"Our Donghuang is a barren land since ancient times, and has always been weaker than Nanhuang, Xihuang, Zhongzhou, and Beihai. This is the God who sent Senior Zhang to Donghuang. After this incident, Donghuang will always remember the name of Senior Zhang."

The previous sect master of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect said slowly, looking at the [-] mountain peaks, these people will definitely become Zhang Tian's preachers in the future.

On this day, the millions of monks present knew that Donghuang was about to rise!

At the same time, in the far-flung Southern Wilderness, the undercurrent is raging, and the tomb of the Great Emperor Tianhuo, which shook the continent five million years ago, will be opened; countless demon flags will shake the sky and move the earth, gather in one hall, connect the unfathomable Demon Abyss, and awaken a statue. Respecting the ancient existence, the spirit of demon killing spreads all over the Southern Wilderness. , , .

Chapter 718 A talisman to destroy the Middle Ages!

After the evangelistic conference, the entire Donghuang fell into a state of dead silence. Those cultivators who heard the sermons immediately retreated, chewed the insights carefully, and turned them into strength.

The ruthless man also entered a state of retreat. She was very lucky. When she first broke through the semi-sage, she was able to listen to Zhang Tian's sermons. Reaching the peak of the semi-holy, you can charge towards the higher holy realm.

But at this time, the evils of the Eternal Eucharist finally appeared.If you want to cast a real Eternal Holy Body, you must fuse the eight basic swords and souls. She has already fused the five swords and souls of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and has reached the semi-holy realm. Next, she has to fuse ice, Wind and thunder are the three sword souls.

But at this step, Ruthless Man suddenly found that the road ahead seemed to be cut off, and there was no way to go. After two months of retreat, apart from completely stabilizing the cultivation base, the three sword souls showed no signs of fusion. .


One day two months later, the ruthless man suddenly woke up from the meditation. She felt a huge shaking, as if the sky was collapsing and the earth was collapsing, but when she opened her eyes, she found that there was nothing abnormal in the world.


The ruthless man immediately denied this speculation. When her cultivation reached her realm, she had already established a connection with the Heavenly Dao. To a certain extent, she could predict the fortunes and misfortunes. For example, those ancient powers could even deduce the past and the future, with boundless mana.

Since I sensed something, then something must have happened. Since it is not the turbulence of the environment, it is the turbulence of my heart and the turbulence of my soul.

Thinking like this, Ruthless didn't intend to go into seclusion anymore, and stepped out of the sky. The academy took a step, just as Shi Wuhua passed by, and when he saw her, he quickly stopped and saluted.

The ruthless man observed him for a moment, then nodded and said, "Senior Brother Shi has accumulated a lot, and it won't take long for him to break through to the semi-holy realm, so I will congratulate him first."

Shi Wuhua is the most talented person among the disciples of this Deity Academy. He was once the leader of the five core giants. If the ruthless man was not born, the light gathered on him would definitely be several times more. Even so, his The speed of cultivation is also very fast, and under the premise of steady and steady progress, it has been quickly upgraded to the Nine Transformations of the Legendary Realm.

I only heard Shi Wuhua humbly say: "My qualifications are far from Senior Sister Zhang. It is all by listening to Senior Zhang's sermons, that I can get a glimpse of the secret. If I can do it again in this life, even if I die, I will have no regrets."

The ruthless man smiled slightly, knowing that Shi Wuhua was telling the truth, he suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Senior Brother Shi went out, did he also feel the change in the world?"

"What changes in the world? I just heard that there is a new historic site on the battlefield of the gods and demons, and I plan to go there to see it." Shi Wuhua said with some confusion.

"It's nothing, senior brother, if you have something to do, go and do it."

The ruthless man waved goodbye to Shi Wuhua, thinking that the violent turmoil just now could not even be sensed by Shi Wuhua. I am afraid it was a big event. At the moment, he did not intend to ask the elders of the academy. hospital.

"Dad, what's the matter with that strong change in the world just now?"

Ruthless people found Zhang Tian and asked straight to the point. In her opinion, Zhang Tian was absolutely omniscient.

