Wu Shi continued: "The meaning of my existence is to guard the great formation and prevent accidents from happening, but thousands of years ago, the world of Shengyuan suffered another major change, and the spiritual energy was sharply reduced, which caused me to be unable to maintain my spiritual body. If you can self-proclaim yourself in the fairy vine, you will not know what will happen next."

Speaking of this, Wu Beginning's tone couldn't help but contain a bit of loneliness. With the preciousness of the mountain and sea dragon corpse, the main body even did not hesitate to leave the Heavenly Emperor's army to suppress it. How could it have been abandoned all the time? Can't come.

Zhang Tian showed a contemplative expression and slowly stepped over. The development of this matter was far beyond his imagination. If there was a dragon corpse in the mountains and seas, it would be tantamount to the number one treasure of the nine mountains and seas, and it would not be a matter of making the quasi-immortal emperor go a step further. Impossible things, otherwise Wubei wouldn't take a lot of trouble.

But the dragon corpse was not obtained by Wu Shi after all, because Wu Shi had already fallen, and the bones were buried in Zishan.

Then there is only one explanation. Before his death, the Unbeginning Heavenly Emperor left behind his backhand and passed on this secret, causing many quasi-immortal emperors to come to the Saint Yuan world one after another, seeking that further opportunity to become The chance of a real Immortal Emperor.

It is a pity that the Wubei Tiandi closest to this step has already died, and the later Ye Tiandi, Fengtiandi, Yandi and others should not have succeeded either.

With Zhang Tian's current state, even the Dao of Heaven has been swallowed up by him, so naturally he doesn't care about a mountain and sea road, but he is used to controlling everything, a chance to become an Immortal Emperor, such a shocking event, he must deduce the result before giving up .

I don't know how long it took, Zhang Tian suddenly stopped and said softly: "Ziwei Star Region, Kowloon Fengtian Great Array, so that's the case, is this the game you set up?"

Vaguely, Zhang Tian seemed to see a group of quasi-immortal emperors each holding a side, using heaven and earth as chess, plotting for millions of years, and playing against each other to build a shocking chess game.

It's just that these people never dreamed that Zhang Tian, ​​because of his three precious daughters, unexpectedly entered the chess game and became the biggest variable in this perfect layout. , , .

Chapter 815 Zhang Tianci dies without beginning!

The Nine Dragons Fengtian Great Array is a super array that spans millions of years and is also a huge layout.

Zhang Tian also heard the Ruthless Man mention this matter at first, and didn't pay too much attention to it, but now that he thinks about it, there are abnormalities everywhere in this matter.

The world of Shengyuan is not an ordinary world of Xiaoqian or Daqian, but a world of mountains and seas that can be juxtaposed with the nine great mountains and seas. Its heart of the world is actually the heart of mountains and seas, but Zhang Tian took away most of the The source energy has become an empty shell, which is the Shanhailong corpse that Wushi saw later, and named it Shanhai Daotai.

There is a terrifying suffocating qi in the tire of Shanhai Dao, and even the Heavenly Emperor Wushi is difficult to approach. Therefore, Emperor Wushitian set up the emperor's mausoleum to transform into the sky, intending to gradually erase the suffocating Qi in the tire of Shanhai Dao through a long period of time.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tian only felt that he had caught the core of the problem, and the next thing to do was to verify it for himself.

Awakening from his contemplation, the light of wisdom in Zhang Tian's eyes flashed away, and he once again became a light and cloudless appearance, glanced at Wubei, and said in a low voice: "The person you suppressed just now is the original one. Daughter of the emperor, this is a big sin. I think you are an unearthly emperor of the human race. You have made many contributions, and this emperor allows you to solve it by yourself."

A trace of bitterness flashed in Wu Shi's eyes, and he bowed slightly, "Thank you for the Emperor Burying the Heavens."

After he finished speaking, Wu Shi stood up straight, his back straight up to the sky, as if he was supporting the vast world, his body suddenly burst into a ray of light, majestic and solemn, vaguely transformed into a Taoist monument, suppressing all worlds, dark and unpredictable, and cannot be seen directly.

Zhang Tian had an indifferent expression. The incarnation of the will of the Unbeginning Heavenly Emperor was extraordinary. If he really did his best, he could even suppress the Immortal King, but to him it was just a bigger ant, not worth mentioning.

Until the monument gradually became blurred, and finally turned into a little golden light, Zhang Tiantian finally moved, raised his hand to take a picture, grabbed the aura in his hand, and observed it carefully, the corner of his mouth twitched.

This is a ray of life essence of the Unbeginning Heavenly Emperor. It was specially differentiated in order to guard the Emperor's Mausoleum Huatian Great Array. It is far stronger than ordinary clones.With the method of the Unbeginning Heavenly Emperor, there is a high chance of being reborn with this ray of life essence alone, which may be the backhand left behind to prevent his accidental fall.

