A vast ancient hand rolled out of the void, and it was thousands of feet in size. Every finger seemed to be inserted into the peak of the gods. Visions such as Buddha, gods and demons, dragons, Yama and so on flashed in the palm, exuding an extremely heavy breath. It was as if the power of the whole world was pressing down together.

"Patriarch, Patriarch, help, blood is thicker than water!"

Duan Qingyun roared loudly and burst into tears. It was almost sad for those who heard it, and tears for those who saw it.

Duan De was hurt by his anger, heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney, but he was such a junior, and he spent a lot of effort on him, so how could he just give up.

"Forget it, anyway, it's already shot, it's okay to have one more time, sigh, the emperor's first name..."

Duan De sighed, but his movements were not slow. He waved a force of reincarnation, which directly distorted the space.

When the ruthless man waved the ancient great hand magical power, when it was about to fall on the top of Duan Qingyun's head, it seemed to be involved in the other side of the time and space, and suddenly disappeared.

"not good!"

At this moment, the ruthless man still doesn't know, this is the quasi-immortal emperor behind Duan Qingyun's shot.

Before she could activate the ice spirit necklace to call out Zhang Tian's will, a cloud of white light had already wrapped Duan Qingyun, easily escaping into the void and disappearing.

"Yeah, let this little thief run away again!"

Zi Yan fell to the side of the ruthless man, and she jumped with anger when she saw this scene.

Duan De hid in the void mezzanine, and saw Ruthless and Zi Yan showing a frustrated expression, he immediately showed a smug expression, and whispered: "Hehe, Pindao, I forged a big beam with the undead Tianhuang for you, this is the count. Get some interest back."

After speaking, Duan De suddenly felt a chill down his spine, as if he had fallen into an ice abyss, and his whole body was dripping with cold sweat.

"Xiaoxian sees the Emperor Burying Heaven, but fails to greet him far away. I hope the Heavenly Emperor forgives his sins."

Duan De turned around and went straight to give a big gift.

He didn't even need to look at it, or even to perceive it, to know that it must be the Emperor Burial.

Because in the whole world, only the Emperor Burial can give him such a terrible oppression, clearly reminding him that the gap between the two is like the difference between clouds and mud.


Opposite Duan De, there was a ripple in the void, revealing Zhang Tian's figure, he glanced at Duan De lightly, and only snorted, causing Duan De to shudder firmly.

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Duan De felt the icy murderous intent floating in the sky, and he became more and more uneasy. After thinking about it, he worshipped again: "Xiaoxian knows his guilt, and shouldn't destroy Lingyuan's good deeds without authorization. I also ask Heavenly Emperor to pity Xiaoxian, who is the only one. Junior, let him live, Xiaoxian can make him hand over the seal of the Underworld Emperor."

"No need."

Zhang Tian waved his hand casually and said in a low voice, "This emperor will not bother with you about today's affairs, and will treat it as your reward for blocking the undead Tianhuang. If there is another next time, Duan De, no one will save this world. Got you."

"Yes, yes, Xiaoxian understands." Duan De wiped the cold sweat from his head, feeling as if he had walked through the gate of hell.

The rules of the nine mountains and seas, soldier to soldier, king to king!

Even on the battlefield of ten thousand races, it is strictly forbidden for high-level powerhouses to take action against the younger generation Tianjiao. Once you take action, don't blame the elders of the other party to suppress you.

In today's matter, when Ruthless Man was about to capture Duan Qingyun, Duan De broke the attack of Ruthless Man and rescued Duan Qingyun by the way. This was an act of breaking the rules.

As the father of a ruthless man, Emperor Burial Heaven, even if he killed Duan De himself, would still be reasonable.

In Donghua City, the ruthless man sat cross-legged, his hands stenciled and printed runes one by one, forming a picture scroll of mountains and rivers in the void.

After a while, her eyebrows were slightly raised, she waved her hand, put away all her magical powers, and stood up.

Zi Yan on the side hurriedly stepped forward and said, "How is it, did eldest sister find the little thief Duan Qingyun?"

Ruthless Human said: "He has escaped from the Eastern Wasteland Realm, and it is at least millions of miles away from here, so it is difficult to locate it accurately."

Zi Yan exclaimed: "What! In such a short time, Kung Fu flew millions of miles, how is this possible, someone must have done something."

The ruthless man nodded and pondered: "If my guess is correct, it should be the quasi-immortal emperor behind Duan Qingyun who shot."

"Oh, it's a pity, obviously it's almost there, so what should we do next?" Zi Yan asked with a frown.

The ruthless man looked ahead and said calmly: "Go back to the main hall first, although Duan Qingyun escaped this time, but my previous contact with him is still there, as long as you spend some time, you can use Ziwei Doushu to snatch him again. Come out. At that time, he will not be so lucky."

Zi Yan waved her small fist and said angrily: "Okay, go back to the main hall, I want to sue my father!"

The two hit it off, and after a short rest, they went straight back to the main hall of the Three Gods Religion.

After returning, Zi Yan immediately went to the Temple of the Gods to find Zhang Tian, ​​and exaggeratedly recounted the war in Donghua City.

"Dad, you don't know, that Duan Qingyun is so arrogant, relying on someone behind him, he doesn't care about me and my eldest sister at all, or even you, and he said that he will be there someday. The Three Gods Sect asked you to be his younger brother, but you said that he was angry or not. The eldest sister was going to capture him when she was very powerful, but she was blocked by a strange wind. After returning to her senses, Duan Qingyun was gone! "

Zi Yan was talking nonsense, her big eyes flickered, and if she saw her for the first time, [-]% of them would believe it.

Zhang Tian raised his hand and flicked on Zi Yan's bright forehead, and said angrily: "What a mess, have you been timid recently, even Dad dared to lie."

"Ouch!" Zi Yan cried out in pain while covering her forehead, humming: "What I said is true, if you don't believe me, ask the eldest sister."

The ruthless man smiled and said solemnly: "Little sister is right on the last point. It is indeed a bit strange that the Qingyun suddenly disappeared. With his own strength, he absolutely cannot escape from my hands."

"Look, I'm not wrong." Zi Yan showed a triumphant expression.

Zhang Tian nodded and said: "You don't need to guess anymore, it is indeed the person behind Duan Qingyun who shot."

Chapter 852 Zhang Tian's promise to his daughters!

Ruthless said in surprise: "What, how did my father know, is my father also present?"

Zhang Tian smiled and said: "Well, I have already warned the quasi-immortal emperor behind Duan Qingyun. Next time, you can do it with confidence and no one will block it."

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