The power of the three attacked the bull-headed demon king, and the last three were seriously injured and could not wake up!

These three powerhouses have been hurriedly brought back to protect them by the people of the Linguistic Sect. Losing three peak god emperors, even a great sect with a profound background like the Lingling Sect, will feel heartache.

"Hahaha, is this the strength of your strong human beings? It's really vulnerable!" The demon king with the head of a cow laughed wantonly.

At this moment, its body is a hundred feet long, like a hell demon, and as soon as its arms are waved, human powerhouses are blasted out like cannonballs.

There are even weaker powerhouses in the Great Holy Realm, and under this arm, they are directly bombarded with blood and flesh!

In the mysterious hall in the Kunlun Ruins, the human powerhouse screamed again and again, and from time to time, some people were severely injured by the demon clan, and even fell.

The demon clan is rampant, and the religions are too busy to take care of themselves. The entire hall is bloody, like purgatory!

Chapter 938 The handwriting of the Emperor Burying!

"Jie Jie Jie, I have long heard that the Huanyin Sect are all beautiful women. It's true when I saw it today, but you all have to die! Jie Jie!" A powerful demon king swept towards the Huanyin Sect and let out a gloomy smile. sound.

"Five Thunder Orthodox Church, you can remember this king!" Another demon king with equally terrifying strength went straight to the Five Thunder Orthodox Church.

Around, the gust of wind swept wildly, and the terrifying auras one after another, swept towards the major sects.

It turns out that there are not one strong demon king sent by the demon clan this time. Obviously, the demon clan not only wants to snatch the swords in the hands of the major sects, but also wants to kill the strong sects here!

A demon king who was not too powerful went straight to Zi Yan.

The scarlet blood-colored aura surged around his body. The demon king didn't think that Zi Yan was a little Lolita, or just the strength of the Great Sacred Realm, so he kept his hand, and the shot was magical power.


The blood-red chains quickly shot at Zi Yan, the demon king licked the corner of his mouth, his greedy eyes were full of hungry smiles, as if he could see the flesh and blood of that petite body flying in the next second.

Seeing that the little girl raised the long sword to greet him, the sarcastic smile in the eyes of the demon king was even greater.

He could even clearly see how the little girl wielded the long sword under his own eyes.

"What about people!"

Stab it!

The smile on his face just bloomed, his eyes were full of doubts, and he didn't even have time to react how Zi Yan disappeared in front of him. The demon king only felt dizzy for a while, and then the whole ground rose.

In the end, the demon king actually saw his huge body.

That body is very familiar, it is his mighty body, but above the neck, it is empty!Blood is pouring!

Seeing such a picture, the demon king knew that his head was actually cut off by this little girl!

"Damn human!" The demon king let out his final roar, and then lost his life.

Zi Yan killed the demon king with one sword, attracting the demon clan and the powerhouses in the fight. The eyes of the powerhouses all flashed with joy, and the battle for the sword was put aside first. Now it is the only way for humans to work together to deal with the demon clan. kingly.

And the strength displayed by this Star God Envoy is enough to crush the Demon King, and even crush the vast majority of the Immortal Realm God Emperor present, which makes the powerhouses of various religions rekindle their confidence.

On the other side, the powerful demon clan actually fell to a king level, and they all attacked Zi Yan with roars and roars.

"Star God Envoy, I'll help you stop some!" The Huanyin Sect separated three Immortal Realm God Sovereigns and came to Zi Yan.

Zi Yan didn't speak, but she was actually a little unhappy in her eyes.

The dignified Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor still needs the help of your Phantom Music Sect?

Before Zi Yan killed eight God Emperors of the Endless Realm, she felt that the origin of the Dragon Emperor in her body was eager to try, but now she kills the Demon King with one sword, this feeling is even stronger.

Zi Yan has no doubt that as long as she keeps killing like this, she will be able to prove the Dao with killing today, break through the peak of the Great Sacred Realm, and step into the Endless Realm God Emperor!Lingjiu Literature Network

In addition, the trials of Kunlun Ruins will continue.

Since all ten swords are to be collected, after all these monsters are killed, Zi Yan will not show mercy to these ancient masters, and their swords must be grabbed.

"Star God Envoy, I'm here to help you too!" Zi Yan's eyes were even more displeased, because the Linguistic Sect also divided two strong men, standing by Zi Yan's side with swords.

The powerhouses of the demon clan have already been plundered, and Zi Yan was too lazy to pay attention to the powerhouses of the various religions, and directly entered the demon clan with one sword and one person.

"Let's go too!" An Immortal Realm God Sovereign of the Lingling Sect sighed in a deep voice, and followed Zi Yan into the demon group. At the same time, the Immortal Realm God Sovereign of the Huanyin Sect and other sects God Sovereigns also showed their magical powers. .

It seems that the killing of the demon king by the star gods of the Three Gods Sect has inspired everyone's confidence, and the shouts of the powerful human beings for a while overwhelmed the demon clan, which far exceeds the number of humans.

In a distant ancient ruin, a man and a woman were standing in the clouds.

The man is dressed in white, handsome in appearance, seemingly elegant and easy-going, but in fact has the terrifying ability to destroy the world.

The woman, dressed in purple, with long hair reaching her waist, stood quietly beside the man.

It was Zhang Tian and Yuxin.

"This is what I call the Primordial Battlefield." Looking at the deep bumpy ruins below, Zhang Tian said casually.

Yuxin nodded, her eyes narrowed and she watched carefully.

"This place used to be an ancient super battlefield, and later encountered the ancient hundred tribes to fight again, and finally completely reduced to ruins."

"Later I will reverse the time and space, so that the entire battlefield returns to the form when the ancient hundred clans fought. At that time, you will join this battlefield as a member of the other side of the flower clan." Zhang Tian said as he slowly spread his arms.

The power that dominates the world makes the ruins that have been silent for ten thousand years start to move, and the surrounding space is sharply distorted.

And Zhang Tian, ​​while casting spells against the sky, is still paying attention to the Kunlun Ruins with his divine sense.

In the trial place of Kunlun Ruins, in the golden hall, Zi Yan is holding the Star Slashing Sword, in the hall, people stop killing people, and demons stop demons!

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