boom! !

A strange scene happened. As the emperor poured more and more real energy, the ink painting scroll seemed to come alive. The steep mountain tops turned into reality, and the weeds in the gravel piles swayed slightly.Even the figure with its back turned to the common people seemed to be angry, the hem of the emperor's robe and the long black hair danced slightly, as if a breeze was blowing out of the ink painting scroll.

Everyone couldn't help holding their breaths. With the 'resurrection' of the people in the picture, the heavy and mountain-like artistic conception became stronger and stronger, and the people were directly taught to crawl on the ground, giving birth to a heart of surrender.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on the emperor's forehead. This treasure has never been used since he got it. Even with his quasi-emperor cultivation base, it feels extremely difficult to motivate, and there is a feeling of overdraft.

Finally, the back image was nourished by sufficient real essence, and slowly turned around, the face was blurred, and it was difficult to distinguish the true face, but the eyes were surprisingly bright, and the light was bright, as if it could see through the whole world. With the domineering arrogance of swallowing thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, he walked out of the picture step by step.

Everyone felt a suffocating fear. The coercion of this emperor's figure was too powerful. It was hard to imagine how terrifying he would be if he really stepped out of the picture scroll. , Zhenshuo Universe.

"Immortal treasure, this is a peerless fairy treasure! Only an immortal-level treasure can carry such a powerful will." The old monster with the realm of the gods murmured in a low voice, looking at the ink painting scroll with hot eyes.

When the figure of the emperor was close to the edge of the ink painting, it seemed that the real essence could not continue, he stopped, slowly raised his palm, and grabbed towards the galloping fingers.

Just when the two were about to touch, the figure in the ink painting suddenly shook, and the starlight burst in the bright eyes, as if seeing some strange scene, the raised palm was quickly put down, the body slightly bowed, and said in a low voice: "Di Yu...see Burying the Emperor."

All of this was swallowed up by the brilliance of the finger light, and no one saw or heard it. What they saw was that the finger light penetrated the picture and slammed into the emperor.


Under the heavy blow, the emperor flew out directly, his body was like a corpse, and the blood was rushing. Climb up the telephoto map, fluttering from the sky and falling.

There was an uproar in the square, and everyone showed a look of astonishment. Just a few moments ago, the emperor appeared in the world in an extremely domineering manner, turning his hands to suppress the two warrior demon gods, standing high above, looking down at the sky, and now Zhang Tian casually pointed at him. fly.

"Pfft..." The Emperor spat out another mouthful of blood, and with the help of the Six Great Marquis, barely stood up, his face was very ugly.

Zhang Tian put away his palm and said in a low voice, "For Emperor Yu's sake, I will spare you this time."

The snowy body of the Holy Master Tantai trembled suddenly, and whispered softly, "Emperor Yu? Could it be that the person in the picture scroll held by the Emperor is the Emperor Yu Tiandi among the five ancient emperors?"

Dayu's efforts to control the waters and to level off the branches of mountains, rivers and seas have been in the past for thousands of years. In terms of merits, he should be the first of the five emperors.

In the ink and wash scroll of the emperor, it turned out to be the projection of Emperor Yu Tian's will! , , .

Chapter 779 Killing the Great Emperor with a Flick of Your Fingers!

Everyone is crazy at this moment, the ancient Yu Tiandi, what a terrifying figure, the real supreme human race, the invincible creature that traverses a great era, even a wisp of will is enough to traverse today's ninth mountain and sea world .

"Emperor Tang Xuri Fist, Emperor Yao King Dao Fist, plus this ink painting that contains Emperor Yu's will, the inheritance of the five ancient emperors has been acquired by the emperor. What adventure did he have?"

Master Tantai and other veteran figures are all exposed. The emperor's luck is too strong. Even the blood descendants of the five emperors may not be able to obtain such extraordinary magical powers, but he has obtained three. If it is spread out, it is estimated that On the ninth mountain and sea, there will be a strong lower bound to pursue it.

After all, the prestige of the five ancient emperors is illustrious, and they are all the existences of the emperor's marks. The rest of the four emperors will be left aside for the time being. The Great Shang Dynasty created by Emperor Tang is the top power in the ninth mountain and sea today. How can they tolerate the founding emperor if they suppress a star field. legacy leaked.

