Empress Huanyin's sword glow came out again, and at the same time she slapped it with a palm.

This time, the true immortal-level calamity leader was actually shaken back.

This made the leader of the god of calamity quite annoyed, but he did not swipe at the Huan Yin Empress again, but temporarily restrained his own horror, and finally said coldly with the Huan Yin Empress: "Today, you have to surrender if you do not surrender to the Huan Yin Sect, You have to surrender, if you are acquainted and look down on this immortal obediently, this immortal will treat you well!”

"Otherwise, it's not just you who will suffer, your entire Huan Yin Sect will become a slave of our clan!"

When the voice of the leader of the god of calamity fell, not only the face of the Huanyin Empress suddenly changed, but the expressions of all the strong disciples of the Huanyin Sect changed drastically.

They not only want to surrender to the phantom sound religion, but also to occupy all the women of the phantom sound religion!

This made everyone in the Huanyin Sect both ashamed and angry, but unfortunately the opponent was too strong, even the Huanyin Empress was embarrassed, what could he do?

After the calamity leader finished speaking, he looked at the Huanyin Sect so coldly, as if in his eyes, the Huanyin Sect in front of him was already a cyst.

Chapter 975 The mainland is frightened, the three gods are going to take action

In fact, it is not only the Five Thunder Orthodox Sect, but the Huan Yin Sect was suddenly threatened by the forces of the God of Disaster, and the powerful sects in Shengyuan Continent were attacked by the forces of the God of Disaster.

For example, Yin-Yang Hehuan Religion, such as Juling Religion, such as...

According to the power ranking, this time, the god of disaster forces dispatched a total of seven forces. Except for the mysterious black fog and the golden armor man who did not act, the remaining seven god of disaster forces all found a powerful sect in Shengyuan Continent.

They want Shengyuan Continent to surrender, and the deadline is today!

The fighting of the Kuling Sect can be said to be more tragic than that of the Wulei Orthodox Sect and the Huanyin Sect. The Kuling Sect has a tendency to become the strongest church in the Shengyuan Continent during this period. Just when this side of the god of calamity forces came to the Lingling Religion, the two sides disagreed and started a war directly.

Terrifying supernatural powers were constantly blasting out over the Kuling Sect. This battle was different from the Mutian Sect. It was a battle between absolute powerhouses. If the master of the Kuling Sect won, then the Kuling Sect would be there.

On the other hand, if the Kuling sect master and elders are all defeated or killed, then the Kuling sect will have to surrender if they do not surrender.

This fight is destined to be fierce, and there is no way to tell the result in a short time. After all, this time, the God of Calamity forces only sent one force, and the foundation of the Spiritual Religion is also strong!

The rest of the great sects, similar to the situation of the Kuling sect, could not bear the contempt of others, and they absolutely could not surrender to their defeat.

However, the Yin-Yang Hehuan Sect, which is not weak, did not even resist the arrival of a true immortal-level calamity leader, and directly expressed its willingness to surrender.

This may have caused some doubts or even dissatisfaction among the ancient religions, but for the yin and yang acacia, it is actually the same whether to surrender or not to the god of disaster.

In the long run, once the gods of calamity really dominate the Shengyuan Continent, then the Yin-Yang Acacia Sect that voluntarily surrendered will definitely benefit the most in the future. How can you still take the Yin-Yang Acacia Sect by then?

The war broke out all over the night, and several battles broke out directly in Shengyuan Continent, and these were the top churches in Shengyuan Continent.

This made the people in the entire Shengyuan Continent fall into fear, because people will always be afraid of the invasion of foreign forces.

Because I don't know what will be waiting for the entire Shengyuan Continent once the religions of Shengyuan Continent are really defeated. This is the fear of the unknown.

While the Quartet War was still going on, everyone was praying in their hearts for the great teachers in the battles of all sides, praying that they would be able to defeat the forces of calamity.

In a tavern, several men were drinking wine, but their faces were very sad. Their cultivation base was very low, and they were only in the sea realm.

"Did you know? The power of the god of calamity comes from the Ziwei star field. It is said that every leader is a true immortal-level powerhouse!"

"I heard that the Thunder Emperor of the Five Thunders Orthodox Church is fighting against a god of calamity and a true immortal. I don't know who will die in the end." Another person added.

"It's not just Emperor Zihua Lei, Empress Huanyin is also fighting people." Someone added.

At this time, the shop owner brought a pot of buffalo beef just out of the pot to several people, shook his head and smiled: "Not only the Wulei Orthodox Sect, the Huan Yin Empress, the Juling Sect, the Taichuan Sect, etc. have all started a war with the god of calamity, Now the entire Shengyuan Continent can be said to be in flames of war, and I don't know how it will be in the future."

The boss doesn't have any cultivation base, but at the moment, the Lunhai Realm present here believes the boss's words very much, because the matter of the god of calamity coming to Shengyuan Continent has spread in the community since the Heaven Mending Sect was destroyed.

"Come on! We drink, what does this have to do with us, it's a pleasure to drink him today!"

"Yes, drink his ass!"

Several masters of Lunhai Realm raised their glasses to each other and drank it. On the surface, they said so, but in fact their faces were still the same melancholy as before.

Although it has nothing to do with himself, no one wants to live in the Shengyuan Continent to become a subsidiary of other continents. What is the difference between this and captive animals?

Speaking of the Three Gods Religion, just when the medieval great sect of Shengyuan Continent was attacked by the forces of the God of Disaster, Zhang Tian had already gathered everyone in the hall of the Three Gods Religion.

"Is this going to act?" Before Zhang Tian spoke, Zi Yan said impatiently.

The little girl's face is full of anticipation. She has received Zhang Tian's guidance these days, and she has thoroughly comprehended the great way of the avenue concealed by Liu Shen. Zi Yan's strength has improved again, so Zi Yan can't wait to show her skills.

At the same time, this time, the eldest sister is accompanied by the second sister, the high priest, and more importantly, her father's protection, so Zi Yan has nothing to worry about.

"Okay, don't make a fuss for now, and let my father finish the sentence first." Yu Xin quickly pulled Zi Yan to her side and put her arms around Zi Yan's little head, which made the latter mutter dissatisfied.

"Since the four sides of Shengyuan Continent are fighting, our Three Gods Church, as a church in Shengyuan Continent, naturally cannot stand idly by." Zhang Tian smiled slowly, and immediately said: "The Wulei Orthodox Church seems to be overwhelmed by Emperor Zihua Lei. Ruthless man, Yuxin, Zi Yan, you three sisters should set off to support Zihua Leidi now."

Chapter 976 The three gods gather together in the Five Thunder Orthodox Church

"As ordered!"

"Follow Father's orders!"

After Zhang Tian finished speaking, Ruthless Man and Yu Xin said in unison, while Zi Yan could only stare blankly because Yu Xin was still holding her small head.

As for the other people in the hall, Zhang Tian did not make any further arrangements, and was still watching the changes.

"Sir, do you want me to help the three divine envoys?" The high priest asked to leave the station because he was worried.

However, it was rejected by Zhang Tian, ​​because in Zhang Tian's opinion, Yu Xin, who has the ancient emperor realm, and Ruthless Man and Zi Yan in the immortal realm, are enough to deal with the power of the god of disaster.

Even if there is a true immortal-level powerhouse in the god of calamity force!

The Three Gods Sect, got Zhang Tian's order, and the three sisters set off directly.

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