His thoughts returned to the gloomy interrogation room of the Law Enforcement Hall two days ago. His father, the Great Elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, said to him extremely solemnly: "Wuji, how arrogant you are on weekdays, you know what your father knows, but you must remember, Don't provoke people you can't provoke. At present, among the new core students, there are two people who are the most in the limelight, one is Zhang Ruren and the other is Yan Qingxuan. Especially Zhang Ruren, who offends her, even your father and me I can't save you."

A murderous aura flashed through the eyes of the ruthless man, and a huge golden palm formed, grabbing at Zao Wou-Ki like an eagle grabbing a chicken.


A burst of smoke and dust rolled, and Zao Wou-Ki knelt directly in front of her, blood-soaked and bruised all over his body, extremely embarrassed.


The ruthless man raised his foot and stomped heavily, wrapped in a violent force, and smashed one of Zao Wou-ki's palms to smash, and a tragic howl sounded like a pig.Moxue Literature Network www.moxue99.com

Ji Feixue's eyes widened, and she even covered her mouth with her hands unconsciously. The Ji family she came from is an ancient family with a long tradition, and she often gathers some daughters of ancient families around her, but no one has ever dared to be cruel. People so arrogant, to teach the beloved son of the Law Enforcement Hall Chief Elder in front of countless people, this arrogance can be said to be unscrupulous!

Because of her disgust for Zhao Wuji, Ji Feixue instinctively had a favorable impression of the ruthless man, fearing that she would suffer a loss, she quickly said: "This senior sister, he is the son of the chief elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, don't continue, otherwise this matter will definitely be alarmed. College."

"Ah... Zhang Ruren, you are so ruthless, you actually broke my hand. You have the ability, kill me today, or I will definitely get my revenge back in the future!" Shi, the pain he suffered today is something he has never experienced in his life, and he already regards ruthless people as enemies of life and death in his heart!

"Do you think I dare not?"

Ruthless Man's eyes are more suffocating, and he said coldly: "Sure enough, you are a bully, and keeping you is also a scourge. I will abolish you first, and then bring you to the law enforcement Tianzun to see if you should kill it!"

"What! No, you can't..."

Before Zao Wou-Ki's words were finished, Ruthless Man had already pierced his dantian with a sword. He was also at the seventh level of Transcendent Realm, but he was powerless to resist in front of Ruthless Man.

"Ah... I'm finished, my cultivation is gone!" Zao Wuji's eyes were empty, and he immediately showed a mad look, and laughed: "Haha, Zhang Ruren, you abolish me, my father will not let you go of,"

All the students were shocked by the domineering aura of the ruthless man. What a domineering figure, Zao Wou-Ki dared to be abolished in public, even the elders of the inner court on the high platform were a little disgusted and planned to take action. Stop the ruthless.

At this moment, the void suddenly trembled, cracking a terrifying portal like the gate of hell, and a cold voice came from inside: "Like this beast that ruins the reputation of the Law Enforcement Hall, just kill it directly, Why don't you let me agree."

"Law enforcement Tianzun!"

The students in the inner courtyard under the square were all excited, especially the arrogance of the human race, who looked at the portal of hell with a bit of fanatical worship.Just because Law Enforcement Tianzun is the peerless arrogance of the human race, and it is also recognized by everyone as one of the strongest pillars of the human race in the future.

"I have seen Law Enforcement Heavenly Venerate." The ruthless saluted slightly.

Law Enforcement Heavenly Venerate nodded, flipped his right hand, took out a black seal, and said solemnly to the ruthless man: "You have been shocked several times, because my law enforcement hall is not strict. This is the highest level law enforcement seal in the law enforcement hall. If you see this seal, if you see my deity, I will give it to you today, and if you encounter a law enforcement disciple who is bullying others, you can kill it directly without going through the law enforcement hall."

Ruthless Man glanced at Zhang Tian and saw that he nodded slightly, then took the seal and said solemnly, "I will definitely use it properly."

Those students in the inner courtyard looked enviously at the black law enforcement seal in the hands of the ruthless man. This is simply a killing token. Who would dare to provoke her in the future?

Even the members of the Gentlemen's Party showed a proud look, and they were more convinced of the ruthless people in their hearts.

Several elders in the inner courtyard looked at each other, and the first elder Wu Qingquan stepped forward and said respectfully: "The presence of the law enforcement Tianzun has really made the inner courtyard full of brilliance. Please take your seat."