The nineteenth prince has been completely frightened. He originally wanted to use the power of the emperor to oppress Zi Yan, but he did not expect that the emperor, whom he had been scorning since he could remember, would lose so badly.

It took him a long time to react, and he planned to go up to help the emperor, but was directly swept away by an invisible energy.

I saw the Human Sovereign standing tremblingly, his face as pale as paper, Zhang Tian's finger, although he withdrew [-]% of his strength at the last moment, it still caused him to be seriously injured, even if he was nourished by the magic medicine obtained in the restricted area of ​​life. , it will take at least six months to recover.

"This emperor, thank Senior Zhang for not killing me."

The Emperor's voice was very heavy, and with his pale complexion, there was a feeling of loneliness as a hero. Compared to the physical trauma, Zhang Tian's attack on his will was the most deadly, making his originally invincible and fearless Dao Heart. There are cracks, and if you don't get over the knot, you will have no hope of peaking in this life.

"Boom! Boom!..."

Just as everyone was mourning the defeat of the Emperor, the underside of the statue of the three gods suddenly trembled violently.

To be precise, the three ancient black coffins under his feet were shaking, the dust on the coffin lids was flying, and surging vitality surged out, as if the sleeping ancient corpses were about to wake up.

"What, this is impossible, the people of the Three Gods have died as early as three million years ago, how can they suddenly 'live'!"

Many powerful and powerful people from the outside world felt tremors and involuntarily retreated. The life reaction of the characters three million years ago made everyone feel horrified.

The people present, I am afraid that only the ruthless people know the secrets of the Nine Dragons Sealing Heaven Great Array, know that the ancient existence of the Three Gods Sect is not dead, but self-sealing, seeking resurrection after three million years.

Ruthless Man turned his gaze to Human Sovereign, but saw that Human Sovereign's complexion did not change. It seemed that this scene was also expected by him, which made Ruthless Man a little reverie.

Among the nine unparalleled emperors who participated in the Nine Dragons Fengtian Project that year, there was the first-generation emperor of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. I am afraid there are some clues left, otherwise the emperor should not be so calm.

"You... dare to break into the territory of my Trinity Sect—Boom!!"

A majestic voice rumbled from the ancient coffins, and in the next instant, the coffin lids of the three ancient coffins exploded at the same time, turning into pieces of stone flying all over the sky.

Many strong men stared at each other and saw that two figures stood up from the ancient coffin, but inside the third ancient coffin was a white bone corpse.

"The Star God did not escape that catastrophe after all."

The figure standing in the middle said slowly, but it was a woman, her voice was like a ding dong from a spring, and it was unusually pleasant. Her whole body exuded a holy white light, as if it was made of a bright moon, giving people a sense of tranquility and serenity. The artistic conception, as if she is the bright moon in the sky.Heyuan Book Bar

"Humph! The sect master gave him the Xingxing Sword to protect him, but let him lose it. He couldn't survive the calamity. It was God's punishment for him, what a sigh!"

Another figure said vigorously, but it was a middle-aged man, more than two meters tall, exuding a scorching aura like the scorching sun, making people feel like they were about to be incinerated when they got a little closer.

"It's the Sun God and Moon God of the Three Gods Religion!"

I don't know who exclaimed, everyone retreated back again, and some people even wanted to rush out of the underground palace, but found that the entire square was blocked by a field force, and there was no way to escape, and they couldn't help but feel desperate.

The three gods of the Middle Ages, the hegemonic forces that coerced an era, the most famous is naturally the leader of the three gods, who is one of the most famous medieval emperors in the mainland, followed by the three gods of the sun, moon, and stars under his command. Great Emperor Realm, and a tyrannical existence capable of suppressing the hierarchs of the great sects of the Middle Ages.

"Moon God, you and I will kill all these ants first, and then go to welcome the sect leader."

The Sun God of the Three Gods Sect had a grand voice, like Hong Zhong Da Lu, blasting in everyone's ears, with a chilling and chilling aura.

"it is good."

The Moon God's answer is very simple, like the aloof Moon Palace Fairy, which makes everyone feel cold all over. This kind of indifference seems to treat the common people as ants, without the slightest emotional fluctuation.

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