The supernatural power appeared, the dragon roared at the Kunlun Ruins, and the life and death catastrophe had just begun!

Chapter 943 Star God Envoy, Fall?


This forbidden area of ​​Kunlun Ruins is dedicated to the twelve golden immortal tablets of Yuqing Palace of Zixiao Shrine. Just after Zi Yan broke in without authorization, the great formation of the twelve golden immortals has been triggered.

Accompanied by a golden light shot out, it shot on Zi Yan's body that transformed into the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor.

It was Zi Yan who broke through to the Immortal Realm God Emperor, and was hit by the golden light, and he felt his blood surging and was extremely uncomfortable.

One after another golden light continued to blast out, and I saw that one of the twelve golden immortal tablets in the ancestral hall actually transformed into an illusory figure. This figure could not see the appearance, but the breath was very terrifying.

And this is just the beginning.

Immediately after, another phantom figure with a terrifying breath appeared from the tablet.

In the end, looking at the twelve figures who had surrounded herself in the formation, Zi Yan's complexion suddenly changed.

Although these twelve figures are all illusory, the breath they show is a peerless powerhouse comparable to the Immortal King level!

Not to mention the twelve golden immortals, it is one, and it is enough for Zi Yan to eat a pot. This is still the illusory twelve golden immortals. If it is the deity, its strength is even more terrifying and unknown!

"Bold alien race, how dare you trespass into the forbidden land of true immortals!" An illusory figure said coldly, his voice seemed to penetrate the void, coming from Jiuyou, cold into the bone marrow!


The law followed his words, and a magical power slammed down.

Zi Yan was directly slammed back again and again, her delicate face, and blood was overflowing from the corners of her mouth.

"Those who break into the forbidden area, kill without mercy!" Another phantom said coldly, followed by a supernatural power blasting out.


The Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor was unwilling to fall, and let out a roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth, in this ancestral hall in the Kunlun Forbidden Land.

This roaring dragon roar penetrated this forbidden area, and also penetrated the entire Kunlun Ruins!


Kunlun Ruins.

The powerhouses of the ancient religions are still there, and among them there is no lack of powerhouses. When they heard this angry dragon roar that penetrated the heavens and the earth, everyone was shocked.

Such a breath is really scary!

"It's the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, the Star God Envoy of the Three Gods Religion!" Some strong people have already recognized this dragon whistle, because in the golden hall, the Three Gods Religion's Star God Envoy had transformed into the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor's envoy! Ontology!

"It turns out that it is no wonder that one person can dominate the entire trial ground!" A strong emperor seemed to think.

Not far away, at the Heaven-Mending Religion, God Liu had a solemn look on his face, because the dragon howl from the Great Void Ancient Dragon Emperor was more like an angry roar. Could it be that the Star God Envoy encountered something in the trial grounds? Trouble?


Suddenly Liu Shen remembered a legend.

That is a legend about the twelve golden immortals. It is said that there is a forbidden place in the trial site of Kunlun Ruins.

This forbidden area is used to enshrine the twelve golden immortals, which is called the ancestral hall of the golden immortals!Qishu Network

And his own Heaven-Mending Sect has been guarding here. In fact, this is the Jinxian ancestral hall that he originally guarded. There is a vague feeling in his heart that the Star God Envoy of the Three Gods Sect seems to have broken into the forbidden area of ​​Kunlun Ruins— - Jinxian Ancestral Hall!

Jinxian Temple!

Forbidden land, magical powers are still blasting out.

Fortunately, Zi Yan has the body of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, otherwise he would have been killed by these twelve golden immortals.

Although there is no fear of life at this time, Zi Yan is not feeling well at this time, and the huge Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor's body is now scarred and bloodied.

You can even clearly see the blood flow along the rolled flesh and blood, mixed with broken dragon scales, constantly flowing out.

And the golden dragon wings that originally exuded dazzling golden light were also smashed to pieces by the twelve golden immortal formations!

If this goes on, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor will surely fall here!


Zi Yan has no time to regret it now, because since the opening of the Twelve Golden Immortals, the magical powers that come from the golden streamers have not stopped.

Just resisting and avoiding these magical powers is overwhelming, and Zi Yan has no time to regret it.


Another golden streamer blasted, directly hitting the dragon horns of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor.


The huge Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor slammed to the ground, and the light flickered, already overwhelmed, and turned back to Zi Yan's Lolita body.

Broken clothes, covered in blood!

"But... Damn! I absolutely... can never die here!" Difficulty climbed up from the ground, her delicate face was full of stubbornness, Zi Yan would never allow herself to die here.

It's just that Zi Yan, who had exploded vigorously because of breaking through to the Immortal Realm God Emperor, now she knows very well that she is already at the end of her power.

Regret, unwillingness, anger, and monstrous hatred rose in Zi Yan's heart.

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