And this Star God Envoy of the Three Gods Religion only relies on one person!

Killing all the three immortal emperors of Yin Yang and Hejiao, Zi Yan walked directly to Yinyang and Hejiao.

There, how could the Yin-Yang and the co-educational powerhouses in the Great Holy Realm dare to be enemies of the Star God Envoy, without waiting for Zi Yan to speak, she has taken out the sword on her own initiative.

Seeing that the Star God Envoy unceremoniously accepted the sword, Yin Yang and the Hejiao everyone breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, and this time they finally saved their lives.

Is it just true?

Wanting to come to the Kunlun Ruins for a trial, there was a melee in the hall, and Zi Yan wanted to use this opportunity to kill and prove the Tao!

Because Zi Yan can clearly feel that since she completely refined the origin of the Dragon Ancestor, not only did she break through to the peak of the Great Sacred Realm in one fell swoop, she also faintly felt that stepping into the Immortal Realm God Emperor was just around the corner.

The figure flickered, Zhan Xingjian showed no mercy, and Zi Yan proved the Tao by killing!

The yin-yang and Hejiao people made a series of miserable screams, and there were many angry rebels, but they were all killed by Zi Yan in the end!

Chapter 936 Those who do not open their eyes, kill!

As Zi Yan started killing, Yin Yang and Hejiao's remaining great holy realms, where would they be opponents.

Blood flew down, and along with the cold and ruthless star-slashing sword, this time in the trial grounds of Kunlun Ruins, the Yin-Yang and Hejiao who were the first to win the sword were all destroyed in an instant!

The powerhouses of the various religions are still desperately fighting for the remaining five swords.

Looking at the hall again, the Kuling Sect and the Huanyin Sect have each seized two swords, so they are not fighting.

The Five Thunder Orthodox Church has a sword in hand, and it is already contented, and it is not bad to be able to hold it.

The Star God of the Three Gods Sect single-handedly killed the Yin-Yang Hehe Sect and seized a sword.

Soon after, the Heaven Patching Sect also seized a treasured sword, but the price paid was quite high. If it were not for the number of disciples in the Great Sacred Realm, only the last remaining Immortal Realm God Emperor would not be able to bear the rest. Teach the strong team to attack.

The other two were won by the great teachers of the two sides.

Then the competition caused by the remaining two swords is even more intense.

Among them, some great sects even began to try to jointly snatch the swords that Wulei Orthodox Sect and Butian Sect had previously obtained.

The aliens of the demon race are still eyeing on one side, and the human religions have already killed their eyes in order to snatch the sword, and there is no time to take care of the demon race.

In the view of the various religions, as long as you have won the sword of birth, it is not too bad not to enter the real trial of Kunlun Ruins.

After all, the trial is unknown, and it is not known whether there is any danger, but the sword is the real thing right in front of you.

The Wulei Orthodox Sect and the Heaven-Mending Sect were both remembered, and the Kuling Sect and the Huanyin Sect had so many immortal god emperors, so no force had dared to snatch it up. on the head of the angel.

That is Zi Yan.

Due to the chaos of the war, before Zi Yan killed Yin Yang and Hejiao, not all the powerhouses saw it. When she learned that this little girl had a sword that was born, several immortal god emperors walked towards Zi Yan with bad faces. Come.

On the other side, Zhang Tian has taken Yuxin to the ruins of the ancient battlefield. There used to be a super battlefield where hundreds of clans fought. Although it has been reduced to ruins now, Zhang Tian has a way to let Yuxin experience it.

With a slight sweep of consciousness, Zhang Tian already knew that the Yin-Yang and Hejiao in the Kunlun Ruins had been killed by Zi Yan, and now he was blindly looking for Zi Yan to trouble him, so he couldn't help laughing: "I have another experience. ."

Yuxin and Liumei were curious, "Dad is talking about the third sister?"

"Exactly." Zhang Tian nodded and continued to walk in the void with Yuxin.

Kunlun Ruins, in the main hall, several immortal god emperors have walked in front of Zi Yan, sinking into a fan shape to surround the star god envoy of the three gods who came alone.

The experts from the Spiritual Sect and the Huanyin Sect all raised their eyes and looked over.

"Five Immortal Realm, the Star God Envoy is afraid that it will be troublesome." A strong man of the Spiritual Sect said to himself.

"If we want to guard our own two swords, I really want to help this cute little loli." The goddess emperor of the Huanyin Sect gave a charming smile.

At this moment, everyone knew that no one would care about the life and death of the Star God Envoy, even if there was that man behind the Three Gods Religion, it would not be easy.The Eighth Book Bar

Of course, if the Star God Envoy Consciousness handed over the sword, these people might not do it.

Is it just Zi Yan who can make friends?

It seems to be the prey in the hands of the five immortal emperors, but in Zi Yan's eyes, these five blind guys are here to give him experience!

"Are you here to grab my sword?" Zi Yan showed a harmless smile.

Zi Yan's demeanor fell into the eyes of the five immortal emperors, like an idiot baby, if you don't come to take your sword, why do you say we are here?

Seeing that the sword was at hand, the five immortal emperors smiled at each other, full of smug smiles, just about to threaten, but Zi Yan had already moved.

Jianmang crossed.

Stab it!

The beams of the rainbow swords are like the roaring ghosts of life-threatening ghosts, and the five immortal emperors were killed by the sword of the star gods!

Can't even react at all!

"This! It's too strong!"

"Slaying five god emperors with one sword?"

Everyone was shocked. If they didn't see it with their own eyes, who would dare to believe that the Star God Envoy at the peak of the Great Sacred Realm could kill five Immortal Realm God Emperors with one sword?

The Lingling Sect and the Magic Sound Sect have been paying attention to Zi Yan's side.

Counting the Yin Yang and the three Immortal Realm God Emperors who were killed by the Star God Envoy before, that is, in this short period of time, the Star God Envoy of the Three Gods Sect has killed a full eight Immortal Realm God Emperor!

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