Yu Xin's breathing was a little short. She was about to raise her hand to take it out, but she suddenly stopped and looked at the door.

When she broke into the secret room before, she did not seal the entrance, so that the breath of this fairy lotus escaped. At this time, she clearly sensed that several people were flying in this direction, and the breath was not weak.

Swish swish!

The three escaped lights stopped at the door of the secret room almost at the same time. The moment they saw Yuxin, one of them said in shock, "Miss Yuxin, is that you?"

"Gu Xunyi?" Yu Xin was also a little surprised, but she didn't expect to meet the ancient Xunyi of the Southern Desolate Ancient Clan here. 90 Look at the novel www.90kankan.com

As for the other two, she also knew one of them, it was Yun Pianran of the Southern Desolate Xianling Ancient Sect. At this time, she also broke through to the holy realm. She looked at her with anger and integrity, and obviously recognized her as well. came out.

"Ms. Yuxin? Could it be that Your Excellency is Senior Zhang's second daughter, the sixteen-year-old Pill Emperor Zhang Yuxin?" the last woman said in surprise.

Yu Xin nodded slightly, and the other party immediately saluted respectfully: "I saw Miss Yu Xin in Luo Qingyu, the Holy Land of Xia Tianlan."

"It turned out to be the saint of Tianlan Holy Land, disrespectful." Yu Xin returned the salute. Even she knew the name of Tianlan Holy Land, known as the No. [-] Holy Land in the Southern Wilderness, and this woman's breath was really good.

Gu Xunyi's eyes jumped over Yu Xin and fell into the Lingquan behind, her pupils shrank, but she quickly regained her composure and said with a chuckle, "Ms. Miss Xin has already come a step ahead, so I won't bother you anymore."

After saying that, Gu Xunyi turned around and left.

Yun Pianran and Luo Qingyu looked at each other and said goodbye at the same time.

If it were someone else, in the face of this kind of fairy medicine, you would have to fight for anything, but Yuxin's identity is different, not to mention that her father Zhang Tian is the only emperor in the mainland, she is only sixteen years old. The potential to achieve the Pill Emperor is enough to destroy all the geniuses in the continent.

Yu Xin watched them leave indifferently, and then she took out the Yinyue Xianlian, looked for a direction, and left.

The same scene also happened in the Xinghui Passage. In a spacious secret room, the forces of the four parties each occupy a corner, confronting each other, and no one is willing to back down.

Their target is a statue in the center of the secret room. To be precise, it is a golden armor worn on the statue. Its surface is covered with dense Taoist patterns, which is absolutely extraordinary.

At this moment, a terrifying coercion suddenly descended from the sky, and the monuments of the Three Gods Religion, the layers of protection of the secret room, were cut off by a sword.


Amidst the endless dust, a crisp female voice came out, and when the dust cleared, everyone saw a little loli in a white dress holding a trembling sword.

"Xingxing Sword!"

The nineteenth prince's pupils shrank, and he almost subconsciously wanted to grab the sword, but he forcibly endured it, and said to himself, "It turns out that you were the one who took my chance and exiled me!"

Huang Mengyao was startled at first, but after seeing Zi Yan's appearance, she suddenly said, "Little witch, is that you?"

This girl has not changed at all in the past seven or eight years, and Huang Mengyao recognized it at a glance.

Zi Yan staggered and took down the Star Slashing Sword, looked at Huang Mengyao, and blinked: "It turned out to be Xiao Huang'er."

Huang Mengyao's nose is crooked, what is 'Little Huang'er', are we familiar with it?We are natural enemies, okay, have you forgotten what we fought in the blood test?

"Humph! I heard that you killed Long Gaitian. I was planning to challenge him. Since that's the case, it's the same as defeating you here today."

Huang Mengyao said sharply, her aura rose to the top, and a colorful Divine Phoenix phantom vaguely appeared behind her. These bloodlines were extremely powerful.

"Don't, it's boring to fight and kill. I think you are very beautiful. Why don't you be my father's concubine, so that we can become a family."

Zi Yan said very enthusiastically, she was addicted to Zhang Tian looking for a concubine, and whenever she saw a beautiful girl, she would say this again. , , .

Chapter 772 Who dares to say that this emperor's daughter is an ant!

Huang Mengyao was going crazy. What kind of brain is this little witch? Her thoughts jumped too fast. One second she was a peer of 'Little Huang'er', but the next second she turned into finding him for his father. Concubine.

"Humph! I don't care who you are. If you want to find a concubine for your father, go to another place to find it. In front of this prince, this is not the place for you to be wild!"

The leader of the other side said coldly, but seeing that he looked like a young man, with a tall figure, wearing a noble costume, blue dragon horns on his head, and dragon beards on his temples, he was obviously not a human race.

Zi Yan glanced at him and said casually: "Which green onion are you? I'm talking to Xiaohuanger, and you dare to interrupt?"

Huang Mengyao's teeth hurt, but she didn't speak, she just sneered on the sidelines, she knew very well that the person on the other side was powerful, and the little witch of Le and him were both hurt.

"Bold, this is the Wanhai Crown Prince of our Wanhai Dragon Palace!" A middle-aged man scolded sharply behind the dragon horn young man. This man was naked, carrying a trident, and his lower body turned out to be a tail.

"It turned out to be the little guy from Beihai. Wasn't it bad enough to be killed by my eldest sister last time?" Zi Yan said even more disdainfully.

"It's not rude!" Prince Wan Hai's eyes were fixed on Zi Yan, and he said coldly: "You are provoking the majesty of Beihai!"

"You are provoking my majesty!" Zi Yan responded without showing weakness.

Wanhai Dragon Palace is the number one force of the North Sea Monster League. Prince Wanhai has never been confronted with such a head-on confrontation. His face turned ashen, he turned his head to look at the young swordsman on the other side, and said savagely, "Jianxi, this person is here. To ridicule the entire Beihai, this prince wants to suppress her, you are also from Beihai, what do you think?"

Before the young swordsman could speak, Zi Yan curled her lips and said, "Jianxi came? Is that the guy who was the first arrogant of Sea God College, shamelessly suppressed his cultivation base to enter Emperor Sword Lake, and was defeated by my elder sister several times?"

Jian Xilai almost spit out a mouthful of old blood and was defeated by the ruthless man, but he was a lifelong shame, who would dare to mention it in front of him, but this little witch was so good, there was no taboo, she was simply mad at the death.

"Humph! I came to Donghuang this time to seek revenge for Zhang Ruren and regain the title of Sword King of the North Sea. Since you are her sister, you should die first."

Jian Xilai said indifferently, a powerful sword force erupted from his body, he had untied the seal on his body, and now he is a genuine Juggernaut, showing sharpness everywhere.

The nineteenth prince had a speechless expression. He originally planned to seek revenge for this little witch, but he didn't expect the other party to be good. He offended all the three forces as soon as he came up. He was arrogant to the extreme. Not going to take off.

"Why do you need to talk nonsense with her, suppress it!"

Prince Wan Hai was majestic, raised his hand and grabbed it forward, and a blue-green dragon claw suddenly appeared in the void, covering Zi Yan's head fiercely.

"Water Emperor Destroys the World!"

Jian Xilai calmly unleashed his sword, not as powerful as Prince Wan Hai, but condensed thousands of youth into a sword light, tore through the void, and arrived in an instant, faster than the blue dragon claws. several times.

The colorful god Phoenix Ye Ye behind Huang Mengyao glowed, and two tongues of flame suddenly spewed from his eyes, like a raging fire, the whole hall could feel the scorching heat.

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