All the god emperors and quasi emperors who were swept away were all put in place, unable to move.

This is the supreme quasi-immortal emperor supernatural power, with the heaven and the earth as the seal, it is enough to ban everything.

"Duan Qingyun, you can't run away."

Taking advantage of the moment when everyone was sealed, Yuxin turned into a blue rainbow and charged straight towards Duan Qingyun.

"Duan Qingyun, you're actually making fun of me, Black and White Impermanence, die." On the other side, Black and White Impermanence came with a long river of Yin Qi, and they attacked and killed together.

During the double-sided attack, Duan Qingyun still did not panic and dissatisfied, and laughed: "What a powerful moon god, I remember you, Daoist, we will have a future."

The moment the words fell, the reincarnation seal in Duan Qingyun's dantian suddenly burst into a bright light, completely wrapping his round body, breaking a black hole out of thin air, and sucking his body into it.

"Don't try to run!"

A cold light flashed in Yu Xin's eyes, and the blood-cutting ghost palm was three points faster, but she only grabbed a corner of his Taoist robe and watched Duan Qingyun escape.

Chapter 836 The Great Seal of Reincarnation Escapes the Sky!


The remaining power of the blood-cutting ghost's palm remained unabated, and it directly slammed into the oncoming Black and White Impermanence. The powerful impulse exploded, instantly blasting the two of them out.


Everyone in the audience could not help but take a deep breath. Black and white impermanence is famous in the mainland. Although only the Emperor Zhun has a peak cultivation base, they can be compared to the emperor when they work together, and they are so vulnerable in front of Yu Xin.

Until this moment, the elders and venerables of these ancient great sects knew that Yuxin was not only the unparalleled alchemy emperor in the world, but her own combat power was close to that of the emperor, even surpassing that of ordinary emperors. Such a terrifying talent immediately shocked everyone. .

"Damn! What the hell did you do?"

"Duan Qingyun, where did you take him?"

Black and white impermanence dodged and flew out of the ruins, and immediately screamed and roared, but the two were ordered to die by the Underworld Emperor, and the consequences of not taking the Underworld Emperor's seal back were tragic.

Yu Xin was not worried at all, and she felt even more annoyed when she heard the reprimands from the two. Her expression suddenly turned cold, she raised her hand and pressed down, and the big bloody hand in the sky reappeared, ruthlessly rolling towards Hei Wuchang.


A huge blood mist gushed out directly from Hei Wuchang's chest, as if being stabbed out by a violent force, which was extremely terrifying.

"Brother be careful!" Bai Wuchang exclaimed and rushed to rescue.


Yuxin frowned slightly, her bloody big hand swept across violently, like a giant hammer hitting Bai Wuchang heavily.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two loud noises spread, and Black and White Impermanence was blasted into the ruins again, with no resistance at all.

"elder brother."

"younger sister."

Black and white impermanence was seriously injured this time, and barely escaped, his whole body was soaked in blood, and he climbed out with each other's arms, looking at Yu Xin with fear in his eyes.

"Good moon god, let Duan Qingyun go privately, our Xuanming Sect will never give up on this matter, let's wait and see. Sister, let's go!"

Hei Wuchang left a cruel word, and then gave Bai Wuchang a wink.

The two looked at each other and nodded, their bodies turned into a yin wind, and suddenly disappeared. 186 Chinese website

From Yuxin's seal of the emperors, to Duan Qingyun's escape, to Yuxin's suppression of black and white impermanence, everything only happened between lightning and flint.

All the god emperors and quasi emperors looked at Yu Xin, who was standing proudly in the field, and felt that everything today was like a dream.

They can only be sure of one thing, after today, the name of the Three Gods Sect's Moon God Envoy will surely spread all over the world.

The Hall of the King of Medicine trained the ten-pattern Emperor Grade True Blood Pill, won the championship with undisputed strength, and automatically screened out the Heavenly Thunder of the Divine Kingdom, detonated the True Blood Pill and dropped Duan Qingyun who stole the Underworld Emperor Seal, and finally suppressed it alone. The black and white impermanence of Xuanming Sect.

Just take out one of these things, and you can leave your name in the world. Now that they are all in one, the brilliance of the light cannot be suppressed by anyone.

"Master Zhang is the first emperor of the mainland, and none of his daughters are simple people."

"Sun God Envoy and Star God Envoy have long been named Emperor Stars, and now there is one more Moon God Envoy. When these three daughters grow up, which force in the mainland will be the opponent of the Three Gods Religion."

"It's a pity that Duan Qingyun's fellow escaped, otherwise today's merits can be considered complete."

There was a lot of discussion among the audience, especially those god emperors, whose expressions were very complicated. They were all elders in the great sects of the Middle Ages. Even in the great world of the Middle Ages, they were respected and gave orders.

Now that they are recovering in the near-gu Xiaoqian world, I thought that they would be able to use their ancient cultivation base to run rampant in the world, but today I only knew after the first battle that the great world has come, and the dragon is in the sky. The strength of these old guys is not enough to see, if they are not careful, It's easy to worry about life.

Although all the people here came for Duan Qingyun, no one really had much hope. After all, Duan Qingyun was the sure-killer of the Xuanming Sect. Even if they got it openly, there would be endless trouble. Not much disappointment, but rather satisfied to witness a wonderful Medicine King Ceremony.

The people in the audience who really felt the heavy losses were probably only the members of the Medicine King Sect, especially the Sect Master of the Medicine King Sect, who had an expression of wanting to cry without tears.

This time, he took great pains to organize the Medicine King Ceremony. The main purpose was to seek refuge from the Three Gods Sect, and secondly, he wanted to use the Medicine King Ceremony to further promote the reputation of Medicine King Sect.

As a result, before the ceremony started, the precious glazed phoenix golden cauldron carefully prepared by Yaowangzong was stolen. Immediately after, the finals of Yaowangzong was also in a mess due to Duan Qingyun's exposure. It can be said that all plans were empty, and It is to lose the wife and to surrender.

Just as the Sect Master of the Medicine King Sect sighed, Yu Xin flew to him and bowed slightly: "This time, in order to refine the ten-patterned Emperor Grade True Blood Pill, your sect's Mountain and Sea Refining Cauldron was broken, I'm really sorry. I will instruct the congregation to send treasures of double value later, and I hope the sect master will not blame him."

The sect master of the Medicine King Sect quickly staggered his body and said respectfully: "The Moon God Envoy must never be used, and the old man will not dare to worship you. As for the mountain and sea refining cauldron, it is a pill-fighting cauldron used in the Medicine King's Great Ceremony. Of course, the Luna envoy should be proud of this, and not have to blame himself."

After a pause, the Sect Master of the Medicine King Sect showed a sad expression again: "It's a pity that the Glazed Phoenix Golden Cauldron carefully prepared by our sect was originally intended to be presented to the Moon God Envoy after the ceremony, but it is really hateful to let that section of Qingyun ascend first."

When Yu Xin heard the word 'Duan Qingyun', she couldn't help frowning slightly, and said flatly: "Sect Master Yao, don't worry, that Duan Qingyun has already been captured by me once because of the glazed phoenix golden cauldron, so I don't dare to keep this cauldron any longer. After escaping, I will find a random place to throw it away."

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