The Water Judge mocked and said, "If you only said the first half of the sentence, we might believe it, and only think that these three demons are related to a certain Bodhisattva or Venerable in the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom, but the second half of your sentence is absurd. There is nothing that the ancient heaven can't manage, even the disciples of the Tathagata don't dare to show their prestige in front of the heaven, let alone a few beasts who have been relegated."

"Yes, it can be seen that you are full of nonsense and can't be true." Judge Fire added.

The old man trembled with anger, and said bitterly: "If you don't listen to the old man, you will surely suffer many disasters, farewell, farewell!"

After speaking, Pulsatilla leaned directly on crutches far away.

Tang Seng couldn't hold back, so he could only sigh and say, "Amitabha, my father-in-law is also kind, why are you so aggressive."

The Water and Fire Judge was silent.

Ruthless said: "Holy monk, don't get angry, the monsters on this mountain don't know the depths, let's rest at the foot of the mountain tonight."

At night, the three sisters got together again to discuss matters.

Ruren said: "The three demons of the Lion and Camel Mountains have extraordinary skills, and they all have big heels. They can even involve the Tathagata, which is the best disaster to deal with the judges of water and fire. It's a pity that they said that they didn't believe it today, but they definitely took precautions. Will easily agree to fight."

Zi Yan rolled her eyes and smiled; "Then let them put their guard down first, and the last blow will kill." Shuxzy Novel Network

After a pause, Zi Yan added: "I have to let Duan Qingyun's little thief do something here."

Duan Qingyun, who was more than ten kilometers away, shuddered coldly, an ominous premonition surged in his heart, and said sadly: "Pain, when will this Journey to the West Buddha Tribulation come to an end."

The next morning, everyone gathered for dinner.

Zi Yan said sternly: "I tried my best to recall last night, and finally I remembered the relationship between the Lion Camel Ridge. This place is really incredible. There are three devil kings, the blue lion, the white elephant, and the Dapeng. If you take out any one, you can hang the Heitian Devil Emperor. , something like the Yellow Wind Demon Emperor."

"And the army of demons here is also the largest of all disasters. There are [-] on the Nanling, [-] on the North Ridge, [-] at the east intersection, and [-] at the west intersection. There are countless people who burn fire, and countless people who gather firewood: a total of [-] or [-] people. All of them have names and cards. robbery!"

Yuxin added: "Although what the white-headed weng said yesterday was an exaggeration, the monsters here are so huge, and they will indeed make ordinary heavenly court officials feel difficult. "


The Water and Fire Judge took a deep breath. He didn't expect the Lion and Camel Ridge to be so powerful.

Looking at each other, the water judge said: "Our brother's injury has not healed yet, and I am afraid that this calamity will depend on three divine envoys."

"Hey, don't go too far, don't you want to contribute this time!" Zi Yan pretended to be angry and kicked over the food box, scaring Tang Seng to hide away quickly.

The Fire and Water Judge was also a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

The ruthless man pondered: "This catastrophe is really huge, our sisters can't resist alone. We can only fight the first battle, the follow-up mana is not good, and we have to rely on you to take action, so good?"

The Fire and Water Judge really couldn't push it, so he could only nod his head and say, "Just do as the Sun God Envoy said."

The three ruthless sisters immediately went up the mountain.

On the other side, Duan Qingyun had received a letter from the ruthless man early, asking him to deceive a group of demon soldiers and demon generals first, and it is best to make the three demons in Shituoling turn against each other and fight each other.

Duan Qingyun's nose was crooked when he saw this letter. If he had this ability, how could he be extorted to such a degree.

However, he didn't dare to disobey this order. He really didn't want to try Zi Yan's bizarre ways of dealing with people.

Here, I was thinking hard in my heart, but I ran into a little mountain patrolling monster head-on.

When the little demon saw Duan Qingyun, he immediately said vigilantly, "Who are you?"

Fortunately, Duan Qingyun had already turned into a monster, with a black bear face, and said naively, "You, how come your family doesn't recognize him!"

The little demon stared at Duan Qingyun carefully for a while, and asked in doubt: "I don't know, I have never seen you like this before. Who are you?"

Duan Qingyun said: "I was in charge of burning the fire. I was a unkempt adult. I think you haven't met a few times, and you can't see my appearance when you meet me."

The little demon was suspicious, and immediately frowned: "No, the king's family law is very strict, the one who burns the fire only needs to set the fire, and the mountain patrol only patrols the mountain, and he will never tell you to set the fire and teach you to patrol the mountain!

Duan Qingyun thought about it, and without thinking about it, he said: "You don't know, the king saw that I was burning well, so he sent me to patrol the mountain."

Chapter 908 Three Demon Kings Who Can Slaughter Immortals!

Little Yao can't compare to Duan Qingyun when it comes to being cunning and cunning. Hearing what he said, he felt that he couldn't find any flaws, so he nodded and said, "Then I will treat you as a mountain patroller. It's just that we are a mountain patroller, and we have a total of ten points. There are [-] people in one class, and there are [-] people in total. The king was afraid that we would mess up the shift and it would be difficult to order Mao, so he gave each of us a waist card. You take the waist card and show it to me, and I will know what you said Is it true?"

Duan Qingyun rolled his eyes, made a haha, and said, "Of course I have a card, it's a new card that I just received, but I don't know if you are fake, take out the card and show it to me first."

The little demon honestly opened his clothes, took off the gold lacquer token attached to his waist, and handed it to Duan Qingyun.

Duan Qingyun took a look and saw that on the back of the token was a big demon pattern of all the demons of Weizhen, and on the front there were three small seal-cut characters "Little Diamond Wind".

He pondered in his heart: "According to the cultural level of these monsters, they should not be able to get any high-level names. Since they are mountain patrols, they must have a word for style."

The little demon snatched the token back and said vigilantly, "My token is fine, now it's time for you to take out the token."

"Hehe, it turned out to be a misunderstanding. I thought you were disguised as the bodyguard of the Tang monk. Look, this is my token."

Duan Qingyun's expression was calm, he turned his palm over, and really took out a token that was exactly the same as the golden paint token, except that the three words on the front were changed to "Total Drill Wind".

Xiao Yao took the token and looked at it, and suddenly said in surprise: "My group of mountain patrols are all called Little Drill Wind, why are you called Master Drill Wind?"

Duan Qingyun grabbed the token and hung it on his waist, raised his neck and said, "You don't know anything, the king saw that I was burning well, he promoted me to a mountain patrol, and gave me a new card, called the total drill wind, teaching I'll take care of your group of forty brothers."

The little demon hurriedly bowed after hearing this and said, "Sir, sir, this little one has eyes and doesn't know Mount Tai, so I was offended just now."

Duan Qingyun showed the expression of a philistine, and put his hands up and said: "I don't blame you, it's just that this official is here for the first time, but you can't afford to meet with money."

"Xiao's, Xiao's, wait for me to gather a group of brothers and dedicate them to the superior." The little demon said very interestingly.

Duan Qingyun was worried that he couldn't find where the Demon King's cave was, and immediately nodded: "Okay, I'll go back with you."

The two walked all the way to the top of the mountain, and the little demon went around to gather the brothers. Everyone heard that the little demon checked the waist card, and they all gathered to see him.

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