Law Enforcement Tianzun waved his hand and said: "No need, I just heard that Senior Zhang is here, and I came here to greet you." , . . .

Chapter 103 You are also worthy of sharing the seat with this emperor?

"Senior Zhang?"

Wu Qingquan and other elders showed a stunned state, and they patrolled left and right, but did not find any super strong surnamed Zhang, and couldn't help but look at the law enforcement Tianzun in doubt.

I saw Law Enforcement Tianzun looked serious, and bowed slightly to Zhang Tian next to the ruthless man, and said in a more respectful tone than Wu Qingquan: "I haven't seen you in January, the senior's style is still the same. The junior has always wanted to find an opportunity to visit you, but I was afraid that there would be If you were disturbed, there was no action, and it is a blessing to see it today."

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell into a dead silence for a while, and everyone showed incredible expressions.

The peerless arrogance known as the human race that will not exist in ten thousand years, actually holds the junior salute to this young man?

You must know that in the battle of the Eastern Wilderness thousands of years ago, the law enforcement Tianzun used the legendary nine-transformation cultivation base to even kill the semi-sacred powerhouses and even hit the great saint powerhouses. The Great Saint is flat.

This person can actually make the law enforcement Tianzun call him a 'senior', which shows the horror of his identity and strength.

The expression on Ji Feixue's face froze for a moment, looking at Zhang Tian who was still calm, her eyes were full of shock.

Zhang Tian said in a low voice, "I heard about what happened last time, and I should have given you a good fortune. But today's unpleasantness happened again. This merit and demerit can be offset."


Law Enforcement Tianzun's body was shaken, his whole heart was dripping blood, and he looked at Zao Wuji as if he was going to devour him.To know that he treats Zhang Tian so respectfully, he just wants to get some pointers. After all, Tianjiao is like him, and he has already surpassed many great saints in the realm of martial arts. There are very few people in the entire continent who can point him.

Unexpectedly, this great fortune in front of him turned out to be turned by an ant that he didn't even bother to look at. He only felt anger in his heart, and a black palm print was pressed down, directly linking Zhao Wuji with the surrounding people. The space was all smashed, and the void split into a huge black hole, and there was a roar.

"So strong!!"

The power of this blow shocked the audience, and Wu Qingquan and other inner chief elders were trembling in their hearts.

Even the arrogant and arrogant Amethyst Lion King and the old madman with a hippie smile rarely showed a dignified look.

"Senior, as a law enforcement god, all this is because of my lax rule, so I apologize to the senior here."

Law Enforcement Tianzun did not defend himself, but bowed respectfully towards Zhang Tian, ​​and took the initiative to bear all his sins, hoping to gain Zhang Tian's favor.

The ruthless man remembered the last time Law Enforcement Tianzun tried his best to protect himself, and he couldn't help but say: "Dad, such a big Law Enforcement Hall, it is inevitable that there are some black sheep, and we can't completely blame Law Enforcement Tianzun alone. Besides, Law Enforcement Tianzun is a human race that has never existed for ten thousand years. Tianjiao, I also hope that my father can help one or two."

"You girl..."

Zhang Tian shook his head, then turned his eyes to the law enforcement Tianzun, and said in a low voice: "Well, since Nannan intercedes for you, then I will give you a good fortune. Within a year, you will kill ten alien semi-sacred, will Bring their souls to me, and I will let you cultivate a perfect holy body!"

"Perfect Holy Body!" 168 Novel www.168jxs.com

As soon as these four words came out, the law enforcement Tianzun and the elders on the high platform were all shocked, as if they heard incredible words.

Those who wish to become saints need to melt the Sacred Heart, turn into the Sacred Bone, and finally cast the Sacred Body.However, there are flaws in the way of heaven, and there is no room for perfect things. Therefore, all the holy bodies cast have flaws, which are divided into strengths and weaknesses. They are the broken rock holy body, the lacking holy body and the flawless holy body.

The sacred body of the broken rock, the sacred heart is dry, and the sacred bones are full of cracks, like a broken porcelain plate, although it can communicate with the heaven and the earth, but the power will pass [-]% from these cracks, only those life essence will be exhausted, and there is no hope to pursue more. Only the semi-holy powerhouses of high realm will choose to cast this kind of holy body.

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