One after another sword flowers came, and Empress Huanyin would rather die in this world of Huanyin Sect than allow her body to be defiled by others.

"Want to die in battle? How can it be so easy, in front of me, it's not your turn to make a decision!" Seeing Empress Huanyin's intentions, the calamity leader smiled grimly, his eyes full of lustful light.

Immediately with a flick of the empty hand, the sharp sword flowers gathered from countless paths were directly scattered,

At the same time, he reached out a hand and grabbed it towards Empress Huanyin.

At this moment, Empress Huanyin knew that this guy had been using all his strength, and a shocking pool arose in his heart, and hurriedly swept back.

Empress Huanyin knew that once she was caught by that big hand, what was waiting for her would be doomed!

It's just that Empress Huanyin can't react as fast or as fast as that big hand.

Her teeth were clenched tightly, and even her lips were bleeding. Empress Huanyin closed her eyes weakly, holding a long sword with cold glow in her hand, and the sword edge had quietly changed its direction.

The cold mang sword edge, this time is not facing the abominable calamity leader, but facing his neck.

The Huan Yin Empress wanted to kill herself to maintain her reputation.

As the master of the Huanyin Sect, and as a well-known great emperor in the Shengyuan Continent, the Huanyin Empress will never allow herself to be defiled by others, even if she dies!

At this moment, an extremely terrifying breath suddenly came from the sky, and along with that breath, a voice that was very familiar to Empress Huan Yin appeared in this world.

"Do the true immortals in the Ziwei Star Region like to bully women so much?"

The figure of the man has not yet appeared, and the terrifying breath has come, followed by the man's playful questioning.

It's him!

It's the leader of the Three Gods Sect, Zhang!

Empress Huanyin will never hear it wrong, because Empress Huanyin has seen Zhang Tian, ​​and she has also seen Zhang Tian's horror.

The cold sword in his hand has been gently tapped on his neck, and even a little blood has been cut, but after Zhang Tian's voice appeared, Empress Huanyin still held back the sword.

Since Zhang Tian appeared here at this point in time, he must have come to rescue his Phantom Sect.

There was a smile on his delicate face, and there was gratitude in his eyes, as well as anticipation.

The Huanyin Sect has nothing to do with the Three Gods Sect. Why did he come to save him today? This made Empress Huanyin want to go there. In addition, in the city of Hades, Emperor Zihua Lei made a joke with him, and even more so. It made Empress Huan Yin lost her mind for a while.

"Who! It's a mystery here, and you have the ability to come out!" Seeing that the prey was about to be obtained, but it was suddenly destroyed, this true immortal powerhouse of the God of Calamity's face was terrifying and terrifying, and he drank it towards the void.

"You are not qualified to see me yet!" In the depths of the void, the man's voice came out again.

The cold voice penetrated the void and fell from the sky above, cold and ruthless, without a trace of emotion.

At this moment, this arrogant calamity leader finally thought of something.

Because this voice was almost exactly the same as the voice that appeared in the Kunlun Ruins Replenishing Heaven Sect that day, it was cold and ruthless, and did not wait for emotional color. The only difference was that it was a little less angry and a little more playful than that day.

It's him!

It must be that man!This voice is not wrong, this breath is not wrong!

The calamity leader suddenly said madly in his heart, and without thinking about it, he hurriedly swept back.

The speed is so fast that it is beyond everyone's expectations. Not only does it surprise the strong people under him, but it also makes the entire Phantom Sound Sect incomprehensible.


In the sky, the man's voice continued, "No one can escape from me yet!"


As the man's voice fell, a white palm slammed down.

"No! No... ah..."

In the sky in the distance, everyone saw that the leader of the god of calamity, who was escaping quickly, was hit by a sudden palm.

Where, the terrifying energy swept wildly, and after the leader of the calamity made a shrill scream, he fell like a broken tree, and his life and death were unknown.

Empress Huanyin knew that the leader of the god of calamity would definitely die, because it was Master Zhang who shot!

Around the Empress, there are already strong men, like the Five Thunder Orthodox Church, protecting the Huan Yin Empress in the middle.

Not far away, a figure was walking slowly.

The man had a delicate complexion, white clothes and white robes, without a trace of mundane dust, with a warm smile on his face.

As for the god of calamity forces still here, let the man walk past them, but no one dared to stop them and say blame.

It didn't take long for the man to walk in front of the Huan Yin Empress.

"Empress Huanyin has seen Master Zhang!"


Zhang Tian just came to the front of Empress Huanyin, Empress Huanyin had already knelt on one knee with a sword and said respectfully.

Chapter 978 Destroy the true immortal with one palm, and slaughter the god of calamity with one hand!

"Leader Zhang rescued the Huanyin Sect from water and fire today, and I can't wait to be grateful!" Zhang Tian smiled, but did not stop the Huanyin Empress from kneeling down, and let the Huanyin Empress continue.

"The Shengyuan Continent is a family, and the God of Disaster forces want to divide up the Shengyuan Continent. Even if they don't attack my Three Gods, I will not stand by." Zhang Tian said with a smile, at the same time signaling the Empress Huanyin to get up.

When Zhang Tian said this, the delicate face of the Huan Yin Empress couldn't help showing a hint of doubt, "What does Master Zhang mean, the God of Disaster forces not only attacked our Huan Yin Sect, but also attacked other great sects?"

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