Chapter 941 Gather all the fetishes, the forbidden area of ​​terror!

So far, Zi Yan has recovered her previous loli body.

"This is not bad, anyway, the Dragon Emperor has already broken through, and I will save you from dying today!" With a satisfied smile, Zi Yan accepted the sword presented by the demon clan unceremoniously.

With these three swords, Zi Yan already has four, but if you want to go to the real trial place, you must collect ten swords.

Therefore, Zi Yan quickly swept her gaze to some great sects with swords, such as Juling Sect and Huanyin Sect.

Feeling the chill in Zi Yan's eyes, a strong man of the Wulei Orthodox Church took the initiative to donate the sword.

The strong man's eyes were full of unwillingness, and he even sacrificed many of his companions with his life. Unexpectedly, in the end, the sword that was guarded and guarded was still offered to others.

If I knew this earlier, I might as well not grab this sword!

Under the sword, Zi Yan looked at the other two unknown forces that took the sword.

Like the Wulei Orthodox Church, the powerhouses of the two forces hurriedly offered up their swords, and they didn't even have any hesitation and thinking in their eyes.

All of this is naturally due to Zi Yan's absolute power, as well as the terrifying aura of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor shown earlier.

In the end, there were only the Guling Sect and the Huan Yin Sect.

The two great sects are the most powerful here. They both have ten immortal emperors, and they have also taken the initiative to help themselves against the enemy before, so Zi Yan is not willing to rob it unless it is a last resort.

But the sword, Zi Yan is bound to win!

Because only by collecting ten treasured swords can one enter the real Kunlun Ruins trial site. The sword does not attract Zi Yan, but the trial site is what really attracts Zi Yan!

The woman's intuition is very accurate. When several goddess emperors of the Huanyin Sect felt the certainty in Zi Yan's eyes, after hesitating for a while, they finally took the initiative to dedicate the two swords to Zi Yan.

Then there is only the Spiritual Religion left.

In fact, the strong people of the Kuling Sect were not willing to give away the swords they had stolen, especially during the trip to the Kunlun Ruins, the Kuling Sect sent ten immortal emperors at once.

"Envoy of the Star God, we have worked hard to get this sword, and among them, we have lost several companions..." An immortal emperor who was restrained by the spiritual sect looked at Zi Yan's eyes and whispered with a smile.

"I want to seize the treasure sword and it doesn't matter if you like it or not!" Zi Yan drank coldly, raising her hand and slamming it down with a magical power.

The divine power that contained terrifying power directly slammed into the Immortal Realm God Emperor of the Spiritual Sect. The God Emperor's face changed suddenly. He did not expect that the Star God Envoy would actually do it when he said it, and he did not give himself room for relaxation at all.

Quickly mentioning all his cultivation bases, the Immortal Realm Emperor tried to resist the divine power of the Star God Envoy.


A figure was blasted out directly, like being blasted out by a broken tree.

"It seems that you are not planning to give up your sword?" Zi Yan looked at the people of the Lingling Cult and said coldly.Love 999 Novel

"It's not actually, it's just that it's not easy for us to take this sword from the Spiritual Sect..." Another Immortal Realm Emperor wanted to say something else.

"Noisy!" Zi Yan's eyes were completely cold, and she punched again.

The petite fist contained an extremely terrifying aura, and another immortal king of the spiritual sect was also severely injured by Zi Yan.

This scene fell into the eyes of everyone and all the demons, except for the Spiritual Sect, everyone felt a hint of happiness in their hearts.

Naturally, the demon clan need not say more, of course they are happy to see the Lingling Sect slumped.

The rest of the great sects, ever since they entered the Kunlun Ruins, have been enduring the condescension of the Lingling Sect.

There is another point, that is the inferiority of human beings. Since all of our religions have handed over the sword, why do you keep the sword hidden?

In the ruins of Kunlun, Zi Yan's face has completely turned gloomy. If the spiritual teaching is still so ignorant, Zi Yan doesn't mind continuing to do it.

In the end, the powerhouses of the Lingling Sect looked at each other in dismay. In front of the Star God Envoys of the Three Gods Sect, even if there were eight immortal emperors with sufficient combat power, they still had no chance of winning.

"We are willing to give up these two swords!"

As everyone wished, the Lingling Sect finally offered up the sword.


The sound of rolling thunder came from the void of Kunlun Ruins, and just as everyone looked at it with puzzled eyes, a voice resounded throughout the Kunlun Ruins.

"The ten fetishes have been collected, and those who are destined wish you good luck!"

The voice is extremely indifferent, as if seeing the ups and downs of ten thousand years, without the slightest emotion.

After that, all the demons in Kunlun Ruins were suddenly transported into the Void Wormhole.

After everyone reacted, the human powerhouses have been forcibly sent out.

Monster Race, too!

Outside the original Kunlun Ruins, as the people of various religions were forcibly spread out, the powerful emperors of the various religions who had left each other have gathered again.

The powerful emperors of all religions are asking about the trial of the Kunlun Ruins, and when they learn that only one person can enter the real trial ground, they all shake their heads in regret.

Among them, they belonged to the Kuling Sect and the Huan Yin Sect, but they did not expect to send ten Immortal Realm Emperors to return without success.

Especially when they learned that the star god envoy of the Three Gods sect alone occupies ten sacred objects, all the great emperors of the sects showed anger.

"The star god messenger of the three gods is too deceiving!"

"When she comes out, I will teach her to teach her a lesson!"

Chapter 942 Twelve Golden Immortals, life and death catastrophe!

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