immortal emperors have also appeared. Especially the first generation dean is the most powerful, close to the peerless emperor level. The demon king of the dark demon world is fighting for the front, but it doesn't seem to have such a terrifying power.

Such a vision, tearing the sky with one hand and carrying the vast chaos on his back, is like the arrival of an ancient emperor. Those juniors in the supernatural and king realm can't see it, but the great saints who have lived for more than a thousand years feel it clearly and shocked. At the same time, the trace of frivolity in my heart completely disappeared.

Under the awe-inspiring eyes of everyone, Zhang Tian stepped out of the abyss. The chaotic energy behind him had long teeth and claws. With the healing of Tianyuan, he can return to the outer world unwillingly.

Zhang Tian carried his hands on his back and looked straight ahead like this, until Tian Yuan closed, but he still did not speak.

The monks on the [-] mountain peaks are a little strange. Just at this moment, an extremely suppressed breath spread.


The void burst, and a gate to the void was torn open. More than [-] women in silver armor rode flying horses with huge wings, surrounded by an amazing Baoguang chariot, galloping out from the inside, and the momentum was soaring to the sky. , heroic.

The woman in the lead had white hair like snow, a ribbon tied on her forehead, bright eyes like a bright moon, exuding a strong icy aura, awe-inspiring and inviolable.

"It's the team of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. The leader is the Holy Son Ling Shuangxue! This person has gone through the battle at the Ancient Dao Lake, and his strength has skyrocketed. It is said that he is close to the Holy Master and can easily suppress the Holy King!"

Countless people were amazed. Ling Shuangxue was one of the most amazing arrogances in the ancient Daohu battle. Not only did he survive successfully, but his strength soared, easily suppressing a holy king.In addition, in the later Holy Master Battle, an old monster of the half-step god emperor level also appeared in the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, which made people even more fearful of this ancient sect.Girls classmates network

"Bam! Boom! Bam!..."

Not long after the team of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect appeared, there was a sound of tearing in the surrounding void, and countless luxurious golden chariots and jade chariots came out of the sky.

Fengyang Ancient Sect, Blood Demon Sect, Wuyue Sword Sect, Tianhan Holy Land...

Except for the Dongming Holy Land, which is known as the strongest sect in the Eastern Desolation, almost all the ancient sect holy places that are famous in the Eastern Desolation are all present.

The next moment, the chariots in these teams opened at the same time, and stepped out of a strong man, with holy will, no anger and self-esteem, all of them are holy master-level figures who dominate one side, but at this time they are very humble, and at the same time move towards the void. The standing Zhang Tian paid homage.

"Ling Fanghua, the sect master of the Ancient Cleansing Incense Sect, has seen Senior Zhang, and our sect would like to offer [-] million Imperial Spirit Stones and [-] Ten Thousand Years Precious Medicines to help the preaching momentum, and I hope Senior Zhang will accept it with a smile."

The sect master of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is a middle-aged woman. Although she is thousands of years old, the years have not left any traces on her face. A pair of beautiful eyebrows are slanted on her temples, and her eyes are as black as lacquer. Xueshan Rose's arrogant meaning, the woman does not let her men, her aura is approaching the peak of the Holy Master, and only to that stop, she dominates a field, and her voice is loud.

After saying this, the jade bracelet on Ling Fanghua's wrist was a brilliant masterpiece. Countless royal grade spirit stones poured out, and they were instantly stacked into a hill. Three hundred jade boxes flew out. The lids of the boxes were opened, and each jade box contained There is a ten thousand year treasure medicine, and the treasure light is densely formed into a spiritual mist, connected together, like a fairyland.

Everyone was shocked. This handwriting is really too big. You must know that this is a royal-grade spirit stone. One is equivalent to [-] king-grade spirit stones. One million is a full ten billion king-grade spirit stones. The value of the precious medicine is even more than that. Even if the family of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is big, this time I am afraid that they will have to hollow out the accumulation of nearly a thousand years.

There are millions of monks in the audience. I have never seen so many spiritual stones and ten thousand years of medicine in my life. All of them are so excited that they can't be more excited.

"The ancient Fengyang sect would like to present [-] imperial-grade spirit stones and [-] catties of phoenix blood to help the preaching momentum. I hope Senior Zhang will accept it with a smile."

"The Five Mountains Sword Sect would like to offer [-] imperial-grade spirit stones, nine top-grade king swords, ninety high-grade king swords, [-] middle-grade king swords, and [-] low-grade king swords, to help the preaching momentum, and I hope Senior Zhang will accept it with a smile."

The major ancient sect holy places offered congratulations one after another. For a time, the spiritual stones were piled up in the void and turned into a sea of ​​​​spirits. All kinds of treasures for ten thousand years, rare gold, and powerful flying swords spread across the sky. My heart is about to burst open.

This is the style of the first person in the Eastern Wilderness, the Supreme Being of the Continent!

All the masters of the ancient sect holy places in the Eastern Wilderness will come to visit and present their gifts!With the power of one person, suppress Donghuang!

Those who are truly knowledgeable understand that these gifts are not as simple as helping evangelism, but the 'protection fee' paid by these holy places to Zhang Tian. In the future, it will involve major battles such as barren wars. The entire Eastern Wasteland, especially these ancient sects. The Holy Land relies on Zhang Tianzhi's power.

However, behind Wan Xiu Tongqing, the undercurrent never stopped.

As the host of the Deity Academy, several old monsters who have lived for an unknown number of years have a bit of solemnity on their faces, and have a premonition of the next crisis.

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