But now in Zhang Tian's hands, all calculations will come to nothing.

Putting away the ray of life essence, Zhang Tian looked around and saw the continuous mountains and seas, the Yangtze River galloping endlessly, the clouds in the sky, and the four seasons wind and rain running as usual. Except for no living beings, it is a real life planet. Exactly the same.

But Zhang Tian knew that these were just superstitions. When he stepped out, his body disappeared in an instant.

The moment Zhang Tian left, the entire chaotic universe erupted with a huge roar, and the turbid and turbid energy healed at an unstoppable speed, crushing everything between heaven and earth into nothingness.

"Thank you father for your help."

The ruthless man looked at Zhang Tian who suddenly appeared with a look of joy on his face. The man in the emperor's robe just now was the strongest person she had ever seen in her life, giving her a feeling as indestructible as the ancient sacred mountain, even Can't even look up.

"Don't worry, I have already dealt with him. Next, you can go out with the fairy vine." Zhang Tian smiled and stroked Ruren Ren's hair.Beautiful Fictionwww.meilixs.com

The ruthless man nodded slightly, then suddenly raised his head and asked, "Dare to ask father, is the body of that will just now the legendary Wushu Heavenly Emperor?"

Zhang Tian nodded and said, "That's right, Heavenly Emperor Wushi and Yaochi are inextricably linked. Half of his inheritance is in the Tomb of Emperor Wushi in Zishan, and the other half is in Yaochi. If you are interested, you can go to Zishan in the future. After all, there are still many unique things about the inheritance of the beginningless.”

After speaking, Zhang Tian's body was illusory for a while, turning into an ice blue light and returning to the ice spirit necklace under the neck of the ruthless man.

"Purple Mountain, the Mausoleum of the Beginning Emperor..."

The ruthless man repeated it gently, showing a firm look, walked to the altar in the center of the secret realm, and took down the fairy vine.

The will of the Unbeginner Heavenly Emperor gave her a great impact. The heavy feeling of turning into a Taoist monument and looking to stop, stimulated her heart to the Tao, just like a fearless mountaineer, seeing A Xiongfeng is bound to be regarded as a target until it is overturned.

In the sacred realm of Yaochi, all the guests stared at the entrance of the secret realm with breathless concentration, and even imagined the appearance of the ruthless man spitting blood and flying out.

Yaochi Supreme was extremely uneasy. What kind of identity is the ruthless person, Zhang Tian's most beloved daughter, if something goes wrong, the ten Yaochi will be wiped out, but if she is allowed to take out the fairy vine, the consequences will also be Very troublesome.

Just as everyone was anxiously waiting, the ruthless man walked out of the secret realm calmly, holding the fairy vine, and his eyes were indifferent.

"This is impossible!"

Emperor Hades stood up immediately and let out an angry roar, but he had personally experienced the horror of that ray of will, and even a true immortal would never want to retreat.

"Haha, this secret realm is nothing special, but my eldest sister is the most powerful." Zi Yan clapped her hands and cheered, with a proud look.

These words made Emperor Ming's eyes angry, staring at Zi Yan, if she was not worried that she was Zhang Tian's daughter, she would have shot her to death.

Liu Shen said with a light smile: "It really is a tiger father without a dog daughter, and Master Zhang has a successor. Since the immortal vines have been taken out, please ask Yaochi Supreme to honor his promise and take out the extreme emperor soldiers, and let us open them too. vision."

"That's right, this emperor has never seen a Jidao emperor in his life." The leader of the Spiritual Sect said loudly, and the rest of the people also looked excited.

Yaochi Supreme looked helpless, and was about to tell the truth and the whole thing, when he saw the Yaochi saint take a step forward, and said softly with her sweet voice without a trace of impurities: "Congratulations to the Sun God Envoy for obtaining the immortal vine, but that one The Jidao Emperor Armament has been integrated with Ruoxi, and cannot be presented to the world now. If Cult Master Zhang does not dislike it, Ruoxi is willing to follow Zhang Sect Master to return to the Three Gods Religion until the Jidao Emperor Armament is taken out."

After speaking, the face of Saintess Yaochi couldn't help showing a red glow. She did not have the Supreme Dao Emperor Soldier on her body, and this remark was to use herself to compensate the Supreme Dao Emperor Soldier.

I just don't know if Zhang Tian will want her. , , .

Chapter 816 Plan the Ten Thousand Years of Immortal Emperor's Situation!

"What? What is this?"

"The Jidao Emperor's soldiers are in the body of the Holy Maiden of Yaochi? Isn't that the Three Gods Religion?"

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