Zhang Tian was taking a leisurely nap on the reclining chair, when he heard Ruthless Man's words, he said calmly, "The disaster lies in the Southern Wilderness."

Ruthless Man's eyes suddenly froze. These four short words are of great significance. One of them means that it is a disaster rather than a happy event, and the other is to point out that the place happened in Nanhuang.Sansi Biquge www.sssqxw.com

"The calamity lies in the Southern Wilderness, the calamity lies in the Southern Wilderness... There is now a massive invasion of the Corpse Demon Sect in the Southern Wilderness. Just now, I seem to have felt a ray of demonic energy from the turmoil that day. Could it be the big move made by that Purgatory Demon Lord?" The ruthless man analyzed little by little, frowning.


Zhang Tian sat up, raised his hand and scratched Ruren's cheek as a reward.

The ruthless man was immediately embarrassed and said angrily: "Dad is really, he is no longer a child."

"In Dad's place, you will always be a child! Stay and bask in the sun with Dad today!"

Zhang Tian said very domineeringly, without waiting for the ruthless person to object, he backhanded her onto the reclining chair, only to hear bursts of tender laughter coming from the small courtyard, fluttering.

Time passed day by day, and the peaceful years did not last long. After all, the change in the Southern Wilderness was still passed on, which immediately caused panic in the Eastern Wilderness.

"What did you say? The Demon Lord of Purgatory has found a way to connect to the Dark Demon Realm?"

In Zhang's small courtyard, the ruthless man could not help being a little shocked when he heard the information relayed by Ji Feixue and Shangguanqin, because this is really an incredible thing.

Originally, the purgatory devil planned to build an altar in Nanling, and it took a huge price to connect to a transit space, but it was completely destroyed by Zhang Tian, ​​cutting off this road. Is there a new way?

Ji Feixue said: "Senior sister doesn't know anything, there has been a lot of fire in Nanhuang over the past few years. The corpse demon sect has been attacking the city and looting the land. I don't know how many hundreds of millions of people died. The battle is far more intense than other places. Undead, in order to connect with the devil world."

"Damn demons!"

Ruthless said in a cold voice, based on her experience in Nanling, it is inferred that among the hundreds of millions of people who died, more than [-]% of them are ordinary people. The cruelty of the demons is really outrageous.

"Where did this news first come from?" The ruthless man asked again.

Shangguan Qin said: "It is said that it was deduced by the Tianji old man of Tianjitai consuming his lifespan. The purgatory devil covered all the visions with the supreme magic formation, secretly opened up the magic abyss, and awakened many ancient existences. If the Tianji old man was not aware of it, I am afraid It really made him cheat."

"It turned out to be the news from Tianjitai, so it should be correct."

The ruthless man showed a dignified expression. She had also heard a little about Tianjitai. This is a very mysterious sect, specializing in the way of Zhou Yi Tianji. There are very few disciples in the sect, and they never participate in worldly disputes, but in the mainland However, its status is very noble, and it can stand side by side with Tantai Holy Land, Fluctuating Light Holy Land, etc.

In particular, the old Tianji is even more mysterious and unpredictable. It has been passed down for many generations. Each generation of the old Tianji has the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods.

There are even rumors that all the prosperous medieval forces on the mainland at that time were all destroyed by a talisman from the old man Tianji, and they were wiped out in the dust, including the most powerful Han Dynasty at that time.

It is impossible to verify whether this rumor is true or not, but it is a fact that all the forces on the mainland are afraid of Tianjitai.

Coupled with Zhang Tian's previous statement that 'disaster in the Southern Wilderness', this news should be certain. , , .

Chapter 719 The Emperor's Demon Slaying Order!

Tianshen Academy, Dan Dao Department, Xiaozhu Peak, Ruthless stood on the top of the mountain, letting the mountain wind blow his blue silk dancing and flying.

She looked into the distance, and saw a beautiful girl sitting cross-legged in the sky above the square surrounded by the seven peaks of the Dan Dao system, with a purple-gold Kowloon foot tripod floating in front of her, with different colors of gold, blue and blue. The fire raged under the purple gold dragon cauldron, exuding a very terrifying aura, as if even the void had been melted away.

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