The King of Silver Horns laughed wildly: "Haha, it's a trick!"

Before he finished speaking, the purple gold gourd around his waist flew out in a 'swish', and the wind rose wildly, sending out a powerful suction cover towards Emperor Kuxuan.

"You actually cheated!"

The Great Emperor Kuxuan was shocked and angry, his hands were printed with seals, and the willow tree behind him suddenly shone brightly, and he waved several wicker sticks to shoot at the purple gold gourd.




The wicker that was originally indestructible, but could easily penetrate the body of a true immortal, actually disintegrated and dissolved when it was three feet away from the purple gold gourd, turning into a little bit of spiritual energy and disappearing.

The King of Silver Horn was a little cautious, but when he saw this scene, he felt relieved and shouted: "This is the treasure that the eldest master used to hold the elixir. It was obtained from the ancient times, and it can dissolve all things. "

Emperor Kuxuan couldn't help but turn pale in horror, never thinking that King Yinjiao would bring such treasures to the lower realm.

Seeing that the light emitted by the purple gold gourd is getting stronger and stronger, under the shroud, even with the strength of the willow tree, its vitality is rapidly diminishing.

The green branches and leaves turn yellow at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"If you don't start, when will you wait?" Emperor Kuxuan exclaimed loudly. 360 Literature Network

The emperors looked at each other, and just as they were playing their cards, they saw the King of Silver Horns raised his hand to take a shot at the void, took out a magic talisman, and exuded very mysterious fluctuations.

"Tai Shang Lao Jun is in a hurry like a law!"

King Yinjiao said in his mouth, and patted the talisman into the purple gold gourd.

In an instant, the purple-gold gourd shone brightly, the void behind it burst apart, and an old-fashioned phantom appeared, with a kind face, a thin face, and a refined temperament, but with a majesty that could suppress nine heavens and ten earths.

"Immortal Liuxian?"

The old Taoist phantom looked at the willow tree, and whispered something in his mouth, and his eyes seemed to have a little more brilliance.

But the abnormality disappeared without a trace, and the old man shouted indifferently: "Suppression!"

With a move of the floating dust in his hand, a powerful might burst out, and the suction instantly increased a hundred times.




Under this terrifying suction, almost all the leaves of the willow tree turned yellow, many terrifying cracks appeared on the trunk, and green blood essence rushed out.

In the end, the willow tree was twisted for a while, and was sucked into the purple gold gourd along with Emperor Kuxuan.


It was only then that King Silver Horn's heart was put back into his stomach, he took back the purple gold gourd, and glanced coldly at the emperors.

The emperors were also frightened, and did not dare to act rashly.

"Jie Jie, Tang Sanseng, our brothers, have decided to eat, and we'll take you back another day."

King Silver Horn thought for a while, but in the end he didn't stand up any longer, and rolled up a gust of demonic wind to escape.

After all, his purple gold gourd couldn't be used continuously. If the emperors took out another trump card comparable to that of a willow tree, he would not be able to bear it.

Not long after King Silver Horn left, the three Ruthless Sisters returned.

"Where's Elder Kuxuan?" The ruthless man looked around and asked suspiciously.

The emperors were silent for a while, and Shengji Zizai said slowly: "Shortly after the Sun God Envoy left, the Silver Horn King came over in person, used a purple gold gourd magic weapon, and took the Kuxuan Emperor into it."

Yu Xin was shocked: "What? Then why didn't you stop it."

"What to stop?" Judge Shui said angrily, and felt that the words were too harsh, and then explained: "In order to resist the attack of King Yinjiao, the Great Emperor Kuxuan summoned a willow tree of ten thousand feet, and the willow branches are like order. The Divine Chain is not much better than the Divine Emperor Corpse Puppet, but in the end it was suppressed by the will of Taishang Laojun, so how dare I act rashly."

"The strength of King Silver Horn is not terrifying, but the purple gold gourd is a powerful magic weapon. It is a treasure at the beginning of chaos. A fairy vine bears seven fruits, each of which is a famous treasure. What Taishang Laojun got is This purple gold gourd can smelt all things in the world, and the god emperor will be worried when he sees it, it is definitely not our enemy." Zi Yan's serious science.

The ruthless man murmured softly: "I also saw the willow tree in the distance. It is stern and immortal, and it shocks my heart. It is not even a match for the King of Silver Horn. This is difficult."

Judge Fire glanced at the three Ruthless Sisters and frowned, "Didn't the three divine envoys go to catch the mother of the two monsters, where are the people?"

Zi Yan said carelessly: "The old fox was more shrewd, he saw through our plan and fought hard. There was no way, we had to kill her."

"It's over, it's become a never-ending game." A great emperor wailed.

The emperors looked at each other in dismay, and couldn't come up with a solution for a while. After talking for a while, they dispersed and rested.

Chapter 891 A single finger can poke the emperor to death!

In a temporarily opened cave, Yuxin arranged a shielding formation.

Ruthless Man sent Duan Qingyun another flying sword of communication and returned.

The three sisters gathered around to discuss today's affairs.

"I didn't expect that the one who was recruited this time turned out to be Emperor Kuxuan." The ruthless man said with some emotion.

Among the emperors, Emperor Kuxuan is the most powerful, but his temperament can be regarded as approachable.

Zi Yan played with the golden rope, and said without raising her head: "This treasure of Laojun is really powerful, but a Zijin gourd has such a powerful force, killing the willow tree summoned by Emperor Kuxuan to death. Suppression, there must be something strange about this golden rope, I have to study it carefully."

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