
The entire nine mountains and seas were shaken by violent vibrations, the galaxy fell, and the earth collapsed.

A great master of mountains and seas woke up from his slumber, feeling the vision of heaven and earth, and no one could safely retreat, all of them broke through, and stood in the void, feeling uneasy in their hearts.

Actually, someone is openly attacking Elysium!

How bold is this, as the base camp of the Pure Land of Buddhism, it is not only a holy place for Buddhist cultivation, but even a holy place for this universe.

Even in the era of Zhantian, the nine great mountains and seas are all affected, the sky is dark and the earth is dark, the sun and the moon are dark, and no Xiao Xiao dares to go to the Paradise of Elysium to provoke the Pure Land of the Buddha!

This is the supreme majesty of being the second largest force in this universe apart from the ancient heaven!

Especially in the past five million years, the power of the nine mountains and seas has been affected by the collapse of the immortal cloud, the real immortals cannot be born, the immortal road is crossed, and no one can step on the fairyland.

But the Buddhist Pure Land is different. The Bliss World where it is located is a vast space independent of the nine mountains and seas.

The elites of Buddhist cultivation in the world all have their hearts on the Pure Land, and they want to ascend to bliss one after another, so as to provide a steady stream of talents to the Pure Land of Buddhism.

And these top Buddhist cultivators in the world, after entering the Pure Land of the Buddha, are not affected by the collapse of the immortals, and they become immortals and become immortals.

Compared with the self-styled stubbornness of the nine major forces in the mountains and seas, I don't know how many times better.

Five million years ago, the Zixiao Shrine was comparable to the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom.

But today, the Taoist ancestor of Zixiao Shrine has disappeared, and Sanqing wants to split up.

However, the Buddhist Pure Land is united as one, and according to the supreme treasure land, it can be said that the judgment is made.

Especially after the Emperor Burial disappeared, the desolate ancient heaven was headless, and the high-rises were also on the verge of falling apart.

Even some crazy people once put forward such absurd arguments as "replacing heaven with Buddha".

But now, at this time, the Buddha's Pure Land, which is already invincible in this universe, has ushered in an almost devastating blow.

Looking at the great avenues of great power descending from the sky, all the great masters of the mountains and seas couldn't help but take a deep breath.

They can see clearly that this is a terrorist attack that hits directly from the avenue!

What is the avenue?Above God!

The so-called nine mountains and seas, even this universe, are as small as dust in front of the Dao.

Because under the Dao, the universe under control is unknown.

Dao is not easy to show his power, but once he shows his power, it is enough to destroy a universe in an instant!

"Could it be that the Pure Land of Buddhaland did something to anger Dao?"

Many mountain and sea experts speculate in secret, and their eyes change uncertainly.

The Dao, as the highest existence they know, has always been reserved, mysterious, and out of reach.

It's like a remote county, everyone knows that the emperor is the biggest, but what they can contact is only the county magistrate and the prefect.

But this does not mean that Emperor Tianwei cannot punish them. Once Emperor Tianwei arrives, even the magistrate who is the only one in the county seat, or even the prefect above, will be instantly wiped out.

This is the collision of two completely different levels of power. v5 novel www.v5xs.com

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The world barrier of Elysium was completely vulnerable in front of the hand of the Great Dao, and was crushed directly. Countless immortal formations burst into slag, and the immortals and Buddhas were slaughtered, just like the end of the world.

Such terrifying power made those great powers of mountains and seas tremble.

As powerful as the pure land of the Buddha country, it has no resistance in the face of the power of the Dao. If it falls on others, it will be wiped out in an instant.

However, some people thought about it, what a noble existence of the Great Dao, if it is not a quasi-immortal emperor, and it is impossible to even touch its edge, how can it be angered, this is simply unfounded worry.

Thinking like this, these people are relieved again, the sky is falling, and naturally tall people are supporting them.

In the final analysis, the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom is only the second in the universe. When the desolate ancient heaven steps on, it will not be too late for them to panic.

After all, no matter how secretly everyone speculates, the Desolate Ancient Heavenly Court is still the well-deserved number one force in this universe, and it is also the ruler of this universe!

However, no one knew that the so-called power of the Great Dao was motivated by Zhang Tian.

Only one person knows it clearly.

In a void mezzanine outside the world of Shengyuan, Duan De watched the world of bliss bathed in the sea of ​​thunder and fire, and his eyes were about to come out.

"Emperor Burial, dare to say that you are not careful." Duan De sneered in his heart.

Other people's Buddhist Pure Land is nothing more than a random thunderbolt, what about you?As for what?

Now those ancient Buddhas and ancient Buddhas will probably be as anxious as a lost dog, and one third of the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss will be destroyed.

There is no doubt that this will become a calamity for all Buddhist practitioners, and the holy place in their hearts is actually nothing more than that.

However, while gloating at the misfortune, Duan De couldn't help being secretly shocked.

Originally, in his opinion, although the strength of Emperor Burial is invincible in the world, it is only in the realm of heaven, and others may not be able to resist, otherwise there will be waves of warriors who follow one after another.

But today's scene clearly shows that the Emperor Buried already has the strength to mobilize the power of the Dao, and his realm may have surpassed the realm of heaven and reached the unfathomable realm of the quasi-dao?

Duan De didn't dare to think about it, the only thing that was certain was that even the Buddha's Pure Land would be vulnerable in front of the Emperor Burial!

See clearly, it is the Emperor Burying, not the ancient heaven.

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